This is also the process of continuous evolution and improvement of the elves.

Just like Ash, he was only a quasi-king-level trainer, but when he went to fight against a champion-level trainer in the development zone, he won the second time.

This may be tricky, but it also proves that some things are not absolute.

Among the aristocratic families, the reason why there are many trainers at the level of heavenly kings is that the family is born with potential elves that are much better than ordinary trainers.For example, the fast dragon of Yulongdu, the champion of the Four Heavenly Kings in Chengdu, was given to the mini-dragon to train since childhood.

In addition, the family has a good collection of elves' information and battle experience, so the children of the family have an innate advantage.

Ordinary trainers are generally talented and lucky enough to get potential elf companions, such as Booy, in order to reach a high level.

However, the champion level is different. The previous trainer level is the accumulation of experience, etc., but the champion level people are all because they have gone out of their own way, such as Yulongdu's Dragon Specialization, or God's Three God Pillars Violent promotion, there will be an overwhelming situation in the battle.

Now, if Bai Mo uses his Pokémon above the Heavenly King level, he will have a different probability of crushing the trainers below the Heavenly King level.

However, the level of trainers in the Whirlpool Islands Tournament was limited, and Bai Mo's greatest advantage could not be brought into play.

Of course, Unstable Win is simply saying that things may not be absolute. Bai Mo has absolute confidence in himself. He was an existence who fought against the elf and trainer with a higher level than himself when the elf level was not enough. Now it is natural Will not live and go back.

In the early morning of the next day, Bai Mo woke the girls up, and the group walked towards the playing field after having breakfast together.

At this time, the arena is already overcrowded, and the two finalists have only used one elf so far. Everyone can see that the two trainers who participated in the finals this time are not very strong!

The match between the strong and the strong, this final can be described as a lot of attention.

Soon, both Bai Mo and Booy stood in their own positions on the battlefield, waiting for the referee to announce the start of the game.

However, when everyone saw the referee, all the audience burst into unbelievable exclamations and applause. In this game, the person who acted as the final referee turned out to be the priest of the sea, Miss Maya!

With a gentle smile on her face, Miss Maya started the first referee in her life to comment on the field:

"Unconsciously, I have reached the finals of the Whirlpool Islands Water Spirit Competition. I am very optimistic about the two trainers on the field, and I want to watch this game at close range, so I will act as the referee here, although not I'm a regular referee, but I hope everyone will bear with me."

Miss Maya made a humorous joke, and all the people present showed good laughter, and there were even a few male audience members who expressed their voices.

However, Miss Maya knew exactly what she was going to do, so she naturally wouldn't force Bai Mo's limelight, and immediately announced.

"Then, the game begins!"

Chapter 0798 Water Absolute Battle!

"Game start!"

Hearing Miss Maya announcing the start of the competition, Bai Mo and the two immediately dispatched their elf.

Bai Mo sent a swamp king, while Booy still released a giant swamp monster.

Bai Mo sent the Swamp King to surprise the audience, including Booy.

However, the Swamp King and the Giant Swamp Monster are both water and ground types, and they can be said to be evenly matched. Although the Swamp King is slightly weaker than the Giant Swamp Monster, Bai Mo is stronger than Bo Yi, so the ending is really hard to say. .

In fact, Bai Mo is also very helpless. It's not that he doesn't have water elf, but he is too strong. There is no way he can only use the pretty good elf called Marsh King!

"Giant marsh monster, water cannon!"

Booy launched the first attack. The Marsh King may have the ability to store water. In order to fear that the water-based trick would become a supply for the opponent, he decided to test the characteristics of the white mo elf first.

"Swamp King, the power of the earth."

Bai Mo didn't intend to hide the characteristics of the Swamp King, so he directly accepted the water cannon of the Booy Giant Swamp Monster, and at the same time used the power of the earth.

The water cannon had no effect on the Swamp King, but Bai Mo seized the opportunity to let the Swamp King use the power of the earth to hit the giant swamp monster before the opponent could react, and shot it directly from the round platform into the water.

Booy already knew that the characteristic of the Swamp King is water storage through testing, and this battle will turn into a showdown other than the water-based trick. However, because his giant swamp monster was hit, he was temporarily at a disadvantage.

"Giant marsh monster, sharp stone attack."

In front of the giant swamp monster floating in the water, a circle of soil with sharp front horns immediately shot towards the swamp king.

"Swamp King, we also use sharp stones to attack."

Bai Mo made a direct hit.

The two piles of earth immediately met in the middle of the two elves and collided together. The sharp stone attack of the giant swamp monster was indeed stronger, but it did not hit the swamp king.

At this time, Booy gave the order again, "Giant marsh monster, mud bomb."

"Swamp King, jump up against the airflow generated by the mud bomb, and then use surfing."

Bai Mo rolled his eyes, as if he had thought of something, and suddenly ordered.

On the opposite side, Booy was surprised. Bai Mo couldn't have known about the water diversion characteristics of the giant marsh monster.

Just when Surfing was about to approach the giant marsh monster, Bai Mo immediately ordered.

"The Swamp King jumped from the top of the wave, and then used the freezing beam on the top of the wave."

Bai Mo's order made Booy clear of his plan, Bai Mo was going to use a combo technique.

Knowing this, Boo Yi naturally wouldn't let Bai Mo succeed easily, and immediately shouted: "Giant marsh monster, crush the rocks, break those ice waves."

"Swamp King, focus on punching!"

Bai Mo didn't plan to beat Booy with a single combo, he still had his back!

On the field, when the giant marsh monster destroyed the ice, the marsh king began to gather his strength and prepare to use the great skills of the fighting system.

After the ice cubes were beaten, the Swamp King had gathered his strength and rushed towards the Giant Swamp Monster, and the giant Swamp Monster was a little tired at this time.

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