As the flames disappeared, a loud dragon roar sounded above everyone's heads.

Everyone looked up curiously and looked up at the sky. What caught their eyes was a strong fast dragon, and there seemed to be a person sitting on its back.

Chapter 0812 Dragon Envoy Crossing

"Is this guy a little familiar?"

Looking at the person on the back of Kuailong in the sky, Xiaozhi muttered to himself, he always felt as if he had seen this person somewhere.

Hearing Xiao Zhi's words, Xiao Gang immediately put his hand on his forehead. The man in the sky is like Bai Mo. There are very few people in this world who don't know each other.

Thinking of this, Xiaogang couldn't help but glanced at the sullen man opposite him like an idiot. The man didn't recognize Bai Mo, and he took the initiative to fight with Bai Mo. There was definitely something wrong with his brain.

But in the next moment, something happened that made Xiaogang's teeth fall to the ground. Among the Rockets present, only the shady man barely survived the previous jet flame attack. Although he looked very embarrassed, he could still stand. .

After the fast dragon attack was over, the yin-damaged man looked towards the sky and said unhappily:

"Who are you guy?"

"How dare you care about our Rockets!?"

Xiaogang said that he definitely did not wake up from the dream, otherwise how would he meet such an idiot, who did not recognize the identity of the person in the sky, and also revealed the identity of the Rockets.

Really kill!

"Humph, Team Rocket!"

"Just admit that you are Team Rocket, save me the investigation!"

The man in the sky snorted coldly, with a serious tone:

"I am Yu Longdu, the elf investigator, and I suspect that you have something to do with an illegal elf experiment!"

"Now all of them will be captured by me, and all of them will go back to Kaji Town with me to assist in the investigation!!"

That's right, the person here is Yulongdu, one of the Four Heavenly Kings of Kanto, who is called Yulongshi!

"Wait! We are the staff of a regular company, you have no right to arrest us!" Hearing that the other party revealed his identity, the man's IQ finally went online, and he protested with sophistry for the first time.

"Hehe, didn't you just say that you were Team Rocket? Besides, the Dragon Envoy didn't say that he wanted to arrest you, but asked you to assist in the investigation!" Bai Mo immediately said:

"I heard it with my own ears."

Bai Mo now really wants to help Yulongshi, although he said he was assisting in the investigation, but that was just talking.

Bai Mo knows these guys from Team Rocket very well, and he definitely won't tell the truth without stripping them off.

At the police station, they will definitely have a good time!

Bai Mo thinks this is very good, and it seems too cheap to let the sinister man finish playing like this.

In the sky, Yulongdu's eyes were also looking at this group of people coldly. The people of Yulong's family are notorious for hatred and hatred. Listening to the mourning of the red tyrannical carp dragon and the uniforms worn by the members of Team Rocket, he attitude is not getting better.

Facing his icy gaze, the sinister man suddenly felt a shudder in his heart, knowing that this time he might suffer if he didn't get it right.

For a man with a sinister nature to become a junior cadre of the Rockets with the strength of a Heavenly King-level elf, it is natural to have a little vision.

He didn't expect to meet someone like Bai Mo here before, and with so many beauties around Bai Mo, he was blinded by some dirty thoughts of his own.

But now that he calms down, his IQ returns, and the situation is straightened out at once.

Anyone, be it a police officer or a searcher or a criminal like them, has a different personality.

Some people are upright, and some people are more casual and just get along.

Some people are unilateral messing around, even the Rockets.

In the face of different people, people with a little vision will have different coping measures.

But now, the man who was sullen was very clear that he was in the most troublesome situation, because the name of the person in front of him was Yulongdu, their number one enemy of Team Rocket.

In the hands of this person, even if the Rockets have someone in the alliance and the police system who can't keep him, his level is not enough!

I can't beat it again. Thinking about what I have done in the past few years, it is difficult to say whether I can survive in this life if it is in the hands of Yu Longdu.

Thinking of this, a stern look flashed in the eyes of the sinister man!

"No, I absolutely have to run away!"

Having made the most correct decision at this moment in his heart, the sinister man immediately shouted:

"All the team members listen to the order and start emergency measures now!!"

Emergency measures! ?

Hearing the words of the sinister man, both Yu Longdu and Bai Mo showed a look of interest on their faces. In the face of absolute strength, they were not afraid of everything, but now they are curious about how the scumbags in front of them can play tricks. What a trick.

On the other side, with the sound of the sinister man, those Rockets members who were still active all took out a pokeball and threw it.

With the flash of white light, a bunch of naughty bullets appeared and surrounded Bai Mo and others!

"What are you doing?"

Seeing the scene in front of him, Yu Longdu, who has always been serious, couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth and said:

"I said, you don't think that such a collective self-destruction can hurt me, right?"

Not to mention that there are other elves in his hands, the strength of Kuailong in Yulongdu's hands has reached the peak of the championship level, while the strength of the naughty bullets below range from intermediate to elite.

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