As for now, Bai Mo has already stood on the strongest ladder in the world.

But unlike Bai Mo, Xiao Huang is a commoner, and her ability is very helpful for the research of one party's forces, the understanding of elves, and so on.

To have such an ability, but not to have the power to protect it, is a sin in the eyes of a conscientious person.

For example, Team Rocket, the largest criminal organization in Kanto, has an idea about the power of Xiao Huang.

It's just that Xiao Huang's uncle has a more straightforward idea. He took Xiao Huang to hide in the Vibrant Forest. From Xiao Huang's mouth, he learned that they were hiding so deeply that they were almost isolated from the world.

Of course, the Rockets didn't pay too much attention to Xiao Huang's strength, otherwise it would be useless for Xiao Huang and the others to hide.

"Huh!" The middle-aged uncle had a good understanding of the outside world through the navigator, and of course the focus was on Bai Mo.

After reading Bai Mo's information, he suddenly felt that it was not shocking that Bai Mo sent Xiao Huang a Pikachu with the potential of a champion elf.

At the age of sixteen, he became the youngest doctor in the alliance of the world-renowned Dr. Elf!

At the age of sixteen, he participated in the league competition for the first time and became a champion genius!

At the age of seventeen, he participated in the league competition for the second time, and he was still the champion!

He also has a head-level elf, the legendary elf, and is not weak against Liu Bo, one of the founders of Team Rocket.

He founded the WT Group.

He discovered the Mega evolutionary form.

He has a way to bring the ancient pixie back to life.

Wait wait, there are all kinds of auras.

Looking at Bai Mo's halo, the middle-aged man only felt that his past life had been lived on by Hei Lujia, this is really a monster alive.

"Uncle, I have a suggestion for you, do you want it?" Seeing the middle-aged uncle understand the situation, Bai Mo's eyes narrowed slightly, and the abduction plan was about to begin.

"Dr. Bai Mo, please tell me." The middle-aged man unconsciously respected a lot, Bai Mo was an absolute big man to him.

"I think Xiao Huang is almost sixteen years old. Why don't I let her join my WT. I can support her to travel."

"Of course, she needs to work for me in the future."

"This..." The middle-aged uncle hesitated for a while, but it wasn't that Bai Mo's suggestion was bad, it was just that all this happened too suddenly.

Seeing this, Bai Mo smiled confidently and continued:

"Uncle, you can't hide in the Viridian Forest all your life, it's not realistic."

"Xiao Huang is about to turn sixteen years old, and it is time to go on a trip. I will pay for it."

"You don't have to be afraid of the Rockets, my WT is not false."

"She has the ability to communicate with elves. Whether she is a researcher or a trainer, she is more outstanding than ordinary people. This talent should not be wasted."

"In addition, you are not too old now, you can make super fishing rods, which is very marketable. Do you want to waste your craftsmanship?"

"I can set up a branch in WT to let you manufacture all kinds of fishing rods. In this way, you can get status and money, and it will only benefit Xiao Huang's future."

"Isn't it?"

Speaking of this, Bai Mo didn't mean to go on, saying so much, but because the middle-aged man could provide him with enough benefits, and Xiao Huang really liked it.

"Uncle, don't hesitate anymore." Xiao Huang, who was beside him, was already hot after hearing Bai Mo's words.

In the past, I wanted to hide from the Rockets, the biggest criminal organization, no way!

Now that this problem has been solved, she also wants to see the big city, she wants to travel around the world, she also wants to learn all kinds of knowledge, and she wants to see all kinds of different elves.

And, for some unknown reason, she didn't want to reject Bai Mo.

"Xiao Huang." Noticing the longing in his niece's eyes, the middle-aged uncle's eyes fluctuated, and finally nodded to Bai Mo:

"Dr. Bai Mo, you've already said this, I have self-knowledge."

"After hiding for so many years, it's time to go out. I'll sell this life to you in the future." The middle-aged uncle has an idea in his mind. He wants to go out and create a strong backing for his niece. Only in this way will he be right I remembered my pair of brothers and sisters who passed away.

"Very good." The middle-aged uncle's agreement was expected by Bai Mo, but he was still very happy.

A master who can create a super fishing rod has a very high value in itself, and he can multiply this value several times. The point is that Xiaohuang Lolita said that he wants to follow him, which is what Bai Mo values.

"The two of you should follow me first."

With a chuckle, Bai Mo threw two Poke Balls.

Two red lights flashed, and Fossil Pterosaur and Charizard X appeared in the clearing.


The appearance of Fossil Pterosaur and Fire-breathing Dragon X shocked the uncle and nephew again. These two elves were too powerful.

Moreover, they had never met before.

"Let's go."

Smiling indifferently, Bai Mo went to Zhenxin Town with his uncle and nephew who were still a little confused.

An hour later, Bai Mo's three elves brought them all to Dr. Damu's research institute.

It wasn't until they saw the real person of Dr. Damu that Xiao Huang and his uncle recovered from their shock and determined that what they encountered today was not a dream.

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