Something must have happened to him.

It is not good to contact him proactively.

A look of anxiety and guilt flashed across Dr. Damu's face, as if he was hesitating to speak, but in the end he said solemnly: "Actually, what happened has something to do with your mother."

"Mom's business?"

There was a sudden panic in Xiaozhi's heart, and instinctively asked: "Dr. Damu, what happened to my mother?"

Behind Xiao Zhi, Bai Mo's indifferent expression changed a bit. Thinking of the plot of the original book, he had some guesses.

Sure enough, Dr. Damu's slightly guilty voice came:

"Hanako was kidnapped!"

"What!" Xiao Zhi couldn't help but get excited and asked, "Mother was kidnapped?!"

"Who! Who did it!?"

Noticing Xiaozhi's performance, Dr. Damu hurriedly advised: "Xiaozhi, don't worry, Hanako should be fine for the time being, please bear with me first and listen to what happened."

"Me!" Xiao Zhi was obviously anxious and wanted to say something, but Xiao Gang, who was beside him, stretched out a hand and put a hand on his shoulder.

Feeling the strength on his shoulders, Xiao Zhi took a deep breath to calm himself down. He knew that he couldn't solve anything in a hurry, and what he had to do now was to keep his brain calm.

Trying to calm himself down as much as possible, Xiao Zhi said again:

"Go ahead, Doctor, I'm listening."

"It's like this..."

Seeing that Xiaozhi was in a good mood, Dr. Damu's eyes flashed a hint of approval, nodded, and spoke slowly.

With Dr. Damu's narration, Xiao Zhi finally had a general understanding of what happened, and Bai Mo's eyes flashed a hint of understanding.

Everything, as expected, is the same as the theatrical version.

The source of the incident lies in a green field in the Chengdu area, where there is a manor villa, now completely covered by a mysterious crystal that suddenly appeared, the situation is strange.

Most importantly, these crystals continued to spread outward, so Dr. Ogi began to investigate.

The owner of that villa is named Snowton, a research scholar who is involved in exploring and studying ancient ruins!

Not bad reputation.

About a week ago, the researcher mysteriously disappeared from a ruin in the southern desert region.

That is, after this incident, a few days later, those mysterious crystals now wrapped the villa, and at the same time, the daughter of the researcher in the villa was also wrapped.

In fact, at this point, it has nothing to do with Hanako who is far away in Zhenxin Town. Coincidentally, the researcher Shuri is a student of Dr. Ogi, and he is also a good friend of Hanako.

Because he was worried about the situation of his disciples and children, and was also curious about what the crystallization was, Dr. Damu took the initiative to investigate.

Also worried about someone's child, Hanako asked Dr. Ogi to take her to the green field, so that she could pay attention to the development of the situation as soon as possible.

Dr. Damu, who is the head-level monster, naturally does not refuse such a small request.

But at this moment, an accident happened. After arriving at the place, Hanako was kidnapped by a mysterious elf who suddenly appeared and entered the villa.

And this mysterious elf is one of the three holy beasts of the Phoenix King in Chengdu, Emperor Yan!

However, as to why Emperor Yan kidnapped Hanako, Dr. Ogi couldn't figure it out. In desperation, he immediately contacted Xiaozhi, Hanako's relative, to find a solution and at the same time inform Xiaozhi of the matter.

"Emperor Yan, why did Emperor Yan arrest my mother?"

After listening to Dr. Damu's words, Xiaozhi's eyes were more puzzled, how could an existence like Emperor Yan start kidnapping! ?

Ash, who has a natural affection for Pokémon, feels that there must be something hidden in it.

However, about the truth of the matter, Xiao Zhi must not understand now, but he knows what to do now is to go to the scene to find his mother.

At this time, there was a curious look on Bai Mo's face behind Xiao Zhi, but he knew the ins and outs of everything.

However, he was very curious about what kind of existence the Yan Emperor had and what was the relationship with those unknown totems.

With this curiosity, Bai Mo knew that he would temporarily change his plans.

At this time, Xiao Zhi nodded from Dr. Damu and said: "Doctor, I have probably understood the matter. You are waiting at the Elf Center over there, and Xiaogang and I will come over immediately."

After speaking, Xiao Zhi hung up the phone without waiting for Dr. Damu to speak, and turned around to leave, but at this moment, another hand was placed on his shoulder.


Xiaozhi was worried about his mother's affairs, and suddenly someone stopped him, and he immediately cast a curious look at him.

However, after discovering the identity of the blocker, a surprised smile appeared on his face, "Brother Bai Mo, it's you!"

"That's right, it's me." Nodding calmly, Bai Mo withdrew his hand and said seriously, "I heard what you and Dr. Damu said. Aunt Hanako was kidnapped and may be in danger."

"As a friend, I'm going to help, I'll go with you."

"That's great!" Xiao Zhi excitedly looked at Bai Mo and readily agreed. Although he was a little stupid with his blood, he knew exactly how strong Bai Mo was.

Now that something happened to Hanako, Xiaozhi knew that it was not the time to be polite. Bai Mo wanted to help, and he was happy to do so.

With a smile on his face, Bai Mo said lightly:

"It's not too late, let's go."

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