"Yes, yes." Seeing Bai Mo taking the initiative to ask herself, Xiao Lan looked very happy and said excitedly: "I traveled in Kanto in the first year, and the second year I went to Dr. Bai Mo, your birthplace, Fangyuan area. This year I heard that you are traveling in the Chengdu area, so I will come to Chengdu."

"I didn't expect to meet you, it's amazing."

"Oh!!!~~" Hearing Xiaolan's words, the girls around made meaningful voices.

"Oh no!"

The performance of the girls made Xiaolan realize that she seemed to be revealing her heart.

In this regard, Bai Mo just smiled and did not speak. If he did speak, Xiao Lan would be even more embarrassed.

Not enough, Xiaolan reacted very quickly. In order to avoid embarrassment, she turned to look at Bai Mo and asked excitedly, "Dr. Bai Mo, can you have a test with me?"

"no problem!"

Bai Mo naturally wouldn't refuse such a common request from a beauty, but after agreeing, he changed the conversation and continued: "But I want to add a lot of luck, if I win, you promise me something you can do. ."

"If I lose, I'll help you find a way to catch a horned deer, how about that?"

Chapter 0711 To practice Xiaolan

"Okay, then let's have a one-to-one challenge match!"

Regarding Bai Mo's final proposal, Xiao Lan thought about it, and found that no matter whether she wins or loses, she has nothing to lose, so she decided to agree.

After finding an open space and standing in a good position, Xiao Lan took the lead in throwing the Poke Ball and said loudly: "Water Arrow Turtle, come on."

A white light flashed in the Poke Ball, and the arrogant water arrow turtle appeared in the field.

"Shakira, come on."

Bai Mo swept away the water arrow turtle and found that its strength was the peak of the quasi-sky king, so he sent Shakira beside him.

Shakira got the order, nodded, jumped, came to the open space in front of Bai Mo, and confronted the water arrow turtle.

Seeing that Bai Mo sent Shakira to fight, Xiaolan immediately shouted: "Water Arrow Turtle, the attribute is dominant, let's refuel, attack first, water cannon!"

The water arrow turtle obeyed the order, its body was short, and two large turbulent water currents were immediately shot from the two barrels behind it, shooting straight at Shakira.

"Shakira, dig a hole to avoid it!" Bai Mo calmly gave the order.

In the field, after hearing Bai Mo's words, Shakira suddenly began to rotate, and then suddenly disappeared in place, leaving only a large black hole, easily dodging the water arrow turtle. Water cannon attack.

Afterwards, Shakira quickly appeared on the side of the water arrow turtle, making an appearance of attacking.

Seeing this, Xiao Lan hurriedly shouted: "Water arrow turtle, come on, continue to use water cannon to attack!"

The water arrow turtle obeyed the order, and with force on his legs, jumped a distance behind him, and then turned his body to the side, and used the water cannon again at Shakira on the side.

In this regard, Shakira once again used the burrowing skill to escape easily.

"Shakira, use it after you come out, the power of the earth!"

After using several water-type big water cannons in a row, the water arrow turtle was already showing signs of fatigue. Bai Mo seized the opportunity and immediately issued an attack order.


Shakira got the order, used the burrowing skill again, appeared behind the water arrow turtle, and then issued a khaki wave from his mouth, hitting the water arrow turtle's feet, knocking the water arrow turtle to the ground, causing it to show pain look!

"Water arrow turtle, stand up."

Seeing the water arrow turtle falling to the ground, Xiao Lan's heart tightened and she immediately shouted.

The water arrow turtle felt the trust in Xiaolan's voice, his eyes changed, and he struggled to stand up.

Seeing this, Xiao Lan showed a smile, and then ordered: "Good job, water arrow turtle, rush up and use the water tail."


The water arrow turtle got the order, and a swirling stream of water appeared on its tail, sweeping towards Shakira.

"Shakira, bear with it, the sharp stones attack!" Bai Mo has been paying attention to the situation on the field. He knew that Shakira had no time to escape, so he decisively instructed him to exchange injuries!

In the field, Shakira's body immediately appeared - a circle of rotating sharp stones.

The water arrow turtle's current tail hit a few rocks first, and its power weakened a lot, and then it hit Shakira.

The current made Shakira frown uncomfortably, but it was covered in steel and barely endured.

Resisting the attack of the water arrow turtle's water tail, Shakira controlled all the sharp stones to hit the water arrow turtle at close range.


A loud explosion appeared, and the Water Arrow Turtle let out a painful scream, and the body was covered by rocks.

Bai Mo's superpower swept away and determined that the water arrow turtle was not in a coma, and immediately commanded again: "Shakira, earthquake."


Shakira got the order, and a khaki light appeared all over his body, and slammed forward.

"Bang!" The khaki-colored Shakira hit the rock that wrapped the water arrow turtle, and sent out strange waves. The rock was shaken and shattered. The wave directly hit the water arrow turtle and spread to the ground through it. The ground shattered.

The huge pain made the water arrow turtle scream and faint.

Aside, Nanami, who volunteered to be the interim referee, raised her hand and announced, "Water Arrow Turtle, lost its combat effectiveness."

"Water Arrow Turtle!" Seeing that the Water Arrow Turtle passed out, Xiao Lan hurried to the Water Arrow Turtle to check its situation.

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