White also spoke again at this time:

"The warriors easily eliminated the dark warriors, but it didn't seem to end, and more powerful tactics appeared."

"I just don't know if it's light or darkness!"

Chapter 0702 The shadow of ancient Fat Ding's life!

Under the gaze of Bai Mo and others, a fat Ding about the size of the ancient Gengar appeared in their sight.

This fat Ding has strange lines all over his body, and it seems that it is definitely an existence left over from ancient times.

"Ancient Fat Ding has appeared." Looking at the elf in front of him, Bai Mo was not surprised. When White opened his mouth, he guessed something.

I just don't know what the ancient Fat Ding is doing now.

After the ancient Fat Ding appeared, he first glanced at the ground because the energy was exhausted, and he had completely passed out of the ancient Gengar and the ancient Hudi.

After confirming the situation of the two elves, a humanized and unexpected color appeared on its face.

Afterwards, it looked around for a while, and finally looked at the dream in the sky. From the dream, it felt the danger.

"Fat!" Ancient Fatty looked at Dream and suddenly said something.

"I can't be the master." Dream heard Fat Ding's words, but spread out his hands helplessly, and then looked at Bai Mo.

Although Bai Mo couldn't understand what Fat Ding said, but through his superpowers, he could feel what Fat Ding meant.

The meaning of Fat Ding is very simple, that is, it is going to leave with the ancient Gengar and the ancient Hudi.

From Bai Mo's point of view, it was ready-made peach picking.

Just kidding, such two good thugs can also be one of the good assistants in dealing with those super beasts in the future, how can they be given away?

Ancient Fat Ding is too naive.

Bai Mo planned to take it with him.

So, very decisively, Bai Mo took out two heavy balls and threw them, subduing the ancient Genggui and the ancient Hudi.


Ancient Fat Ding looked at Bai Mo with a bewildered expression. In ancient times, the Poké Ball had not yet appeared, so Bai Mo's subduing process made it very depressing.

In other words, in the eyes of Ancient Fat Ding, this should be a kind of seal.

In this regard, Bai Mo did not intend to explain to it, but decisively took out another light weight and threw it.

A red light flashed, and the huge body of the ancient fast dragon appeared in the forest.

"This, what is this, fast dragon?"

Next to Bai Mo, Nanamei and Xiaoxue, who had never seen the ancient fast dragon, were stunned for a while. They never thought that there was even such a huge quasi-divine beast Bai Mo.

Afterwards, a strange light flashed in Nanamei's beautiful eyes, and she thought of the initial partner of Dr. Damu, a head-level fast dragon.

That fast dragon is very stinky, and no one is allowed to approach it except Dr. Damu.

An idea arose in Nanami's heart, asking Bai Mo to pick up the ancient Kuailong to give Kuailong a life lesson.

Of course, these Bai Mo did not know. At this time, he used teleportation to come to the shoulder of the ancient fast dragon, and said lightly:

"Fast dragon, I have conquered the giant Gengar and the giant Hudi of the same era as you."

"But this huge fat man is going to steal people, you can do it yourself."

"Maybe, you can have three partners."

"Okay, I'll take action." Hearing Bai Mo's words, the huge head of the ancient fast dragon nodded, and he agreed. As a first-level god, he has been with Bai Mo for a long time, and the ancient fast dragon has long learned. human language.

At this time, a fierce red light appeared in the big eyes of the ancient fast dragon. For it, it has been lonely for too long, and finding a companion has become its obsession.

Now, Bai Mo finally didn't lie to him, and defeated two elves for him. He planned to teach him a lesson to the guy who finally intervened.

The most important thing is that the ancient fast dragon was very excited when he looked at the ancient fat Dingna's body that was about the same size as himself.

Such a guy is his good friend.

Very decisively, a metallic luster appeared on the huge tail of the ancient fast dragon, turned and waved.


The ancient fast dragon threw out its huge tail and hit it on the head when the ancient Fat Ding was completely unprepared and did not expect it at all.

The huge force slanted out, and the huge body of the ancient Fat Ding was knocked out like a huge balloon.

In the air, the ancient Fat Ding was stunned, and he never thought that a big guy suddenly appeared and shot him so rashly.

The things that made the ancient Fat Ding ignorant were far more than that.

Next, the ancient fast dragon continued to shoot, destroying the death light, dragon grasping, wing attack, etc., all of which were like deathless, all greeted the ancient fat Ding.

With these skills one by one, the ancient Fat Ding who lost the first move had no chance to react at all, and was inexplicably beaten by the ancient fast dragon.

In fact, it's no wonder that the ancient fast dragon is so fierce, it is really lonely for too long and excited.

Then, Bai Mo's words successfully provoked his anger towards Ancient Fat Ding.

As a result, the ancient Fat Ding suffered.

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