"You want the treasure in my hand?" After weighing the red beads in his hand, Bai Mo squinted at the Rockets trio, and said lightly, "Are you serious?"


For some reason, noticing Bai Mo's eyes, the Rockets trio felt a chill in their hearts, and they didn't know how to answer for a while.

At this time, the three of them were ruined. Originally, the three of them were earnestly carrying out the task given by Sakagi, which was to steal information.

But although the promise was very good at the time, when they really wanted to do it, they realized how difficult the task was. For several days, they could not even enter the flying fortress, let alone steal any information. .

In this way, they can only follow this huge flying fortress all the time, praying for a good opportunity to appear, and they also came to this island of fire.

Then, they saw the scene of Bai Mo's red beads.

Thinking that this might be a good thing, they stood up as soon as their minds were hot, but after standing up, they regretted it.

Although their brains are a bit weird, Bai Mo, they still know that they can't be provoked!

Chapter 0669 If the situation is special, the priesthood can be robbed!

"That, hehe, you still think we haven't been here."

After a long while, Kojiro rubbed his hands, and as soon as he made a confession, he moved his footsteps and started to retreat, and he planned to slip away.

Musashi and Miaomiao didn't react slowly. They knew one thing, that their boss and Bai Mo were on the same level. They didn't know who was stronger and who was weaker, but they couldn't afford it anyway.

"Sure enough, it's three wonderful people!" I didn't expect the Rockets trio to be aware of current affairs on this day, Bai Mo shook his head amusingly, but he still has to go to fetch beads, and he has no time to pay attention to them, so he is too lazy to talk about it. what.

But the next moment, Bai Mo's eyes turned to the back of Team Rocket's trio, his brows furrowed.

At this time, the attention of the Rockets trio was completely on Bai Mo, so they noticed the change in his expression immediately.

Instinctively, the three of them turned their heads to follow the direction Bai Mo's eyes were looking at. The next moment, when they understood the reason for Bai Mo's frown, all the three wonderful creatures lay on the ground without any image.


At the moment when the three of them were lying down, a speedboat flew over the stairs, over their heads, and finally landed not far from Bai Mo.

"I said, why did you come here?" Directly ignoring the Rockets' trio, Bai Mo looked at the girls on the speedboat, especially Chaomeng, speechlessly.

Didn't I tell them not to come, why did they still come?

But the next moment, Bai Mo knew the reason, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help twitching.

"Isn't it very touching? Miss Ben is afraid of your danger and came to save you." In the driving position of the speedboat, Flora, with a proud expression on her face, jumped in front of Bai Mo.


Looking at Fulula, Bai Mo was really dumbfounded. It could be seen that the former came to him because of self-blame.

This is not wrong in Flora's view, and Bai Mo can't say anything about her.

It's just that some of your female companions have come with you?

Casting suspicious glances at Nanamei and the others, Bai Mo found that Nanamei didn't seem to dare to look at him.

Well, on the way here, Ram took the time to remind Nanami, and the latter realized that she was simply causing trouble when she went to Bai Mo.

Moreover, even without Ram's reminder, Nanami felt that she should know these things. Now, she is embarrassed. It's really a concern.

But there was no turning back when the bow was opened, and some things could not be told to Lila and Flora for the time being. Nanami had to bite the bullet and come here.

Seeing Bai Mo now, she is naturally ashamed and ashamed.

Bai Mo saw that the women were here, and he didn't bother anymore. It was not a problem to protect them with his strength.

"Okay, since you are here, let's go and get the remaining two beads together." With a relaxed smile on his face, Bai Mo said that he would continue to go to the other two islands.

"No need..." Fulula thought that Bai Mo wanted to do what she said, and immediately wanted to say that it would be fine.

But at this time, a harsh sound came from the sky, attracting everyone's attention.


Everyone looked up and saw a golden light pierced through the dark clouds along with a harsh voice.

Then, a bright sound of whole body discharge appeared in front of everyone.

"This is……"

"Lightning Bird!"

Seeing a legendary elf at such a close distance, everyone exclaimed in surprise, but Bai Mo's eyes became solemn. He didn't expect the Lightning Bird to come so quickly.

It's really just that the plan can't keep up with the changes.

In the sky, Lightning Bird ignored Bai Mo and others. Now it seems to be very excited, constantly hovering over the island of fire, and from time to time it emits electric currents around the entire island.

"Is this really a lightning bird?" The long purple hair fluttered under the blowing wind, Lila looked at the sky with an uneasy look, and there was confusion in her eyes:

"Is this the Fire Island belonging to the Firebird? What is it doing?"

"Of course it's here to grab the territory." Also looking at the lightning bird in the sky, Bai Mo's eyes narrowed.

Looking at the electricity that the lightning bird keeps releasing, you can know that he filled the island of fire with its breath, so as to make this island its place.

"Grab territory?"

Bai Mo's words surprised everyone, and Lila's face became even more confused, "What's the use of robbing this island?"

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