You must know that the giant stinger is both insect and poisonous.

"Interesting!" Looking at the situation on the field, Bai Mo found that the coconut palm tree that he shot was the leader of hundreds of coconut egg trees, the only top-ranking aptitude, it had the strength of a quasi-king intermediate.

This strength is a bit stronger than the Big Needle Bee, but the attributes are unfavorable, and the game is still not easy to play.

But this time, because the coconut egg tree was a surprise attack, and it used twice the mental shock of restraining the giant needle bee at once.

It has been fighting for a long time, and the large needle bee, which has lost a lot of physical strength, was hit by the substantial spiritual power and fell to the ground!

After falling to the ground, the giant needle bee struggled hard to stand up, but the coconut egg tree was very good at taking the opportunity, and took the opportunity to use the mind hammer on the giant needle bee again, and it pushed the giant needle bee again. on the ground.

"It seems that this is indeed the leader of the coconut egg tree, or the one the magician wants to conquer!"

At the beginning, Bai Mo thought it was very strange, why this coconut egg tree would take the initiative to attack, and now he is sure that this guy is the leader, and the surrounding coconut egg trees were brought by his command after hypnosis.

Squinting his eyes, Bai Mo glanced at Big Needle Bee and said loudly:

"Big Needle Bee, go on your own, don't lose my face!"

Chapter 0524 Packing the Coconut Egg Tree Legion, the hatched three Pocobi!

Hearing Bai Mo's voice, the giant needle bee, who was already very angry because of the sneak attack, flapped its wings and flew out with high-speed motion, looking at the coconut egg tree with anger in its eyes.

Afterwards, the giant needle bee directly relied on speed to win, and when the coconut palm tree was not paying attention, the purple double needles crossed in front of him, forming a cross and hitting the coconut egg tree.

The Big Needle Bee used the insect-type skill Cross Scissors, and the effect was outstanding. The coconut egg tree was knocked down instantly, and a purple light appeared on its body!

Obviously, the coconut egg tree was poisoned by the special double needles of the giant stingray!

Being hit by a giant stinger, he was also poisoned, and his body was very uncomfortable. As the leader of the group, the eyes of Coconut Egg Tree were also full of anger, and the energy of the sun began to gather on the top of the green head.

Obviously, the Coconut Egg Tree is to use the grass-type ultimate move the sun beam.

Seeing this scene, the large needle bee, who was trained by Bai Mo with high speed in all aspects, rushed straight up and used the cross scissors again. The solar beam's energy storage also stopped halfway through.

This is the weakness of Pokémon when they have not been trained by a trainer, or when they are commanded by a trainer, they are often based on instinct, and they are not very brainy, so they are easy to be targeted.

For example, this coconut egg tree dared to use the sun beam that took time to prepare when facing the speedy giant needle bee, obviously giving the opponent a chance.

At this time, in the mid-air flying out, a blue light appeared in the eyes of Coconut Egg Tree, and he used his mind power to control his body and stop it.

But at the moment when the coconut egg tree stopped, the giant needle bee used high-speed motion again, and came to the front of the former in an instant, using a deadly needle!


The Coconut Egg Tree was attacked by the Giant Stinging Bee again, but the Giant Stinging Bee's attack did not end. It was poisoned again, and the purple double needles pierced directly into the Coconut Egg Tree's body, causing huge damage. At the same time, it began to inject more lots of toxins.

A deeper purple also appeared on the coconut palm tree!

Holding back the pain on his body, Coconut Egg Tree looked at the eyes of the giant needle bee, his eyes flashed, and a blue light emitted a hypnotism!

Seeing this, Bai Mo opened his mouth and wanted to command, but when he remembered that he had said before that he would let the big needle bee save face by himself, he didn't make a sound in the end.

And at this time, the duel between the giant needle bee and the coconut egg tree has not unexpectedly become the focus of everyone!

On the ground, noticing the eyes of the coconut palm tree, the giant needle bee began to feel a little sleepy, and the double needles pierced began to become weak, and instinctively fell from the coconut palm tree body.

Just when the giant stinger was about to fall asleep completely hypnotized by the coconut egg tree, what Bai Mo said before reappeared in the giant stinger's ear.

That sentence, like a thunderbolt, made the big needle bee clever. The next moment, a fierce light flashed in his red eyes, and the whole body spun up and performed a sword dance!

The hypnotism of the coconut palm tree became useless against the spinning giant stingray.

Coconut Egg Tree's hypnotism failed, and as soon as his movements changed, he planned to use mental shock again.

But at this time, the giant needle bee suddenly stopped his body, and his wings rushed forward again and used a deadly needle!

The contact was hit by the cross scissors, and some were hit by the fatal needle stick. In addition, the current big needle bee has temporarily improved too many superpowers through the previous deadly needle stick and sword dance. The physical attack has reached a terrible level. The ultimate power damage is not generally high!

This time, the coconut egg tree was hit and fell down.

Seeing the coconut egg tree falling down, a smile flashed in Bai Mo's eyes, and he threw a elf ball to subdue the coconut egg tree.

The Poké Ball shook a few times, but stopped unexpectedly, indicating that it was successfully subdued, and then disappeared as a ray of light, returning to the small world.

At this time, Bai Mo walked to the front of the big needle bee and patted its wings, "Yes, the big needle bee, you did a good job."

"Looks like we can try that evolution recently!"

"Cough!" Big Needle Bee nodded slightly when she heard Bai Mo's words, her eyes full of anticipation.

And after the leader of the coconut tree was captured by Bai Mo, the hypnosis of the other coconut trees seemed to be lifted. Obviously, as Bai Mo thought, it was the coconut tree that caused the current situation. The problem.

After the remaining coconut egg trees were awakened, there were not a few left, and Bai Mo did not have them left. He directly let the giant needle bee take another shot and subdue all these coconut egg trees into the small world.

Grass-type and super-type elves are still very valuable to cultivate.

After conquering the Coconut Egg Tree Legion, because it was still early, Bai Mo did not stop in this town, but continued on his way to the next town!

However, on the way, Bai Mo and others stopped, and the group surrounded three glowing eggs. These three eggs were all white elf eggs with blue and red triangle patterns mixed with them. , at a glance, it is the same kind of elf.

The white light quickly disappeared, and what reappeared in front of everyone were three small elves whose body was like an egg and whose body color was mainly bright yellow.

This elf has black eyes and five thorns on the top of its head, which looks a bit like a crown. Most of its body is wrapped in eggshells, and there are some red and blue triangle rings on the eggshell. pattern.

What makes the girls feel so cute is that these three elves have short, thick hands and round feet with two toes and semi-circular brown pads on the soles of their feet.

"Is this Porkby? So cute!"

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