Seeing that the two-tailed monster didn't succeed, Xiaoqian immediately gave an order to pursue the attack.

At this time, in the arena, although both tails of the two-tailed monster have been controlled by the electric dragon, its body can still move freely. I saw the body of the two-tailed monster drop rapidly, and the next moment:


Because of the skill of the electric dragon with both hands, it was temporarily inconvenient to move, and he did not dodge, and suddenly suffered a big loss. The low-altitude kick of the two-tailed monster hand kicked the electric dragon heavily in the face.

Feeling the pain on his face, Dianlong didn't wait for Bai Mo's order to use the discharge.

The electric discharge hit the two-tailed monster at close range, and the latter suddenly let out a painful howl and wanted to escape, but the power of the electric dragon's hand suddenly increased under the blessing of the electric discharge, and the two-tailed monster could not break free from the electric dragon's hands for a while. .

Seeing this, Xiao Qian's complexion changed, and she immediately made a countermeasure, shouting:

"Two-tailed monster, Frozen Fist!"

In the arena, the two-tailed monster hand who heard the order emitted a white light from one hand, exuding bursts of cold air, and then swung out the freezing fist, hitting the electric dragon by surprise.

Under the pain, the electric dragon finally let go of his hand, and the two-tailed monster took the opportunity to get rid of the electric dragon's control.

Seeing this scene, Xiaoqian breathed a sigh of relief. Facing a powerful opponent, she did not dare to neglect at all. The next moment, she immediately commanded the two-tailed monster:

"Don't leave too fast, hurry up and build up your strength!"

Xiaoqian didn't let the electric dragon escape too far. She understood that if the two-tailed monster kept away from the electric dragon, the next time she wanted to attack, she would definitely face several first-hand attacks from the opponent, which was totally uneconomical.

After all, the power of the electric dragon is special attack, while the two-tailed monster is just the opposite!

However, Bai Mo is not someone who does nothing while watching the situation on the field. He noticed that the two-tailed monster was still in the air because he had just left the electric dragon. He seized the opportunity with his eyes and gave an order directly:

"Electric dragon, use ram."

"Hmm!" The electric dragon immediately condensed the momentum of his whole body and knocked it out.

She simulated the battle situation in her mind, and knew that the next attack of the two-tailed monster could not be avoided, Xiao Qian decided to fight recklessly and shouted: "The two-tailed monster, use the flame fist with one hand, and the emergency with the other hand. Frozen fist."

After getting the order, the two-tailed monster turned around flexibly in the air, using the freezing fist on the left tail and the flame fist on the right tail, hitting the electric dragon at the same time.

However, the electric dragon completely ignored the attack of the two-tailed monster, and directly mobilized the strength of the whole body to slam into the two-tailed monster who had no hands to defend.

The next moment, the attacks of the flame fist and the freezing fist hit the body of the electric dragon heavily. The electric dragon endured two attacks of opposite attributes at the same time, with a look of pain on his face. A few times, and it took a while to barely stand still.

However, compared to the electric dragon, the double-tailed monster was obviously much worse, because without the double-tailed defense, it was hit by the electric dragon and flew out like a cannonball, and finally smashed into the ground.

When the smoke cleared, the referee immediately gave a judgment:

"The two-tailed monster loses its ability to fight, and the electric dragon wins."

"Yeah, won the first one."

Although I never thought that Bai Mo would lose, after the results came out, Xiao Lan and Shanaido, who were watching the battle nervously, gave each other a high five.

Chapter 0750 Violent Fire-breathing Dragon Y

"As expected of Dr. Bai Mo!"

"Your elf is really good. This electric dragon is your new capture, right? It's not in the previous data."

"I didn't expect that the opponent didn't lose combat power after eating my two-tailed monster hand combined attack. It's really strong." Xiaoqian took out the pokeball and took back the fainted twin-tailed monster, and threw the second pixie at the same time. ball:

"Doctor, next is my second elf, Kentaro."

As Xiao Qian's voice fell, she sent her second elf, Kentaro!

Seeing Kentaro, Bai Mo pondered for a while, then took out the Poke Ball and also took back the electric dragon. It is very unwise to confront Kentaro with the current state of electricity.

Bai Mo didn't want to reveal Mage's words for the time being, so he sent his second general.

"Well done Electric Dragon, take a good rest, the next game will be handed over to you, Fire-breathing Dragon Y."

While praising the electric dragon, Bai Mo released the fire-breathing dragon Y. The latter has too much potential due to the premature completion of the permanent super-evolution state. Bai Mo has been using it recently, just to keep polishing it.

Only when it is thoroughly polished, the fire-breathing dragon Y will be very strong when it breaks through to the heavenly king level!


A white light flashed in the Poké Ball, and along with the white light, the fire-breathing dragon Y roared and appeared!

As soon as it appeared on the stage, its aura that was comparable to that of the quasi-god elf was immediately revealed.

"Fire-breathing dragon Y, don't be polite, say hello with the dragon god swooping."

Bai Mo directly gave the order, and immediately a burst of white light appeared on the head of the fire-breathing dragon Y, rushing towards Kentaro not far away.

Xiaoqian's eyes became serious after seeing the fire-breathing dragon Y, and when she heard Bai Mo's voice, she immediately said quickly:

"Kentaro, interrupt the fire-breathing dragon Y's attack with an earthquake."

After hearing the order, Kentaro stepped on the ground ruthlessly, and the violent shaking made Xiao Lan around the field unable to stand still, causing Bai Mo to look at Xiao Qian in dissatisfaction.

"Miss Xiaoqian, aren't you afraid that it will collapse the house by letting Kentaro use this trick indoors?"

"Ah, haha, I'm sorry, Doctor, I don't remember anything when I get excited. I told myself not to use this trick before, but I used it again when I had the right opportunity."

Hearing Bai Mo's words, Xiao Qian stuck out her tongue in embarrassment.

Back in the game, the earthquake move usually has no effect on the fire-breathing dragon Y with the flying type, but now the fire-breathing dragon Y has just appeared, just standing on the ground, in this case, the earthquake is the fire-breathing dragon Y. can cause damage.

Out of instinct, the fire-breathing dragon Y's wings flew into the sky, dodging the attack of the earthquake below, but because of this, its dragon god diving attack was also successfully interrupted by Xiaoqian.

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