At the same time, it is also the fun of constantly conquering new elves.

This kind of fun, only he understands.

"Okay." When Bai Mo said that, Su Tian couldn't refuse, but after thinking about it, he suddenly smiled and said, "Dr. Bai Mo, please don't stay behind for the next game."

"It's also good to give my poor son a good lesson. Let him know that there are people outside. Don't think it's great to be a gym trainer."

"It's just a matter of raising your hand, you can." Bai Mo waved his hand casually.

"Thank you, this is youth!" Su Tian nodded gratefully, his face full of memories. As a gym trainer, he likes to play against potential trainers.

It's a pity that he is old and his son has grown up, so he has to abdicate.

Afterwards, under the leadership of Su Tian, ​​Bai Mo and others familiarized themselves with the environment around the Kikyo Gym. It is located at a high altitude and is easily affected by strong winds. If you want to use the elf, it is very important for the elf to be familiar with the environment here.

Of course, Bai Mo only needs to let Xiao Lan get familiar with the venue.

Aso, the gym owner of Kikyo Gym, and even his father Soten are no match for Naqi.

And Na Qi, no matter where she is, is not Bai Mo's opponent, he is not afraid.

After getting familiar with the venue, Bai Mo found A Su under the leadership of Su Tian.

Gym match officially started.

On the side, Xiao Huang and White's eyes became extremely bright. It was the first time they had seen a gym game or something.

The point is, this is still Bai Mo's gym competition, which is really exciting.

"It's a match between Soten, a gym trainer from Kikyo Gym, and Bai Mo, a challenger from Yuanzhu City, who are betting on gym badges. There are three elves that can be used. Are both parties ready?"

After the referee finished speaking, he looked at Bai Mo and A Su, waiting for their answers.

"I'm ready." Bai Mo nodded flatly.

Seeing this, Aso signaled to the referee, "It's time to start."

"Okay, now, the game begins!"

As the referee's hand fell to Bai Mo, he let his first elf play, not Shakira or Mianmian, but Chrysanthemum Leaf!

This chrysanthemum leaf is the one that Bai Mo specially went to find and conquer. It belongs to Xiao Zhi in the original book.

The moment he saw this chrysanthemum leaf, Bai Mo fell in love with it, because this little guy was unexpectedly strong and clingy.

In the subduing battle, in order to prove fairness, Bai Mo sent Porkby in his arms.

The strength of the two elves is at the intermediate level, but they are evenly matched.

But Porkby has Bai Mo as the commander, and the result of the game can be said to be one-sided.

But Chrysanthemum Leaf never surrendered until she couldn't get up.

Later, Bai Mo used his superpower to treat the chrysanthemum leaves, and the chrysanthemum leaves were also willingly subdued by it.

Moreover, Ju Caoye likes to challenge Pokerby at every turn. Is it because she can't afford to lose? Bai Mo asked, it was just that Ju Caoye wanted to get the position in Bai Mo's arms.

But I don't know why, but the chrysanthemum leaves have been a lot more restrained recently.

What Bai Mo didn't know was that all of this was because the monarch Snake of Touzi had recently returned to the small world and lingered with him, and he made a few remarks about the existence of Chrysanthemum Caoye, who is also a grass family.

The main meaning is that when Ju Cao Ye's strength reaches the championship level, he can change shape, and only then can he really occupy Bai Mo's favor.

Monarch Snake also stated that he was an example.

The education of the monarch snake directly opened the door to the new world of chrysanthemum leaves.

Then, the chrysanthemum leaves became more aggressive, in order to make their own strength grow faster.

Early to the champion-level transformation!

"Come out, Sparrow."

Seeing that Bai Mo took the initiative to send out the chrysanthemum grass leaves, Asu released his high-level sparrow.

After the Big Mouth appeared, his eyes locked on the chrysanthemum leaves in the field, and his strength looked good.

Obviously, A Su did not underestimate the enemy because Bai Mo sent Chrysanthemum Leaf.

"Chrysanthemum Leaf, use the Flying Leaf Knife."

Bai Mo first issued the attack order Flying Leaf Knife, this skill can have a good effect on the flying elves.

This effect does not refer to pure damage, but also affects the opponent's flight speed and other benefits.

The big-billed bird's flight advantage is limited by the white limit, and the chrysanthemum leaves can have a better chance of attacking!

Chapter 0716 Chrysanthemum Leaf First Battle!

"The opponent is Dr. Bai Mo, I must take it seriously." Seeing Bai Mo commanding Ju Cao Ye, Ah Su did not despise the idea, his eyes narrowed, and he said loudly:

"The sparrow moves at a high speed, approaching the chrysanthemum leaves and using a frantic attack."

Under the command of Aso, the sparrow quickly rushed towards the chrysanthemum leaves, and the long and sharp mouth locked the target and was ready to launch a violent attack at any time.

Naturally, Bai Mo wouldn't let the sparrow get close to the chrysanthemum leaves so easily. Although the sparrow is very fast in the air, it is also very good at judging its position, not to mention that Bai Mo has super powers to assist.

"Chrysanthemum leaves use aromatic notes."

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