As if to confirm Bai Mo's words, the electromagnetic gun instantly hit the tyrannical carp dragon, and the tyrannical carp dragon immediately let out a painful roar, sparks flashing all over his body, and then he began to gasp violently.

The Electricity System is four times restrained against the Tyrannosaurus, which is why Bai Mo knows that the Electric Dragon is one level lower than the Tyrannosaurus and continues to use it.

"Dragon Carp Dragon~"

Xiao Zhuang shouted worriedly.

"Thunder!" Bai Mo didn't hold back and gave the order again.

The hit of the electromagnetic gun will cause a [-]% paralysis effect. The Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon has now fallen into a state of paralysis, and Bai Mo cannot give up such an opportunity.

"Oops, tyrannical carp dragon, dodge!" Xiao Zhuang's face showed anxiety.

It's a pity that the small pile can only make the violent carp dragon that wants to move flash more powerfully, but there is no way to move.

In the end, the thundering trick directly hit the violent carp dragon, causing four times the effect again.

He was hit by an electric-type ultimate move again, and the effect was still quadrupled, and the tyrannical carp dragon fell directly to the ground and fainted.

"The tyrannical carp dragon loses its fighting power, and the electric dragon wins!"

Kabu was also very shocked that the Tyrannosaurus was defeated so quickly, which was much faster than the previous one, but he still announced.

"Not bad!"

Bai Mo nodded. It's not that the tyrannical carp dragon is not strong, but it has too many disadvantages. The lack of water in the pool makes it move unchanged. Although the electric dragon itself is a little weaker than it, it is restrained in attributes, and later because of its unique skills. It is inevitable to be defeated by continuous attacks.

"Really, don't let me!"

Xiao Zhuang, a strong woman, rarely said a coquettish word, but she really admired Bai Mo in her heart.

Because of the dragon character, the electric dragon is not a minority among the people of their royal dragon clan, but this is the first time I have encountered such a strong one as Bai Mo, and she has already learned that the electric dragon can also complete the Mega Evolution, and in that state there is still the existence of the dragon attribute, Xiao Zhuang feels that he is not wronged.

Taking back the tyrannical carp dragon and comforting it, Xiao Zhuang released her third elf.

To Bai Mo's expectations, this was a fast dragon.

Bai Mo always thought that if he came to challenge, he would only encounter two elves. He didn't expect Kabu to say that it was three to three, but Bai Mo thought that it was definitely not Hakolong. Every evolution has leaps and bounds.

When it was still Haklong, its strength was not even as strong as Xiaozhuang's Tyrannosaurus Carposaurus and Thorn Dragon King, so Bai Mo was always curious about Xiaozhuang's third one.

It's just that he didn't expect it to be a fast dragon.

As soon as the fast dragon came out, the eyes of the fire-breathing dragon X and the blood-winged dragon in the sky became sharp, and they smelled the same kind of smell, that is, the fast dragon in front of them had the same championship-level strength as them, and it was still The strongest among them.

Bai Mo also noticed the strength of Kuailong at this time, and asked curiously.

"Xiao Zhuang, this fast dragon shouldn't be yours, right? Did it borrow it from Wendu?"

Hearing this, Xiao Zhuang smiled and shook his head, then explained.

"You know that my initial partner was a mini-dragon. It didn't take long for her to evolve into a hakron. You also know the original situation. She has never evolved, and she is still accumulating energy. It's gone!"

"So I didn't use it today, because it's being trained in the clan now, in order to evolve as soon as possible, although I'm sorry, but my cousin's fast dragon is stronger than this fast dragon."

"This fast dragon is actually Grandpa Kabu's."

Saying that, Yulongzhuang pointed to Kabu on the side and said, "Mo, you know, Grandpa Kabu is the old housekeeper of my clan. Now that he is retired, he is helping me in the gym!"

"In fact, the usual game is two-on-two. It's just because I heard that you are coming, so I want to let the fast dragon play."

"Because Kuailong hasn't fought with Grandpa Kabu for a long time, but Kuailong is extremely eager to fight, so I hope you can do your best. Whether you win or lose, this gym badge will be given to you."


Bai Mo nodded to show his understanding. Since the opposite Kuailong wanted to fight, let's fight the last one. After thinking about it, Bai Mo shouted again at the sky.

"Fire-breathing Dragon X, it's your turn to play."


As soon as Bai Mo's words fell, a black fire-breathing dragon flew down from above. Speaking of which, Bai Mo had not let him fight for a long time. If it wasn't for the fire-breathing dragon X being very convinced of Bai Mo, the fire-breathing dragon X was aggressive. The character is estimated to have a temper.

Chapter 0828 Battle Kabu, a championship-level match!


In the sky, when the blood-winged flying dragon saw the fire-breathing dragon X coming down, he roared at him, and Bai Mo sneered at him that this big guy was quite cute. He had previously expressed his grievances that he could not fight, but this changed too fast.

The blood-winged dragon and the fire-breathing dragon X practice in the air all day long, and the relationship between the two elves is very good.

Fire-breathing Dragon X also roared at the blood-winged flying dragon and set his eyes on Kuailong. He felt the threat from Kuailong and knew that the opponent was an opponent.

And the fast dragon also stared at the fire-breathing dragon X, and the two champion elves directly competed on the momentum.

Seeing that Bai Mo sent the famous Fire-breathing Dragon X, Xiao Zhuang thought about it and asked Bai Mo as if he did not fight directly, "Mo, how about having Grandpa Kabu fight with you in the last game?"

"No!" Before Bai Mo could answer, Kabu was the first to say something to stop him: "Miss, this is against the rules, no, it's already a bit wrong for you to use Kuailong."

"I'm the referee!"

Indeed, according to the rules of the alliance, this is absolutely not acceptable. The Yulong family is still notoriously upright and will definitely not know the law and break the law.

Xiao Zhuang didn't know what to say this time, so he glanced at Bai Mo as if to help.

Seeing this, Bai Mo smiled and said, "I have no opinion, Xiao Zhuang, didn't you just say that the normal game is [-]v[-], and the badge will definitely be given to me, so the rules should be re-announced."

"Next time, let me have a friendly match with Mr. Kabu."

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