Seeing the huge steel flying machine in the sky, or the steel fortress, Bai Mo's eyes narrowed, he knew what the appearance of this thing meant.

In that case, interesting things are about to happen.

"Do you want to make a cameo appearance as Savior?" Touching his chin, Bai Mo suddenly thought, what happened here today should be publicized by many trainers.

A cameo savior would be a good idea.

"What the hell is this?!"

Seeing this scene as well, it took a while for Nana and the girls to recover from the shock, and couldn't help asking, hoping someone could tell them the answer.

Indeed, even Nanami, the granddaughter of Dr. Ogi, has never seen such an exaggerated steel creation. This is simply a war machine, born for war!

"You said, how did this thing come here?" After being shocked, Ram took out the camera in his hand and started filming, while still not forgetting to guess the reason why this huge steel guy came here.

"Anyway, it will never be simple. I feel that it may be aimed at the legend of Asia Island." Nanami guessed, and her guess made Bai Mo, who already knew the truth, flash an unexpected look in his eyes.

At this time, Chao Meng suddenly said: "This big guy makes me feel a little threatened."

"Huh?" Bai Mo glanced at Chaomeng, and a strange light flashed in his eyes. He decided that he must get this aircraft, and even if he couldn't get the aircraft, he had to get the manufacturing method.

Originally, he had always had a plan in his mind, but now, as long as he mastered the manufacturing method of the above aircraft, plus his own improvements.

The plan can be fully implemented.

At this time, as if to confirm Nanami's thoughts, the steel fortress in the sky suddenly stopped and began to slowly descend. Another circular rotating turret is revealed!

Seeing this scene, everyone who sees it is heartbroken.

The next moment, the fort bombarded a small island with a volcano below it.

"That island is..."

Seeing the island, Bai Mo's heart jumped, and he quickly took out the navigator to check the map. After confirming the name of the island, he knew that the plot really happened.

That island is the habitat of a flaming bird with a special status, known as the god of fire... the island of fire.

The steel fortress in the sky was not shooting simple cannonballs at this time. Ordinary cannonballs were less than a certain number, and they had little effect on a first-level god.

After the rest of the artillery shells fired from the fort arrived on the island, there was no explosion that many people thought would happen. Instead, a strange cold air was released, and the entire surface of the island formed a thick layer of ice.

The construction of this rotary turret is absolutely unusual, and the firing frequency is very terrifying. You don't need to charge much, and it fires a cannon in a few seconds.

Under such frequent artillery bombardment, most of the island of Fire, which was originally inhabited by flaming birds and was extremely hot, turned into an environment of ice and snow, that is, the volcano almost turned into an iceberg.

At this time, everyone around knew that although it was a legend, the one who must exist should come out.

The fact is also true. At this time, from a position on the upper half of the volcano, a thick fire column appeared and began to melt the ice layer, the ice layer dissolved, and a cave appeared.

Afterwards, a big bird of God who was burning with the flames flew out from the inside while maintaining the state of jetting flames.


When I came to the outside of the volcano, I found that my site suddenly changed. The flame bird made a cry, and the voice was full of anger. Obviously, the fire god was angry!

"that is?!"

"My God!"

"It really happened."

"Take a photo!"


Seeing the flame bird that suddenly appeared, exclamations appeared from time to time in all parts of Asia Island.

Nanami couldn't help but sigh: "This is the flame bird, the flame elf, famous for the legendary fire bird. It is said that when it flaps its wings, its feathers will burn brightly, it is very beautiful, and its body is very beautiful. The flame, more known as the unquenchable fire, is used as the holy flame of the Kanto League Competition."

Nanamei is the granddaughter of Dr. Ogi after all, and the information about the flame bird makes it feel like listening to the report of the Elf Pokédex.

"It's actually a flame bird!" Xiaoxue couldn't help being surprised, "But isn't this the legendary elf?"

"How can it appear so easily, and what does the fortress want to do with such an elf?"

Hearing Xiaoxue's words, the Geng Gui girl on the side rolled her eyes and said, "You're stupid, you can see from the situation. The other party is planning to forcefully catch the firebird."

"The owner of the flying machine is definitely not a good person, so it is not to capture, but to capture."

"Uh!" Xiaoxue blushed when she heard Geng Gui's words.

Just when Geng Gui was taunting Xiaoxue, the steel fortress really began to attack the flame bird, and the rotating turret kept running at high speed. This time, the shells all smashed towards the flame bird.

However, the speed of the flame bird is very fast, flexibly dodging in the air. Although the shells attacked intensively, except for a few, most of the shells fell into the air, and the effect was not strong. Nothing works.

However, the attack of the cannonball with the freezing effect has not stopped, and it will add up, and the Firebird will definitely not feel well in the end, and because of these attacks, it cannot get close to the steel fortress.

Over time.

Bai Mo secretly lamented that the guy in the sky is really a collector of paranoia, and he actually spent so much money to make an unknown number of frozen cannonballs.

It's been five minutes of bombardment.

It didn't stop.

After a long time of dodging, the flame bird's stamina began to lose, the number of hits began to increase, and the stamina began to drain faster.

Under the vicious circle, it is estimated that it will not last long.

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