As the smoke dissipated, the surrounding situation fell into Suicune's eyes again, and suddenly, it saw the blood-winged dragon flying in the air, which had been caught in a stiff time because of the ultimate move.

Suicune seized such a good opportunity immediately, opening his mouth and spewing out a polar beam.

This time, the Blood Winged Flying Dragon was also severely damaged, and it was an ice-based trick that quadrupled its attack power.

Such a powerful damage caused the blood-winged dragon to lose its physical strength, and the body that had been in a rigid state was suddenly unable to maintain flight and fell directly.

Seeing this, Sui Jun also used his ice teeth to attack the blood-winged dragon.

In the arena, before Bai Mo could react, the blood-winged flying dragon was already hit by Sui Jun's aurora beam trick. At this time, when he saw the falling blood-winged flying dragon and Sui Jun rushing towards him with his ice teeth, Bai Mo. Immediately shouted:

"Blood-winged dragon, cheer up, use Thunder Fang!"

Chapter 0766 Goodbye Feng Wang Xiaoaojiao

Elf World, Guandu Continent, Chengdu area, a forest clearing outside Yuanzhu City!


Shui Jun moved quickly, and Bing Fang directly hit the blood-winged flying dragon, but the blood-winged flying dragon, who had recovered from the rigid state he had fallen into after using the dragon star group trick, was not to be outdone after receiving the order from Bai Mo. Tooth strikes back.

Immediately, the two elf's tricks hit each other, and the effect was outstanding.

The most terrible thing is that after biting each other, both sides supported with the perseverance of hitting, and did not let go.

But at this time, the blood-winged dragon has not much stamina left due to the damage caused by the water cannon and the aurora beam.

Now that he was continuously injured by Bing Fang, he lost his combat effectiveness after not holding on for a long time.

"Bai Mo, come on!"

Unexpectedly, Bai Mo, who has always been invincible, lost one of the first in a two-on-one match today. In addition to being shocked, the girls hurriedly began to shout in worry.

However, the expressions of Dream and Chaomeng are very calm, they know that the outcome is already decided.

Bai Mo's expression was also indifferent. At this time, he took out the elf ball and took the blood-wing flying dragon back. In fact, if it was a simple victory, he could play a mega with the blood-wing flying dragon. Defeat Suicune.

But he didn't do it because he wanted to sharpen and bite Lu Shark fiercely. Of course, Sui Jun was unexpectedly good at fighting, and Bai Mo didn't expect it.

However, all the problems are not serious. Although the Blood Wing Dragon has lost a combat power, Sui Jun has not much physical strength left at this time. In addition to the Thunder Fang damage of the last Blood Wing Dragon, it is actually on the verge of coma.

Moreover, the fierce bite land shark has broken through and reached the championship level!

Bai Mo was about to attack again, but at this moment, a blue light suddenly emitted from Sui Jun's body.

Seeing this scene, Bai Mo frowned. This was Sui Jun's self-recovery, but he forgot that almost every elf at that level would do this trick.

"Looks like it's going to be a quick fight!" With a frown, Bai Mo stretched out his left hand and shouted:

"Bite the land shark, Mega!"

Bai Mo immediately cooperated with Lu Shark to use Mega Evolution.

In a flash of light, Super Bite Lu Shark appeared in front of everyone. At this time, Bai Mo just thought of something, and Bite Lu Shark understood what he meant, and rushed out with a purple light covering his body.

This is dragon scale!

A powerful dragon-based physics trick.

This move can be said to be the strongest attack that the current Super Bite Land Shark can make.

The most important thing is that in the Mega state, Bai Mo and Lieya Lu Sha have the same mind, and the side effect of the dragon scales that will make the elf into chaos has been weakened to a minimum.

Lie Bite Lu Shark immediately appeared from the land not far away, and the dragon scale slammed into Sui Jun. Next, Lie Bite Lu Shark punched and kicked Sui Jun, and they all hit some deadly positions. .

At this time, Suicune was still recovering and could not move at all. Instead, he had completely endured the attack of the Super Biting Land Shark.

Under the crazy attack of biting the land shark, Suicune did not recover in the end, lost his fighting power and fainted.

Seeing this, Bai Mo's face suddenly showed a relieved expression, he still succeeded after all, although it was a bit of a two-on-one victory.

But in order to train the fierce bite Lu Shark, he actually didn't use all his strength, and it was almost the same.

"Even though it was two-on-one, I still won. The first one to conquer the divine beast was defeated by battle, very good!"

With a bright smile on his face, Bai Mo threw a high-level ball at Sui Jun, but the next moment, he let out a surprise:


In the field, just before the advanced ball hit Su Jun, a rainbow-colored light suddenly appeared from Sui Jun's body, wrapping around its side, and the advanced ball bounced off immediately when it touched the light.

Then, this colorful light melted into Sui Jun's body again. After a while, Sui Jun, who was seriously injured, fully recovered and stood up again.

The recovered Sui Jun did not take the opportunity to escape, but stared at Bai Mo earnestly.

"The power of King Ho?"

Bai Mo used his superpower to pick up the high-level ball that bounced off. Looking at the disappearing rainbow light, his eyes narrowed. He felt that the power of the color did not belong to the crystal, but was probably the power of the super divine beast Phoenix King.

Speaking of Feng Wang, she decided to get busy by herself after thinking that Xiao Zhi could not defeat Bai Mo, and Bai Mo hadn't seen him for a long time.

"It is indeed King Feng!" Dream came to Bai Mo's side to confirm his guess.

At the same time, in an unknown space, Hoo, who was dozing off, seemed to be startled by something, and opened his eyes with a "swoosh".

After sensing it, Feng Wang immediately understood the situation, and a speechless smile appeared on his face, and then he used an inexplicable power to send a voice to Bai Mo's heart:

"Bai Mo, you guessed right, this is my power, I am King Feng."

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