Seeing that Ami and Bai Mo were ready, the referee took out one green and one red flag and shouted:

"Now the official competition between Shallow Gym trainer Ami and challenger Bai Mo will be held with badges as bets!"

"There are two elves in the game, and one side loses all combat power. The game is over!"

"Now, the game begins!"

After finishing the rules, the referee picked up the flag in his hands and waved it vigorously to both sides, solemnly announcing the start of the game.

"It was this kid who came on first."

Ami took out the first Poké Ball and threw it out. With a flash of white light, what emerged from the Poké Ball was a three-in-one magnet in the shape of three magnets with a piercing eye in the middle.

"It's a three-in-one magnet monster, is it the peak of the quasi-celestial king, go, fire-breathing dragon Y!"

Seeing that Ami sent a three-in-one magnet, Bai Mo also threw a Pokeball.

With a flash of white light, the strange-looking fire-breathing dragon Y appeared on the field, staring at the three-in-one magnetic monster with sharp eyes.

When they saw Fire-breathing Dragon Y, Kamizlei and Ami's eyes flashed. Part of the information on Fire-breathing Dragon Y had been published on Navigator's website by Bai Mo. such an opponent.

In fact, Bai Mo didn't want to, but Fire-breathing Dragon Y was already regarded as the weaker elf in his hands.

The appearance of the fire-breathing dragon Y put pressure on Ami, and she gave the order first.

"Three-in-one magnet monster, preemptive, electromagnetic wave!"

Chapter 0782 The first victory, the battle continues!

"Electromagnetic waves!"

Hearing Ami's order, a yellow electric current appeared around the body of the three-in-one magnetite, and then rolled towards the fire-breathing dragon Y at a very fast speed.

The performance of the three-in-one magnetic monster made Bai Mo's eyes light up, and he secretly praised it, but for Fire-breathing Dragon Y, this was not a problem. He immediately shouted:

"Fire-breathing dragon Y, avoid it!"


With a flap of wings, Fire-breathing Dragon Y easily evaded the attack of the three-in-one Magneto.

"Three-in-one Magneto, use metallic sounds." Fire-breathing Dragon Y's vigorous movements made Ami know that Fire-breathing Dragon Y was really difficult to deal with, and she responded immediately.

Hearing Ami's order, Bai Mo was not to be outdone, and immediately shouted out the order:

"Hot air!"


Fire-breathing dragon Y roared, its wings fluttered, its move speed was relatively fast, and the hot wind came first.

On the other side, against the hot wind, the body of the three-in-one Magneto couldn't help shaking, but in the end it managed to make a metallic sound.

The metallic sound spread, causing Bai Mo and everyone watching the battle to feel pain in their eardrums, and the fire-breathing dragon Y, who was closest to the three-in-one magnet monster, was even more affected by him, and the hot air tricks were a bit intermittent.

Seeing that the power of the hot wind from Fire-breathing Dragon Y was getting smaller and smaller, Bai Mo hurriedly shouted:

"Fire-breathing dragon Y, hold on, use the hot air with the greatest power!"

The moment she heard Bai Mo's order, Ami was not to be outdone and chose to confront Bai Mo, "Three-in-one magnetic monster, you also use the most powerful metallic sound!"


Fire-breathing Dragon Y received the order, and immediately let out a loud cry, the wings flapped vigorously and quickly again, and the huge wind and heat directly smashed the three-in-one Magneto to the ground.

"Three-in-one Magneto!" Seeing that the Three-in-one Magneto was hit from the front, Ami couldn't help but cried out in worry.

But the three-in-one Magneto was an elf trained by Ami, not a common trainer. After struggling on the ground for a while, it floated up again.

Seeing that the three-in-one magnetite could continue to fight, Ami was overjoyed, but before she could be happy for a long time, a flame suddenly appeared on the former's body, making her smile freeze on her face.

On the side of the field, Kamizlei's eyes became solemn:

"Are you in a burning state? Ami is in danger."

"The fire element doubles the restraint of the three-in-one magnet monster, plus this state, it is not easy to fight."

"In this way, Bai Mo has been letting Fire-breathing Dragon Y use hot air before. It is very likely that he has this consideration. The probability of hot air triggering burning is very high."

"Previously, it was not very wise for Ami to choose to let the three-in-one magnet monster and the fire-breathing dragon confront each other."

Kamizlei was a gym trainer after all, she saw through all the situation in an instant, and at the same time worried about Ami.

"Fight!" Ami also knew that she was in a bad situation right now, so she immediately chose and shouted coquettishly:

"Three-in-one magnet monster, hold on, and use the electromagnetic gun!"

"Oh, that's right!" Bai Mo couldn't help but admire Ami's reaction. This move is an attacking trick, and if the attack is in an abnormal state of burns, paralysis, or poisoning, the power of the skill will still be strong. Doubled, and will ignore the attack halving effect caused by burns.

That is to say, now the three-in-one magnet monster uses hard support, not only can it ignore the impact of negative conditions and burning, but also use it to launch a more powerful attack.

The most important thing is that this move is instant, and Bai Mo has no choice but to block.

"Hold on!"

Bai Mo narrowed his eyes and let Fire-breathing Dragon Y use his absolute defense skills.

"Roar!" Fire-breathing dragon Y roared, covering his body with white light.

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