As her voice fell, the car with the golden eye discovered by Bai Mo suddenly exploded, and then, in the air, a golden spoon was inserted into the golden eye, and a dazzling light appeared in an instant.

Immediately after Geng Gui, a huge ancient Hudi also covered in patterns appeared in front of Bai Mo and the others.

Seeing this, White's pupils shrank sharply:

"This is, the golden eyes, stained with air!!!"

Chapter 0692 The ancient showdown, start the melee!

"I'll go, are these two really elves?"

By Bai Mo's side, Nana Mei recovered from the shock of seeing the two ancient elves until this time, and murmured, "Hu Di, I remember it was a psychic elves, its brain performance surpasses that of a supercomputer, and it is presumed that its IQ is Up to 5000, good at using super powers."

"In the case of Gengar, the ghost type elf can be attached to the shadow of a person. When you suddenly feel cold and scared, Gengar must be nearby."

"It can grow so big!"

Nana Mei is worthy of being the granddaughter of Dr. Damu, and the information on the elf is very rare, like a living elf picture book.

But now, this living elf picture book is also frightened. Although she has been to the small world, she has never seen the ancient fast dragon Nanamei.

This is not because Bai Mo is stingy, but the ancient fast dragon is not interested in seeing ants-like humans, and usually sleeps beside a lake.

If he didn't pick up Nana Mei, Bai Mo was very focused at this time. The Geng Ghost was already walking down the mountain, but after Hu Di appeared, it changed direction.

The two gigantic elves looked at each other like this, and the air was affected, giving people a feeling that the air was about to distort. This is a fateful confrontation!


The two ancient elves looked at each other. At a certain moment, Gengar was the first to take action. It raised his hand slightly, and a shadow ball that was magnified countless times was thrown out.

"I go!"

Looking at this shadow ball, which is bigger than his own elves, Bai Mo was a little speechless.

Opposite Geng Gui, Hu Di was right in the face of the shadow ball. With a wave of the spoon in his hand, one after another elf blade appeared, which was a spiritual blade.

The next moment, the spiritual blade and the shadow ball met in the air, and after a stalemate for a while, a big explosion occurred.

Obviously, the two are evenly matched in strength!

"With such a powerful force, we must stop them." The storm caused by Geng Gui and Hu Di's tentative attack made Bai Mo's face a little dignified. Although this place is deep in the mountains, these two guys are so big. I really use all my strength, I can't say what will happen to the town outside the mountains.

Moreover, there is no need to worry about other people or forces noticing it here.

"Come out, everyone!"

Using teleportation to get into the air, surpassing the heights of Geng Gui and Hu Di, Bai Mo summoned a few powerful elves in his hands.

As Bai Mo's voice fell, Shanaido, Minas, Bloodwing Wyvern, Fossil Wyvern, Fire-breathing Dragon X, Latias, Gengar, Jirachi, and Regilock all appeared.

In Chaomeng, Meloetta also appeared by Bai Mo's side, but he didn't have the idea to take action immediately. In addition, if the ancient fast dragon was said, Bai Mo didn't think it was necessary to appear, otherwise the combat level would be too high.

"These two big guys are at the peak of second-level gods. They should have set foot on first-level gods before, but they are the same as Darkrai. In addition, their huge bodies are not weak. Everyone, be careful."

Although there were a few first-level gods and the super-divine beast like Dream, Bai Mo reminded the elves who were already full of fighting spirit.

In this regard, the elves nodded obediently, but at this time, the Geng Gui girl looked at the huge Gengar with disgust in her eyes:

"I'm going, such a big body, how inconvenient."

"Ancient is sick!"


Hearing Geng Gui's words, Shanaido, Minas and the girls nodded in agreement, but the blood-winged dragon and the fossilized dragon had hope in their eyes, as if they were envious.

Perhaps this is the difference between a transformed elf and a elf that simply desires power.

At this moment, Geng Gui and Hu Di seemed to have only each other in their eyes, and even though there were a lot of little elves who could sense the danger around them, they just focused on attacking each other.

But no matter how long they fought, the result was the same, and they never brought any damage to the opponent.

"Come on, fire-breathing dragon, use large-character explosions, fossil pterosaurs, use the destruction light, Shanaido, predict the future, Gengar, use the dark shadow wave! Minas, destroy the death light..."

Seeing the two elves turn a blind eye, Bai Mo decisively ordered.

Hear Bai Mo's order.

without hesitation-

The fire-breathing dragon X spewed out a powerful large-character flame, hitting the giant Gengar. The giant Gengar's defense was very high, but the large-character flame was still effective, changing its face with a weird smile!

Minas, the destruction and death light of the fossilized pterosaurs is naturally very powerful. The Daewoo explosion followed by the fire-breathing dragon X hit Gengar, gathered together, and a powerful explosion occurred, which brought Gengar again. Not a small injury.

Darkrai's skills were obviously very effective, and the wave beam of evil successfully hit Hu Di's huge body. The skills of other elves followed, and Hu Di's body exploded again and again.

Hu Di was also injured by the powerful explosion, and a pair of eyes locked on Darkrai.

Darkrai was originally a first-level god, but now he is a second-level god, similar to the situation of Hu Di and Gengar.

In the case of similar strength, Darkrai is the evil element that restrains Hu Di, or the descendant of the supernatural beast Nightmare God, which is worth letting Hu Di face up to!

"Hey, this girl just happened to practice with you guys. If there is pressure, I might be able to return to the level of a first-level god immediately."

Facing the gaze of Hu Di's eyes with the size of his own body, Darkrai was not afraid at all, and even thought about how to restore his strength quickly.

As a former first-level god, Gengar and the elves are about to catch up, and she still feels very stressed.

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