All of these rings have the power of Arceus. It is difficult to control the super beast. It should be said that there are no accidents and it is impossible, but it is still possible to trap ordinary Lugia.

But what surprised Bai Mo was that Jill Lu Tai shot so quickly. You must know that in the original book, Lugia lost most of her stamina and was seriously injured because she fought with the Three God Birds released by Xiaozhi for a long time. was only caught.

It's not going to be smooth sailing now.

Moreover, in the original book, even if he was trapped, Lugia still made a strong blow in the end, completely destroying the stranded flying fortress with the destruction light, one can imagine how abnormal its strength is.

Although the flying fortress at this time was not damaged, Lugia was not harmed, the result was really unpredictable.

No matter what the outcome was, Bai Mo felt that the outcome of this battle was definitely five or five points, so it would be dangerous to stay in this steel fortress. In this case, it was better to go to an absolutely safe place first.

Thinking of this, Bai Mo turned his head to look at the crowd and said, "No matter what, I think it's better for us to leave first, not afraid of [-], just in case, if Lugia destroys this fortress, we will Definitely a funeral."

Well, with Mewtwo, a burial is impossible.

But the girls were also supportive of the retreat.

But the next moment, what left Bai Mo speechless was that, as his voice fell, a big explosion suddenly appeared on the side of the hall at the bottom of the steel fortress where they were located, and black smoke began to appear, causing everyone to shut up. Luckily, Chaomeng has a quick response to ensure that everyone has not turned into charcoal.

When the smoke cleared, everyone saw a big hole there:


Looking down the big hole, everyone found that Lugia's figure was just there not far away.

The reason for this is that, on the one hand, Lugia is a little annoyed by those who constantly want to control his mechanical ring, and on the other hand, because he knows that the Three Divine Birds are in this position, and intends to rescue them out to join forces with the enemy.

Of course, seeing this scene, unlike Nana and the girls who have already communicated with the leaves of the small world, Lila, Team Rocket, and Flora were all scared into a cold sweat. Now they can be thousands of meters away. At high altitude, and the sea directly below is covered with a thick layer of ice, if it falls, it will definitely be the end of the game.

"This place is really dangerous, let's go first." The appearance of this unexpected situation made Bai Mo firmly decide to retreat.

With that said, he released the three blood-winged dragons, fire-breathing dragons X, and fossilized dragons.

"I'll go to the back of Fire-breathing Dragon X, and wait for an opportunity to intervene in the battle. Chaomeng, Xiaonai, and Meloetta, you can follow with your superpowers!"

"The blood-winged dragon will send Flora, Lila, Nanami, Xiaoxue, Ram and the others to find a safe place below."

"Kojiro, Musashi, Miaomiao, let the fossil pterosaurs send you first."

After releasing the elf, Bai Mo quickly explained the next plan.

On the side, the Rockets trio heard Bai Mo's words, and then looked at the huge and unusual fossil pterosaur, which was known to be very strong by its aura, and an inexplicable look flashed in their eyes.

At such a critical juncture, Bai Mo still remembers them?

At this moment, the Rockets trio only felt that their eyes were suddenly wet, and they looked at each other, they all understood the meaning of each other's eyes, and also understood what decision they should make!

Chapter 0678 The shocking battle that has attracted worldwide attention!

"You three stop dawdling, hurry up!"

A blue light flashed in Bai Mo's eyes, and he teleported to the back of Fire-breathing Dragon X. He found that the Rockets trio didn't move, and frowned.

Hearing Bai Mo's slightly impatient voice, the three of Team Rocket, no, it should be said that the three of Kojiro didn't feel any unpleasantness, but the thoughts in their hearts became firmer.

Taking a deep breath, the three climbed onto the back of the fossilized pterosaur with the fastest speed, and then turned their heads to look at Bai Mo in tacit understanding:

"Dr. Bai Mo!"

"We'll follow you in the future!"

"As long as you don't hurt us, we will never betray."

Kojiro, Musashi and Miao Miao solemnly stated their decision at this moment, and the three finally made the same decision and followed Bai Mo!

These three people did not discuss in advance, so they made their own decisions. This is not because of selfishness, but because of absolute tacit understanding.

In fact, the three of them compared Sakagi and Bai Mo in their hearts, and suddenly understood.

For Sakagi, they are dispensable pawns, but for Bai Mo, at worst, they will be regarded as his subordinates.

The three of them also have self-respect!

"Very good, as long as you work hard, what I promise is just what you deserve." Seeing the determined appearance of the trio, Bai Mo's eyes filled with a smile.

The three just put forward such a cheap request that they would not be harmed, without any other extravagant hope, which shows their determination.

This is good!

These three people, cultivated well, are definitely talents.

"Let's go!"

Showing a smile to the three of them, Bai Mo asked the elves to start moving, and he flew towards the back of the flying fortress with Chaomeng and the others.

Now Bai Mo doesn't have any extra time to talk nonsense, because the battle between Lugia and the suspension fortress has entered a fever.

The most important thing is that the result surprised him, it was Lugia who was unilaterally pressed and beaten!

The complete flying fortress is stronger than the strongest elves among the first-level gods. This is not a good signal. It may suddenly be that many people with ulterior motives have bad brains.

This did not meet Bai Mo's expectations, so he decided to find a way to change the situation.

At this time, the rotating turret of the flying fortress controlled by Jill Luta kept firing the frozen bombs that were first used to catch the flame bird.

And those laser cannons continue to shoot out freezing rays!

Under the crazy attack of this double freezing, Lugia kept dodging and attacking, her physical strength has weakened a lot, and her speed of action has begun to drop.

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