In the next period of time, because there is no danger in this flying fortress, and there are also a lot of collectibles in addition to elves, Bai Mo also watched it.

Then, he found that there were actually a lot of good things in it. Among these collections, there were actually Mega Evolution Stones and Evolution Keystones.

This Mega Evolution Keystone is the same one he used, not the one developed by his company, which is absolutely precious.

"It's time to get it."

Bai Mo made a decision the first time he saw this Mega Evolution Keystone.

At this moment, Lila, who had stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window and observed the outside, suddenly called to him, "Dr. Bai Mo, come here, the situation outside is not quite right."

Hearing this, Bai Mo's eyes flashed and he roughly guessed something, but he still walked to Lila's side immediately.

Looking down through the floor-to-ceiling windows, everyone could see that blizzards suddenly began to fall in the sky above this sea area, and thin layers of ice began to form on the sea.

This is definitely unusual weather!

"This climate is very abnormal." With a deep worry on her face, Lila worried: "I remember the Orange Islands as tropical islands, how could it snow this season, is it because of Jill Lutai? Because of the flaming bird and the lightning bird?"

In the current situation, Lila can only be so suspicious. After all, after Jill Lutai took action, the abnormal weather began to appear, and everything was too coincidental.

At this moment, Flora was studying a slate, looking at the words on it, and interpreting with a dignified expression:

"The god of fire, the god of thunder, and the god of ice, the three gods are all untouchable beings. Once violated, the anger of heaven and earth will lead to the destruction of the world."

"Does this mean that the world is going to perish?!"


Hearing Flora's words, Lila ran towards her in surprise.

This world is changing too fast. A few hours ago, they were still participating in a few hours, happily eating and playing, and now they have encountered a crisis of world extinction! ?

The jump is also amazing!

Chapter 0676 Lugia debut!

"No, we have to do something!"

Beside Flora, after confirming the records on the stone tablet, Lila decided to do something with the attitude that she would rather believe it or not, so she once again came to the strongest and smartest among the crowd. Bai Mo faced it and said seriously, "Dr. Bai Mo, please help me, let's go and rescue the Flaming Bird and Lightning Bird!?"


For a moment, Bai Mo thought he heard it wrong.

Just kidding, he didn't want to save those two shameless and narcissistic stink birds at all, and these two stupid birds planned to kill him.

He didn't intend to let these two silly birds go, let them go?Bai Mo said that he should not get along with himself.

But these can be talked about with Nanami and others, but it is not suitable to talk with Lila, an international policeman who is not yet familiar with it.

So, Bai Mobian began to think about how to reasonably reject it.

Bai Mo didn't know it was because his hesitant performance fell into Lila's eyes, but it made her misunderstand, thinking that Bai Mo didn't have the strength to break the cage.

Indeed, if they had this strength, they wouldn't be caught here, and Bai Mo probably escaped halfway.

Well, Bai Mo didn't speak, and Lila found a perfect reason to convince herself.

At this moment, with the sound of a mechanical sound, everyone saw a new cage of soil appearing in the hall from below, and within the envelope, there was no surprise, it was a beautiful big bird with a whole body of ice blue. That is, Frozen Bird.

Obviously, Jill Lutai began to think about the true meaning of the so-called collection because of Bai Mo's words, but before the results came out, he did not stop and continue to capture the frozen bird and Lugia.

"What, even a frozen bird..."

Seeing the frozen bird, Lila became even more anxious.

On the other hand, Bai Mo, who knew that the stone tablet was only alarmist, was still calm. At this time, when he saw the frozen bird appearing, he immediately mocked the lightning bird and the flame bird: "This time, the frozen bird and you two stupid birds. We're all here, and seeing how you don't like each other, you probably don't usually interact very much, but now that you're all in the same situation, you can have a good chat."


The two silly birds, who were looking at each other at first, glared at Bai Mo at the same time. Only the frozen bird, who was just caught, was not angry because Bai Mo didn't scold it, but was curious.

Who is this rude boy?

"Bai Mo..." Lila was speechless when she heard Bai Mo's words. When was this, he still had the mind to say this.

"It's alright." Seeing Lila speak, Bai Mo smiled and said, "We don't need to take action, that one is ready to come."

"The one?"

Lila frowned in confusion.

At this moment, a roar of a elf suddenly came from outside.

Hearing this voice, Bai Mo's eyes lit up, and he led the rest of the crowd to the floor-to-ceiling windows again.

At this moment, a sturdy waterspout suddenly rose from the sea below, and a silver-white giant bird spread out with the waterspout, and its body slowly appeared in the air.

"this is?!"

Seeing the voice of the elf that suddenly appeared, the pupils of Lila and the others suddenly enlarged, and they were shocked: "This is, Lugia!?"

"Is it the God of the Sea!"

"It's Lugia, that's right." Using his superpower to feel the strength of that Lugia, Bai Mo explained: "But it's not the god of the sea."

"Just one of Lugia's."

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