With these two characteristics, a dumb hippo is rarely in a bad state.

In the first battle, Bai Mo met a player who was using an iron cannon fish.

The opponent let the iron cannon fish use the water gun, but the dumb hippo has super powers and can use the power-type trick to defend, and the opponent can't cause damage to the dumb hippo at all.

After that, the opponent wanted to let the iron gun fish attack with freezing light, but this was because Bai Mo had already made the dumb hippo use a concentrated punch.

The fighting style's big trick easily hit the Iron Cannon Fish and sent it flying. The Iron Cannon Fish simply lost its fighting ability, and Bai Mo won the first victory.

In the second game, Bai Mo successfully met the legendary guy who used the Carp King.

The opponent's carp king was really well-bred, and with his excellent jumping power, he escaped several random water wave attacks by the dumb hippo.

But in the end, after Duo Hippo used the freezing light seriously, it was directly frozen into ice cubes, and Bai Mo also successfully won the second game.

In the last preliminaries, Bai Mo finally met a player with a little strength.

This trainer sees that the badge on his arm is an elite-level trainer, and the opponent uses a giant crab, which has a strong attack power!

However, Bai Mo's dumb hippo not only has the spiritual power to defend, but also uses fighting skills at close range, which is obviously more advantageous.

During the game, the opponent chose to let Giant Claw Crab use Destruction Death Light, and Bai Mo asked Duo Hippo to use the hold skill to resist, and then seized the point when the opponent was in a stiff time and used a freezing fist to knock it out.

In this way, Bai Mo easily advanced to the official competition.

Compared to Bai Mo, Kamizlei seemed to be favored by the goddess of luck. She encountered the trainer of the Carp King twice in a row, and she almost won all the way.

Only the last rookie trainer I met who used the blue crocodile was okay, but it was also handled by the powerful spike cannon trained by Sun Coral.

After the game, Bai Mo took the girls back to the Elf Center. When he arrived at the door, he found that Boo Yi was standing at the door.

Chapter 0791 Ke Na cousin, the official game

Booy was what Bai Mo had heard from Kona, the latter's cousin.

Booy had originally trained near the Whirlpool Islands, and his goal was to become a master of water elf like his cousin, so he naturally participated in competitions like the Whirlpool Islands, which was regarded as accumulating experience.

Booy and Bai Mo only met yesterday, and they got to know each other because of the bond of Ke Na.

The elf used by Booy is a elf that was captured by Fang Yuan, a giant marsh monster with both ground and water elements. Bai Mo has paid attention to his battle and found that this elf is very strong and has the strength of a quasi-celestial king!

"Ha, Dr. Bai Mo, you really finished the game first. I heard that there is a trainer who uses the Flashing Hippo to kill his opponent in one move. Is that person you?"

Booy said hello with a smile, but Bai Mo was not surprised by these. After all, dumb hippos are very rare elves, and flashing dumb hippos are even rarer. It is inevitable that news of flashing dumb hippos appearing in competitions will spread. .

"Yeah, but being able to kill an opponent with a single move is also related to the elf used by the opponent. After all, the opponent is the elf that is recognized as the worst in the elf world, the Carp King." Bai Mo smiled indifferently.

The two chatted casually, and then returned to the dormitory of the Elf Center.

Early the next morning, Bai Mo, Kamizlei, Tong Xin, and Buyi arrived at the competition venue on time.

Tongxin is Bouy's travel partner. Bouy introduced that they were childhood sweethearts, and the two traveled together from Kona's hometown.

Tong Xin also takes Kona as her idol, and has a soft spot for water elves. This girl looks very quiet and gives people a gentle temperament.

Noticing Tong Xin's gaze at Boo Yi, Bai Mo was amused for a while. This Boo Yi was obviously the same as Xiao Zhi, his emotional intelligence was worrying, and even other girls couldn't tell that he was interested in him.

Bai Mo thought about it and decided to do his brother-in-law's duties when he had time.

Soon, all the people participating in the competition arrived at the competition venue.

If someone looks down from the sky, they can find that the entire venue is like a big pool at the moment, and then there are several large whirlpools in the pool. .

"Is this the playing field of the Vortex Islands..." Kamizlei was shocked when she saw the revealed playing field.

"Once every three years, the scale of the Whirlpool Islands Tournament with more than 64 people is quite impressive. Although there are only [-] people competing here, at least they are at the elite level."

Bai Mo couldn't help clenching his fists at this moment, staring at the battle arena with scorching eyes. The Whirlpool Islands Tournament is restricted to using elves below the Heavenly King level, and the elves' strength is evenly matched. He is very interested in fighting against powerful people. Refers to the commanding ability of the trainer itself.

The four Bai Mo were all contestants, so under the arrangement of the staff, they entered the venue on a small wooden boat through the waterway.

Over time, the narrator's voice came through the speakers:

"The opening ceremony of the Vortex Islands Tournament begins now."

"Everyone, please see, these people have passed the preliminaries and aimed to become the heroes of the sea. Since ancient times, the Whirlpool Islands have had their own civilization and culture, worshiping water elves and living with them. This is still the case to this day. ."

"This culture has not disappeared, but it has been passed down by the priest of the sea who has followed this ancient tradition, Miss Maya. We will ask the priest Maya to be the opening declaration of the conference!"

As the commentator welcomed down, I saw a woman with purple hair appearing in front of everyone on the high platform in the middle.

The girl was dressed in ancient costumes and held a red scepter with a huge blue gem at the top. From the past, she looked very noble and solemn, but she did not lose her beauty and temperament.

The girl's eyes seemed to be full of tolerance like the sea. Bai Mo looked at her and didn't know how to describe it accurately for a while.

"Everyone, welcome to the biennial Water Elf Celebration - Whirlpool Islands Competition!"

Priest Maya raised the scepter in his hand, and a solemn voice came out:

"Those who are connected with the spirits of the water elves and live together, on this vortex island, have been praised as the brave of the sea since ancient times. It is said that the brave of the sea will be blessed by the soul of the sea, and will be awarded to all the water elves. The same ability, but we have the protection of the god of the sea near the Whirlpool Islands."

"Then I wish you all good health and good luck, and accept the blessings of the sea soul!"

When the words were finished, the gem named Sea Soul at the top of the scepter in Priest Maya's hand suddenly released a bright blue light!

Although this blue light is bright, it is not dazzling, and it fills the entire venue in an instant!

Under the light of the sea soul, Bai Mo suddenly felt an inexplicable power. Since he enhanced the power of Arceus with the help of King Ho, his sense of nature has become more sensitive, and he can feel it from it. To a trace of the power of the ocean.

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