"Of course, it's okay to get close, but you should use smoke and burrowing skills first."

"Hmm!" Hearing Bai Mo's words, the Fire Rock Rat raised his hand and called out, obviously listening.

"Well, there will be more time to train you in the future." After saying a few words at random, Bai Mo ordered again, "The last move, end the opponent."

"Sun Elf, use the shadow ball!"


The sun elf got the order, withdrew his thought power, raised his head and condensed a dark black energy ball in his mouth and swung it out.

"Bang!" The shadow ball hit the Fire Rock Rat and knocked it to the ground, followed by an explosion and a layer of smoke.

"Go, Poké Ball!" Bai Mo swept away with his superpowers and found that the Fireball Mouse was unconscious, so he decisively threw the Poké Ball.


The Poké Ball hit the Fire Rock Rat, put it in, shook it twice, and kept it steady.

Conquer successfully!

"Yeah!" Seeing that Bai Mo had successfully subdued the Fire Rock Rat, the two rookie trainers waved their hands excitedly, as if they had subdued the elf by themselves.

At this moment, two Scorpios flew through the air.

Seeing Scorpio, the eyes of the two of them suddenly lit up, they said hello to Bai Mo and the others, and ran towards Scorpio without looking back.

"Sun Elf, you did a great job!" Bai Mo ignored the two. He crouched down, praised the Sun Elf, and touched her head.


The sun elf was very happy, and closed his eyes with enjoyment, and both eyes turned into a crescent moon.

"Next, come out, Fire Rock Rat!" After praising the Sun Elf, Bai Mo called out Fire Rock Rat, took out the wound medicine to heal him, and then asked: "How is it, Fire Rock Rat, approve me for doing it? your trainer?"

Bai Mo's shot was very measured, and the fire rock rat's trauma was not serious, just because he was hit by the shadow ball of the sun elf, he looked a little tired mentally after being bombed.

Hearing Bai Mo's question, Fire Rock Rat nodded quickly. It recognized Bai Mo's master very much in its heart. It was considered a relatively strong elf in this forest, but was defeated by Bai Mo.

Fire Rock Rat felt that following Bai Mo could become stronger.

"Very good, Fire Rock Rat, I'll give more advice after that." The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, Bai Mo took out the Poke Ball and planned to take back Fire Rock Rat.

Just then, he felt a sudden cold wind blowing behind him.

Instinctively aware that something appeared behind Dao, the surface turned around quickly, and the flames rose behind the Fire Rock Rat at his feet, making preparations for battle.

The flame on the back of the Fire Rock Rat was very strong, baring his teeth, Bai Mo turned around and found that standing opposite the Fire Rock Rat was a giant mantis!

Chapter 0731 Deliberately provocative

Chengdu area, in a forest.

In an open space, the Fire Rock Rat, which Bai Mo had just subdued, was facing off against a giant pincer mantis.

At this moment, the giant pincer mantis held its pincers and looked ready to attack at any time.

Seeing this scene, Bai Mo took out a elf ball again. He had just captured the fire rock rat, which was no different from a wild elf, and was injured.

Even Bai Mo had a feeling that the Giant Claw Mantis knew that his Fire Rock Rat was injured, so he didn't act immediately.

"Come back, Fire Rock Rat!" Bai Mo took out the Poké Ball and retracted the Fire Rock Rat, then threw another Poke Ball.

"The wounded or the sick should retreat and rest."

"If you want to fight, I will accompany you, come out, Fire-breathing Dragon Y!"

The giant mantis Bai Mo in front of him looked at it with his superpowers. The aptitude of the top grade, the quasi-king level peak, could break through the heavenly level at any time. For Fire-breathing Dragon Y, it was a good opponent.

"Mo sent fire-breathing dragon Y, so the game would be worthless." Seeing Bai Mo sending fire-breathing dragon Y to fight, the girls shook their heads regretfully.

The quadruple attribute restraint is not what he just said, the fire-breathing dragon Y is still the super-evolutionary form of the fire-breathing dragon, and the power of the flame-type skills is amazing.

In their opinion, the giant pincer mantis is already very good if it is not killed in seconds.

Bai Mo didn't know what the girl was thinking. At this moment, his eyes turned to a big tree, and he said lightly:

"This uncle, don't send out elves casually to scare people, okay?"

Hearing Bai Mo's words, the girls all looked at the tree, and Shanaido released superpowers to sense it.

After Bai Mo's voice fell, a person walked out from behind the big tree. It was a middle-aged uncle in a Taoist uniform.

"Come back, giant pincer mantis."

After the uncle appeared, he shouted at the giant pincer mantis, and the latter jumped back to the uncle's feet as soon as he heard the words, and made a submission, but his eyes locked on the fire-breathing dragon Y, which was very fighting.

Summoning the Giant Claw Mantis back, the uncle looked at Bai Mo and asked, "Dr. Bai Mo, have you discovered me long ago!?"

"Of course!" Bai Mo nodded and said with a smile, "Uncle, you have been standing there since the time I fought the Fire Rock Rat. You have planned to make a move several times in the middle, and I have found them all."

"If I guess correctly, you want to intervene in my battle. It seems that this Fire Rock Rat is also the elf that uncle you want to conquer."


Speaking of this, Bai Mo didn't go on, because it didn't make sense, no matter whether the middle-aged uncle was the first to target this Fire Rock Rat, but the fact is that Bai Mo took the fight first and successfully subdued it.

With Bai Mo's formidable strength, no one dared to steal his elf.

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