One of the heads was very scared, the other head fell into a state of fascination, and the last head became extremely angry and wanted to attack the opponent immediately.

This made Duduli inevitably fall into his own melee.

The disunity of opinions made Duduli himself confused, and Bai Mo, who could create such a situation, naturally would not miss such a good opportunity to attack, and immediately shouted:

"The bay leaf, the sun is shining!"

Chapter 0718 Fire-breathing Dragon Y violent shot

"The bay leaf, the sun is shining!"

Bai Mo imposingly stretched out his hand to Duduli, and ordered Laurel Leaf to use the sun.

Now that Duduli is in chaos, the bay leaves have plenty of time to build up their strength.

Under the order, the ring of leaves around the neck of the bay leaf began to absorb the power of the sun continuously.

Noticing this situation, Asu hurriedly shouted: "Duduli, wake up quickly, dodge!"

However, upon hearing Aso's cry, Duduli's three heads were still arguing, and they had no intention of dodging.

In the end, the laurel leaf's charge was over, a powerful flame of sunlight spurted out of his mouth, and the bright beam of light hit Duduli directly, pushing Duduli against a wall beside him.

The sun and scorching sun used by the bay leaves were powerful, and the huge pain finally woke up Duduli's three heads, and the opinions were temporarily unified.

Asu breathed a sigh of relief, and shouted from the side:

"Duduli, show yourself, fly up, use triangle attack!"

Duduli, who received the order, kicked his legs hard without hesitation, and jumped up high. A ball of light was stored in the mouths of the three heads, and the three balls of light formed a triangle and locked the bay leaf.

"I'm going... Jumping and flying are different, haven't I said that."

Feeling that Ah Su was really helpless, Bai Mo was speechless, and said loudly: "Laury leaves, use and defend!"

Just like what Bai Mo said, there is an essential difference between jumping and flying.

Flying can make the elf dance freely in the air, but jumping, the elf can't change its position in the air at all after it reaches the end, but the commander becomes the target.

The triangular attack of Duduli is not weak, and the triple effect is progressive, which is very strong.

However, Laurel Leaf successfully used the hold skill and still resisted this skill.

Duduli's attack was blocked by Laurel Leaf, the latter reacted very quickly, condensing a dark green energy ball again before Duduli landed.

The energy ball flew out and hit its three heads the moment it landed neatly, causing a powerful explosion, raising a layer of smoke.

When the smoke screen dissipated, the referee announced the result as soon as possible:

"Duduli lost his ability to fight, and the winner was the bay leaf."

"Gui!" As soon as Duduli lost his fighting ability, Laurel Ye happily ran to Bai Mo's side for encouragement.

"It's so strong, as expected of Dr. Bai Mo." He took out the Poke Ball and took Duduli back, Ah Su sighed, and was beaten by Bai Mo with a newly conquered chrysanthemum leaf. He was really helpless.

Knowing that there is still a big gap between himself and the real powerhouse, Asu restrained the pride that he had gained from becoming a gym trainer, his expression changed, and he said seriously, "Dr. Bai Mo, I will send mine next. The strongest combat power, please advise!"

"That's right, then I'll change another guy to fight with you." Bai Mo heard Aso's words, and decisively let Laurel Ye stand beside him to watch the battle.

A speed's strongest elf should be a quasi-king realm elf.

Laurel Leaf has already fought two matches in a row, and the strength is not high enough.

Seeing that Bai Mo was going to change the elf, Ah Su knew that the opponent would definitely be easy. His eyes lit up and he threw a elf ball, "It's my strongest elf, come out and compete with the eagle."

As the sound of Asu fell, a beautifully colored eagle appeared on the field. This eagle is a little bigger than the ordinary eagle, but judging from the movement of its wings, its physical strength must be very strong. it is good.

"It's a good carving." After scanning the superpower to confirm the situation of the carving, Bai Mo exclaimed and threw a pokeball:

"Go, fire-breathing dragon Y!"


A white light flashed, and the fire-breathing dragon Y appeared in mid-air.

"Bidiao, use your wings to intensify the storm."

At the beginning of the competition, Asu gave Bai Mo a great gift, a combination move!

However, Bai Mo did not show weakness, and said loudly:

"Fire-breathing dragon Y, wing attack, air slash!"

In the arena, Bi Diao, who was the first to occupy the high altitude advantage, directly waved his wings, forming a storm, and directly attacked the fire-breathing dragon Y that had just appeared.

Afterwards, Pidiao flapped his wings, and a white light appeared on the wings, catching up with the strong wind and attacking the fire-breathing dragon Y.

"Nice joint move." Bai Mo looked at the situation in the air and couldn't help but express his admiration.

At this time, Bi Diao approached Fire-breathing Dragon Y at a fast speed under the blessing of the strong wind, and with each flap of its white-lighted wings, the power of the strong wind would also increase by a point.

This combination of tricks complements each other.

At this time, the power of Fire-breathing Dragon Y as a super-evolved elf is clearly reflected.

Its wings kept flapping, and the air blades blew the violent storm, cutting it apart.

The performance of the fire-breathing dragon Y surprised Ah Su.

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