In the previous battle, Fire-breathing Dragon X has obviously won Frozen Bird. After all, Fire-breathing Dragon X is a post-Mega existence, and its racial value is higher than that of Frozen Bird, and its strength is not bad. In the case of using fire element restraint, he has It's not hard for a conductor to win a game.

But now, Bai Mo is a little embarrassed to subdue this frozen bird. The previous avalanche was obviously caused by the trick of Fire-breathing Dragon X. Although Xiaolan has leaves in the small world, there is no danger in fact, but it saved Xiaolan. Blue is a fact.

To be honest, there is more than one frozen bird in this world. The existence of this frozen bird in this snow-capped mountain is still very necessary. Bai Mo even thought in his heart that it would be a big deal. He would try his luck elsewhere and take a look. .

Anyway, he intends to capture this one and send it to Kona. What he likes is the original existence that has only mastered the priesthood.

But soon, Bai Mo looked at the frozen bird on the side that no longer rejected him, and instantly rejected the original idea in his heart.

Sure enough, the frozen bird still has to be subdued.

At this time, it was time for lunch, and Bai Mo invited the frozen bird to eat together, and the latter did not refuse.

Since Bai Mo awakened to his god-level power, the fluctuation of his body is very natural, and it feels very comfortable for the elf. As long as Bai Mo does not show hostility, most of the elf is willing to approach him, even the frozen bird. No exception.

What's more, Bai Mo defeated Frozen Bird with a elf in one-on-one, and it has recognized Bai Mo.

After lunch, Bai Mo thought about it and discussed it with Frozen Bird.

With the ability to communicate, the communication this time was very smooth.

In the end, Bai Mo decided to establish a WT branch in Baixueshan. On the one hand, it was to help those in distress when they were in difficulty, that is, to inherit the original business of Frozen Bird.

Of course, Bai Mo is an unprofitable existence. There is another reason for WT to establish a branch, that is, to become an ice-type elf training base in Baixue Mountain.

According to Frozen Bird, there seems to be something strange in this Snow White Mountain. The ice-type elves that exist are more prominent than those in other places. Bai Mo will naturally occupy such a place.

After Bai Mo agreed to set up a WT branch, Frozen Bird took the initiative to express his willingness to follow Bai Mo, and Bai Mo was naturally not hypocritical.

Although the frozen bird in front of him, Bai Mo, was meant to be given to Kona, it didn't matter if he used the frozen bird he liked or used it before the scheduled time with Kona.

After successfully subduing the frozen bird, Bai Mo, who was already fine, naturally took Xiao Lan to the direction of Onion City.

On the way, Bai Mo and the girls who returned to the elf world met a wandering painter and Tutu dog in a town.

Tutu dogs are very interesting. The liquid secreted at the end of their tails can be used as paint. Each Tutu dog has the habit of using its tail as a paintbrush to mark its own territory. According to statistics, it has been found that There are as many as [-] kinds of marks.

However, although Tutu dogs have a natural brush, this does not mean that they can become painters. Tutu dogs generally use their tails to scribble everywhere.

The girls liked the portraits drawn by Tutu Dog. Although there were many people queuing up in this town, the girls were very determined to paint portraits. Bai Mo could also guess what they were thinking, so I went to meet them with them. Been in this town for two days.

At about noon on the third day, the girls finally found the opportunity to ask Tutu Dog to paint a portrait for them and Bai Mo.

It took an entire afternoon for the girls and Bai Mo to have various portraits and group photos.

Among them, Xiao Huang is the most shy, looking at the picture of himself and Bai Mo's arms together, his face is red, and Bai Mo is also patting her head dotingly.

The next Lu Baimo didn't walk anymore, because he heard that the Whirlpool Islands competition was about to start, so Bai Mo wanted to hurry up and go to the Whirlpool Islands to play. He wanted to see if he was lucky enough to meet Lugia.

Speaking of which, Lugia Baimo has already met two of them, and has also dealt with them.

But Bai Mo had a different idea about Lugia of the Whirlpool Islands. He felt that if there was a chance, he could try to conquer it.

He knew that Lugia had a child, so maybe he could kidnap him after seeing it.

Soon, ten days passed, Bai Mo and his party finally arrived near Shallow City, and the first thing they saw was the Lighthouse!

Shining Lighthouse, since Onion City is a seaside city, the lighthouse was built to illuminate the route for ships and planes at sea.

At first, the electricity of the electric elf was used as the light source. Later, a modern new lighthouse was built, and electric lighting was practical, but the tradition of the past was not abandoned, so the shining lighthouse is still in use.

The port city of Onion has a ship terminal and ships regularly leave for the Kanto region.

"Ah! I saw the lighthouse ahead, and I finally arrived at Onion City."

On a communication ship, Ram shouted excitedly in one direction.

Looking in the direction of her finger, there are indeed two lighthouses standing beside the pier in the distance. The two lighthouses, the new one and the old one, give people completely different feelings.

Chapter 0775 first met Ami

"That old lighthouse is the Shining Lighthouse. It is said to be a lighthouse with a long history. Before there was no electricity, this Shining Lighthouse was always illuminated by the light from the tail of the electric dragon. The lighthouse, this shining beacon is still preserved as a symbol of prayer for safety."

When he arrived in Shallow City, Bai Mo once again acted as a tour guide. Every time he went to a new place, he would always introduce the famous local attractions according to his own memory or the information in the navigator.

Of course, it is mainly to introduce to Xiao Huang and the elf girls.

Hearing Bai Mo's introduction, White asked curiously, "Electric Dragon? I remember you have it too. It seems to be quite strong."

"And you can evolve Mega, I didn't expect this kind of elf to have such a purpose, so is this radiant lighthouse still using the light on the tail of the electric dragon to illuminate?"

"That's right, the electric dragon that works here is respected by people in the whole city." Bai Mo nodded and said that's what happened.

During the chat, everyone quickly arrived at the place, Shallow Onion City.

As usual, I went to the WT branch for a rest, and the next day, Bai Mo took the girls to play in this famous coastal city for a day to relax.

On the third day, Bai Mo and Xiaolan, who were also going to the gym to challenge, took out the navigator and walked towards the light green gym according to the map above.

It didn't take long for the two to come to the door of a huge building.

The design of the Shallow Onion Gym is very characteristic. The lower half is a trapezoidal structure, while the upper half is an office building. Bai Mo always thought it looked a little weird.

"Is there anyone please?"

When Bai Mo stepped forward and pushed the door open, he found that the door was locked. When Xiao Lan saw this, he immediately cooperated and shouted, "We are here to challenge the trainer of the gym. Is anyone here?"


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