"This one……"

Xiao Lan, who didn't think too much, showed a hesitant look. She didn't really want to agree, because she was afraid that Bai Mo would give her some precious elf or evolution stone.

Bai Mo usually does this kind of thing a lot, and Xiaolan gets rejected every time.

Over time, Xiao Lan found that she "owed" too much to Bai Mo, and now she doesn't know how to repay it.

However, when Xiao Lan raised her head and noticed Bai Mo's sincere gaze, her words changed suddenly, and she said with a smile, "Mo, what gift do you want?"

As soon as the words were released, Xiao Lan was speechless for a while, and there was an urge to punch herself.

At this time, Bai Mo grinned, "So, I know that if the things I gave you are too good, and you can't come up with similar things, you will be in trouble for a long time."

"So I thought of a way to make the things I send to each other equal."

"Really?" Little Blue's eyes lit up.

"Of course it's true." With a scheming smile on his face, Bai Mo said seriously:

"I give myself to you, and you give you to me, are you right?"


Xiao Lan was suddenly dumbfounded, Bai Mo's words made her mind turn into a mess.

"Give yourself to the other party, how do you send it!?"

Chapter 0789 The little blue who was routinely "sold" himself (below)

"How to deliver this!?"

Xiaolan looked at Bai Mo in confusion, not understanding what he meant.

"Well..." Bai Mo didn't rush to answer Xiao Lan's question, but instead asked: "Xiao Lan, do you know what the relationship is before you can give yourself to the other party?"

"What's the matter?" Xiaolan asked curiously, not knowing that he had fallen into someone's trap.

Seeing Yu'er taking the bait, Bai Mo's expression changed, and he said solemnly, "Of course it's a couple, a relationship like a husband and wife."

"Only in this relationship can we get each other."


This time, even as innocent as Xiao Lan understood Bai Mo's meaning, her pretty face instantly flushed red.

She does have a good impression of Bai Mo, and she doesn't mind being a couple, or in other words, she has long since fallen.

But Bai Mo suddenly said such blatant words, and she couldn't bear it for a while.

"Would you like to be my woman? Xiaolan." Bai Mo seized the opportunity at this moment, stretched out his hand and embraced Xiaolan, and looked into her eyes with sincerity:

"Xiao Lan, I like you, be my girlfriend."

"Ah...Okay!" At this time, Xiao Lan felt that her mind was completely blank, and it was completely useless. Bai Mo actually confessed to him.

However, the real emotion in her heart still made her respond.

Hearing Xiaolan's response, Bai Mo suddenly showed a smile, and with a flash of light in his eyes, he took Xiaolan back to the big bed in his room and fell down.

After that, Bai Mo's hands were dishonest!

As for Xiaolan, she didn't know what she was in for a long time, until she felt the pain in her lower body, she had a moment of clarity:

"Hey, I'm..."

"Uuuu, I just promised to be my girlfriend, why..."

"Is that what it takes to be a girlfriend?"

"But it seems that I have become Mo's girlfriend, and I won't change. Sooner or later, it doesn't seem to be anything..."

"But, have I 'sold' myself!"

A few thoughts flashed in Xiaolan's mind, but soon, she stopped thinking about them, because a feeling called going to the cloud made her have no brain to continue thinking.

The time came to the next morning, Bai Mo specially made a nutritious meal for Xiao Lan, and then the girls with inexplicable smiles, Ami and Kamizlei, who seemed to understand but did not understand, boarded the board. tanker.

Next, they will travel for a while in the Whirlpool Islands.

The Whirlpool Islands are divided into four large islands, namely Qingyan Island, Huangyan Island, Chiyan Island and Yinyan Island, and the first stop is Qingyan Island.

Qingyan Island is very prosperous, and Kuga City, the port city where Bai Mo landed, is full of lanterns and flags, making it very lively.

Bai Mo and the girls first went to the Elf Center on Qingyan Island to register for the Whirlpool Islands competition.

Unexpectedly, this time Kamizlei even wanted to participate in the competition. She and Bai Mo registered together, but as an electric elf specialization, she did not have a water elf, so on the way to the next She also needs to help her find a target to conquer.

And this, Bai Mo naturally intends to help.

"That's it, the registration for the two of you to participate in the Vortex Islands Competition has been completed."

In the Elf Center, Miss Joy has already completed the competition procedure for Bai Mo and Kamizlei, and said.

She also handed over a manual and instructed.

"Please keep this guide book as well. This book is the rulebook for participating in the Vortex Islands Competition. The competition location is Chiyan Island. There are still thirty-five days before the competition date. Please participate on time."

Opening the manual, Bai Mo quickly found the route, "Chiyan Island, according to the route, it should be on the third island of the Whirlpool Islands. Go to the next island. The boat from Huangyan Island is in Zina Town."

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