When Xiao Zhi and the two were helpless, a voice sounded from the woods beside him.

Afterwards, Bai Mo walked out with a group of girls.

"Brother Bai Mo!" Seeing Bai Mo, Xiao Zhi's expression suddenly became happy.

Beside Bai Mo, Xiaoxue moved to Pikachu's side to check the situation.

After a long while, Xiaoxue shook her head, "The body temperature is normal, and the breathing is steady. It doesn't look like he is sick. There must be some reason that caused Pikachu to lose his strength."


Zhao Xiaozhi nodded, and Bai Mo, who already had some guesses in his heart, took Pikachu and checked it carefully to make sure that he had no signs of injury on the surface.

"Bang, bang."

Just then, a few voices fell from the surrounding trees.

Everyone heard the sound and found a few green caterpillars, unicorns and Bobo fell to the ground.

Everyone carefully observed them, and they were surprised to find that their situation was the same as Pikachu, with a soft appearance of being exhausted.

Why do these wild pixies do this too?

Everyone was suspicious, Bai Mo looked at Shanaido and the girls, and after finding that they were all right, he touched his chin and said:

"If I guess right, only the elves who haven't fully evolved will have this situation?"

As he spoke, it seemed that in order to confirm his guess, Bai Mo raised the Porkby in his hand and said:

"It's the same with my Porkby."

"If you have pixies that haven't evolved yet, you can experiment."

Hearing Bai Mo's words, Xiao Zhi and a few curious girls immediately released a few elves.

And the fact is as Bai Mo said, all the elves that have fully evolved are fine, but the elves that have not fully evolved suddenly become lethargic.

"It seems that only those elves who haven't evolved to the top can do this. This is really a strange thing." Nazi was puzzled and released her super power to sense the surroundings, trying to find something.

On the other hand, Xiao Zhi and others put away all the elves that had not evolved completely.

Even Pikachu was not an exception to Ash, he knew that Pikachu should feel better if he entered the Poké Ball.

Although Pikachu hated such a small space as the Pokeball, but now the situation is a bit special, and he doesn't follow Pikachu's wishes.

This scene made Bai Mogao glance at him.


Just when Xiao Zhi finally put away Pikachu, before everyone could discuss what to do next, a roar full of anger and pain suddenly came from not far away.

"It's a tyrannical carp dragon!" Hearing the voice, Bai Mo immediately threw out the identity of the owner of the voice, which was definitely a tyrannical carp dragon.

But even if he couldn't hear it, Bai Mo, who already understood what was going to happen, knew where the roar was coming from.

"Let's go, let's go and have a look!" With a hint of urgency in his heart, Bai Mo took the lead and ran towards the direction of the voice.

The girls and Xiao Zhi naturally followed closely. Soon, the group ran to the outskirts of the forest, and a huge lake appeared in front of them.

In the middle of the lake, as Bai Mo said, there was indeed a tyrannical carp dragon howling and rolling in the lake, scaring many other water elves in the lake to avoid them one after another.


Pay attention to the appearance of the tyrannical carp dragon in the lake. Everyone except Bai Mo was surprised, because the tyrannical carp dragon in front of him turned out to be red instead of blue.

"Is this a flashy carp dragon!?" Xiaolan asked in confusion and surprise.

You must know that although few carp kings can evolve into tyrannosaurs, the number of elves such as carp kings is too exaggerated, which makes tyrannosaurs not particularly rare.

But even so, the Shining Tyrannosaurus was a very special existence, so they couldn't help but be surprised.

At this time, Bai Mo released his super power and began to observe the violence in front of him, and then came to a conclusion.

The flashing carp dragon in front of him is a male, and his characteristics may be due to the special way of evolution, only intimidation, and his strength has reached the quasi-king level.

But his talent is extremely high, it is perfect.

Bai Mo was not surprised by this. You must know that this tyrannical carp dragon was an existence that Yulongdu encountered and was keen to conquer after he became a champion, and became his main elf within two years. Absolutely not simple.

And being able to be the only existence in Team Rocket's research product has already explained a lot!

Chapter 0811 Crush the battle, the dragon appears!

"Looks like it's going to be faster this time."

He released his superpower and observed the surroundings, and found that there was no figure of Yulongdu. Bai Mo planned to take action. No matter what, the tyrannical carp dragon in front of him was a good elf. He had been thinking about it for so long. subdue.

But just when Bai Mo was going to take the girl to trouble the Rockets, these guys came to the door.

I saw a group of people wearing black uniforms coming out of the side of the institution in groups, surrounded Bai Mo and others, and the black uniforms these people were wearing also had r letters printed on them.

That's right, it's the r letter, not the R letter.

"This is a private territory. No outsiders are allowed to approach this place. Now I suspect that you have stolen our organization's secret information. I need to take you away for investigation. I hope you will cooperate."

In the group, the leader was a long and somewhat sinister man. When he saw so many beautiful girls in front of him, he suddenly thought.

In line with the man's words, the rest of the people took out the Poké Ball.

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