Bai Mo let the blood-wing flying dragon fly near the column, and then a person came to the side of the two eggs, and began to feel it with his superpower, then turned his head to the girls and said, "It's Lugia's egg!"

"Is this really Lugia's egg? It's amazing. I can actually see the egg of a super beast."

After being informed by Bai Mo, Ami and Kamizlei looked very unbelievable, super mythical beasts, some people never see them once in a lifetime, and they followed Bai Mo, and now they even saw Lugia's eggs with their own eyes, Really like a dream.

Compared to Kamizlei, girls like Ram and even Xiaolan are much calmer, because they have seen a lot of things with Bai Mo. Some time ago, they had spoken to Feng Wang, and they had also seen Bai Mo in a hurry. Frozen Bird and Suicune.

Moreover, Dream and Kirachi usually get along with them day and night.

Some things, they have been numb, um... It's a habit!

The girls sighed with emotion, but Bai Mo, who was standing next to the two Lugia eggs, was very puzzled, because there were two Lugia eggs in front of him, which was different from the information department he knew.

Is one less depicted in the anime? !

But in the next second, when Bai Mo's ability touched more of those two eggs, the doubts in his heart suddenly disappeared.

Bai Mo clearly felt that the vitality of the two eggs in front of him was dissipating. If there were no accidents, these two eggs would have definitely died before they hatched.

After getting this information, Bai Mo speculated in his heart that the big lucia got something, and only one of them was cured, so only one lucia appeared in the anime.

If you encounter Bai Mo, this kind of thing will naturally not happen. Although Bai Mo's healing ability is still weak, it can still have an effect on these two eggs.

It's just that Bai Mo doesn't know how long it will take to rashly stay here to restore Egg's power, and he doesn't know when the big Lugia will come back.

Now that Lugia is not in a good mood because of the poor state of the two eggs, nothing good will happen to it if it encounters it.

Sometimes, I really think about what is coming. At this time, a black shadow suddenly emerged from the bottom of the water and flew up along the stone pillar.

As soon as the shadow appeared, he immediately found Bai Mo next to the two eggs and the elves and people around him.

Suddenly there were so many outsiders, Lugia suddenly let out a roar, and then when Bai Mo didn't respond, he opened his mouth and emitted a destructive death light!

The destructive light of death came from Lugia's mouth and hit the blood-winged dragon directly. The blood-winged dragon could not escape and was hit on the side of the rock wall.

Only at this time did Bai Mo react.

Looking at the extremely miserable blood-winged dragon on the rock wall, although he had not lost his ability to fight, but was obviously short of breath, Bai Mo's mouth twitched. The appearance of Asia.

However, at this time, Lugia's second destructive light of death had already begun to brew, and it was about to be released. Bai Mo immediately took out the elf ball and took back the blood-winged dragon.

He is really speechless now. The current blood winged dragon is a champion. He has always believed that even if the opponent is an ordinary Lugia with the strength of a first-level god, he should be able to fight for a while.

But now it seems that is not the case at all. Although Lugia was a sneak attack, it really solved the blood-winged dragon with only one move, and seeing Lugia's posture of destroying the death light, there is no trick at all. Stiff state.

This is simply perverted!

While thinking, Bai Mo put his eyes on Lugia. He was about five meters tall, with a pure white body, with five sets of symmetrical black scale feathers on his back and two pointed black scale feathers on his tail.

At this time, Lugia's eyes were glowing with a strange red color, and Bai Mo's heart felt hairy when he saw it, but Kamizlei and the other girls didn't feel too special because there were some dreamy girls in front of them.

"If it weren't for the fact that I have two lucia eggs by my side, I would have been smashed by lucia." Bai Mo consciously leaned his body against the two lucia eggs. Leaning on, then smiled at Lugia and said:

"Well, ho, I don't mean anything, so you don't have to look at me like that."


As for Bai Mo's words, Lugia obviously didn't believe that some humans were coveted by them.

Bai Mo also knew that it would be useless to say so, and slightly raised his hand, a white light flashed, and then continued, "You can feel that I can help your child, which is the ability of these two eggs to recover, so, We might have a good chat."

Feeling the power in the white light in Dao Bai Mo's hand, Lugia's eyes suddenly became more excited.

"This power has the taste of Arceus, boy, who are you?"

A slightly surprised and questioning female voice appeared in Bai Mo's heart.


Bai Mo finally settled down in his heart. As long as he can communicate, there is no need to fight. Although he has Dream and them on his side, if the opponent is the first-level god Lugia, they may not be willing to take action. In the end, they escape with her.

After all, the relationship between the super beasts is definitely better!

Chapter 0802 Lugia's help, the limit of super divine beasts!

"Yes, for some reasons, I awakened the most essential power of Arceus with the help of King Ho. Although it is not strong, it should be enough to help your child." Bai Mo, who was relieved, tried his best to help. Show your kindness to Lugia.


"You are helped by King Feng, it seems that you are very difficult boy, but boy, how did you find this place."

Lugia was a little surprised. As the inheritor of the super divine beast, she knew the method for human beings to obtain Arceus, that is, Bai Mo was at least related to both Dream and Phoenix.

This is definitely a very special existence in human beings.

"Uh, I won the water elf competition in the Whirlpool Islands not long ago and got a piece of your feather, so I found this place by a little induction, and came in out of curiosity, I hope I didn't offend you."

Bai Mo spread out his hands helplessly. Although he had the idea of ​​subduing Lugia, he really didn't plan to use any nasty means.

"Young man, I feel kindness from your power, and I'm sorry for my recklessness!" Lugia nodded, and then said apologetically:

"My two children were coveted by a female elf hunter riding a blood wing dragon outside. After I knocked her back, the destruction light of her blood wing dragon still hit my children, causing damage to my children. The scene now!"

"If you can help, I will repay you, I don't want to lose any children."

Hearing what Lugia said, Bai Mo immediately thought of Hunter J and the hunter organization. He didn't expect that Lugia's loss of children was also caused by them.

"Even if you are willing to believe me, then I'll give it a try."

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