In their opinion, Bai Mo's appearance during the battle is really too handsome.

In just five days, White and Xiao Huang have completely become Bai Mo's fans.

"That's it." Shifu shook his hair and smiled at the girls. Bai Mo put away the Poke Ball, Bai Mo's eyes changed, and he said seriously:

"Let's go, our journey will continue!"

Chapter 0709 Forest Encounter

As time went by, Bai Mo and others continued their journey.

According to the plan, Bai Mo led the girls towards Kikyo City.

Possessing great strength, Bai Mo and the others easily passed through the forest of Heracross and came to a suspension bridge. On the other side of the suspension bridge was the famous Dajia and Giant Needle Bee Forest.

The two elves, the Big Armor and the Big Needle Bee, are very territorial and very irritable elves.

When Bai Mo passed the girls, because they disturbed them, they dispatched collectively and launched an attack.

In this regard, Bai Mo said that he is not Xiao Zhi and the others, and there is no escape.

In the end, these elves became the training objects for those elves who had not yet grown to the level of heavenly kings.

All the elves who were not at the Heavenly King level appeared together, and Bai Mo could be said to have swept across them all the way.

But the two elves, the Big Needle Bee and the Big Armor, are very resilient. Although they have been defeated by Bai Mo many times, they have never given up their harassment!

In the end, Bai Mo couldn't help it, he showed his real power, and for the first time showed his real power in front of White and Xiao Huang.

Released the fire-breathing dragon X, Bai Mo pierced through the forest with a crushing force.

Of course, on the way, he also subdued a lot of horned bees and big armors with good qualifications. Although he doesn't need these elves, his women and people under him are very needed!

Through the forest, Bai Mo took the girls to a valley. This valley is famous for its rich agate. Because of its rich agate, there are many Dunjia who can look for agate in this valley, so this valley is also called Dunjia. A Valley.

The sound of the crash echoed constantly in the valley, and the strong tremors made people think that mining was being carried out here.

Dunjia is a kind of elf that is more popular with Hirona. After watching the animation, Bai Mo knows that Xiaozhi also has a very good Dunjia, but he doesn't like Dunjia, so he has no desire to subdue it.

Moreover, the Dunjia here are all artificially raised, and it is impossible to subdue them.

Therefore, after staying in the valley to train the elves for a few days, Bai Mo was ready to take the girls out of the Valley of Dunjia and head towards the next destination, Kikyo City.

But before leaving, Bai Mo planned to dig a few pieces of agate with his own hands.

The various high-quality agate ornaments that are abundant in the Valley of Dunjia are definitely an excellent choice for collection and gift giving. Bai Mo feels that if he can dig a piece of agate, it will be more valuable. After all, it is more rewarding to do it yourself. .

Moreover, you can also give your women as gifts.

As soon as he thought of it, he did it. Bai Mo immediately picked up a shovel and put on a hard hat to prepare for a big fight. This set of equipment was not carried by Bai Mo, but someone in the village of Dunjia Valley specially rented it out. Things, this is also a sideline in the village.

In fact, without the help of elves like Dunjia, it is difficult to dig agate with shovels alone. This kind of shovel rental activity is generally just to let tourists spend money to experience the process of digging.

Wanting to test his luck, Bai Mo didn't use his superpowers to dig for most of the day, but it turned out to be nothing, and he was half exhausted.

In the end, Bai Mo gave in. After stopping to rest, he chose to release the elf to help.

"Come out, Shakira."

Bai Mo released the Shakira evolved from Kira that he rescued from Team Rocket. Then, he swept away with his superpower and locked the place with agate on the rock wall for Shakira to use the digging tool. hole skills.

Although Shakira looks a little thin, but his whole body is wrapped in a hard iron shell, which is very powerful and has a strong impact. His body as hard as steel allows it to easily smash rocks into pieces. The speed of digging alone is concerned. , Shakira is no worse than Dunjia.

Relying on Shakira's high-efficiency mining and the exploration of superpowers, Bai Mo easily dug up a few pieces of amber in good condition, and gave one to Nanamei and the girls.

After getting Amber, he expressed it again in front of the girl, and Bai Mo took them to the direction of Kikyo City.

Another three days passed. On this day, Bai Mo took the girls halfway through the journey and came to Dongmen Town, a town between Ruoye Town and Kikyo City!

Dongmen Town is a town famous for its street performances. Pedestrians can see many elves performing open-air performances on the road.

Xiao Huang has been in the Changpan Forest for a long time, and he has never experienced this since he was a child. Bai Mo noticed her high spirits and took her to stop here, planning to spend a day watching these performances.

There are many pixie performances, such as Kola Kola's bone stick juggling.

Hu Di used his thoughts to bend the spoon and other simple performances.

There are also complex performances like the pixie dance.

These street performances made Bai Mo think of elf performances, and then he thought of Selina, and Aier, Queen Carlos, who had a relationship with him.

I don't know what Serena and Aier are doing now.

When Bai Mo deserted, a man dressed as a clown came over and handed Bai Mo a leaflet.

Looking at the flyer in his hand, Bai Mo's eyes flashed with such light.

The flyer said that the annual elf show contest held in Walker Paradise was very similar to the gorgeous contest. Bai Mo vaguely remembered that there was a beautiful flower show at that time.

However, this competition should not start until a week, Bai Mo knew that Xiao Zhi should return to travel here that day.

For this game, Bai Mo had no idea of ​​watching it. After Xiao Huang had seen enough of the performance, the group continued to head towards Kikyo City.

After a few days of traveling, Bai Mo had passed through Luxin Town and came to the Phantom Forest.

"Okay, everyone, come back and rest."

At this time, Bai Mo noticed that the time was approaching noon, and planned to prepare lunch with Ram and Xiaoxue, so he called back the elves who were doing pair training.

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