After caring about Meloetta again, and chatting with Nanami for a few more words, Bai Mo looked at the gradually darkening sky, and suddenly fell silent, with a look of thought in his eyes.

Now, he has to think about how his plans will unfold.

In the original book, when the Three Divine Birds were caught, Dr. Damu said that the whole world would be destroyed because of this. Bai Mo expressed disdain for this.

If nothing else, if there is a real crisis in this world that may be destroyed, no matter what the reasons are, those super divine beasts in charge of duties cannot fail to appear, and the patriarch of Lugia will not fail to come in person.

As far as Bai Mo knew from the dream, although each super-divine beast's priesthood was assigned by Arceus, it was nature that gave them this power stronger than ordinary people.

In other words, this world has given the super beast a lot of benefits.

On the other hand, super divine beasts naturally have to take on the responsibility of guarding nature.

If you don't show up, it means that this is a trivial matter at all!

According to Bai Mo's guess, the accident of the Three Divine Birds will at most affect the climate of various places, but it will not affect the fundamentals.

For those super-divine beasts who just sleep when they have nothing to do, they are simply too lazy to do anything.

Of course, although this crisis is not big, Bai Mo didn't plan to really stand by and watch. No matter what, it would definitely be beneficial to rescue the Three Divine Birds from Jill Lutai, and it was inevitable to gain the favor of the Lugia clan.

And Jill Lutai was his goal, and he did a lot of things in one fell swoop. Bai Mo, a business man like him, wouldn't just look at it so stupidly.

What I need to consider now is where to start this matter and do it directly. Whether it is against the Three God Birds or the Flying Fortress, it is a thankless thing.

Thinking about it, Bai Mo's eyes suddenly lit up when he glanced at the island of the Three Divine Birds.

Chapter 0666 Action Begins

"Anyway, I'd better get the three beads first!" Looking at the island where the three divine birds are located, she knew that Jill Luta would soon attack the other two divine birds, thinking of the original work to restore the three divine birds Bai Mo decided to get the three beads first.

As long as you can get the three beads, you just need to put them somewhere according to the ceremony. This is a guaranteed job to avoid accidents.

As for other things, then think about it later.

With a decision made in his heart, Bai Mo's walking pace became much brisker.

Taking the girls around the entire festival, soon, when it was time for the dinner party, as the selected trainers, Bai Mo and others received a special reception and came to a great hall to enjoy a sumptuous meal.

As time passed, a very beautiful flute sound suddenly entered the ears of everyone, making them enjoy the food for a while. Among them, Meloetta raised her head, closed her eyes, and showed a face of enjoyment. expression.

Looking in the direction from which the voice came, everyone saw a pretty girl wearing a wreath on her head and a tulle appearing on the stage at the very front of the lobby. She closed her eyes while dancing an elegant dance. The eyes are played with a conch-shaped piccolo, giving a sense of tranquility.



Seeing that girl, Nanami, Lila and other women all praised them in their hearts, but after looking carefully, they were all surprised.

"Could that girl be Flora?"

Nanami and the girls were really surprised. They felt that if they were not mistaken, the woman on stage was Flora, who had been with them during the day. She was dressed in a manner that was out of tune with the surrounding islanders and had a somewhat careless personality.

I didn't know this girl was dressed up, she was quite beautiful!

"Sure enough, people rely on clothes!" Putting down the fruit in his hand, Bai Mo instinctively praised Fulula, who seemed to be a different person on the stage.

"Hmph, do you regret not letting people kiss you?" On the side, when she heard Bai Mo compliment Flora, Nana Mei suddenly became emotional.

"Of course not." Flora was not her favorite at all. She smiled and shook her head. Bai Mo looked at Nanamei seriously and said, "Nanamei usually looks prettier than the current Flora."

"With your jade beads in front of me, I won't be so casual about anyone."

"Hmph, you know how to talk." I didn't expect Bai Mo to say that about herself. Nanamei's pretty face was slightly red, but from the bright smile on her face, she was in a good mood.

Because, this is the first time Bai Mo has praised her, and she is so naked that Nanamei feels that her charm is still there.

On the side, seeing Nanamei's performance, Lila shook her head with laughter. In their opinion, Nanamei had absolutely no way to take Bai Mo, and was eaten by the latter.

Fortunately, Bai Mo was a good choice, otherwise Nanami would suffer.

In terms of emotion, whoever takes the initiative, who cares more, will suffer more.

In the flute and dance, Meloetta couldn't help humming in a low voice, but the time was still limited, and soon, the ceremony had reached the final step.

At the end of the song, Flora, wearing her clothes and bare feet, walked in front of Bai Mo with light steps, and began to recite as usual:

"Heaven and earth will be angry, and the world will be destroyed! The god of the sea will appear, and together with the excellent commander, he will quell the wrath of the gods."

Saying that, Flora suddenly knelt down on one knee in front of Bai Mo, showing a pious expression, and said aloud:

"Lord Bai Mo, if you are really that excellent commander, please show us the evidence!"

"Then what do I need to do?"

Bai Mo knew what to do in his heart, and Flora was just the reason for him to act, so he cooperated with what Flora said and cooperated with his performance.

But what made Bai Mo speechless was that he took it, but Fulula stood up directly, as if she had no interest in performing, and decisively picked up the fruit in front of Bai Mo and ate it, while explaining inarticulately. :


"Prove it, you are mean to the famous Dr. Bai Mo. It's very simple, as long as you go to the three surrounding islands that are said to be inhabited by divine birds and get three treasures."

"For things, there are small temples on each island. There are stairs to reach them directly. It's just running an errand."

Seeing that her sister was speaking so straightforwardly, Xiaoyou on the side twitched the corners of her mouth and gave her a subtle wink.

Seeing Xiaoyou's actions, Flora waved her hand indifferently, and said lightly, "Isn't it just a routine, I have to perform once a year, it's actually nothing, just go through the scene."

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