Bai Mo resolutely chose to abandon the car to protect the commander. If he was hit by the water wave, it would be very effective, but if he used the unique trick of the substitute, he would only sacrifice a small part of his physical strength.

Chapter 0829 Tie!


The fire-breathing dragon X made a dangerous and dangerous trick before being hit, and the deity immediately appeared three meters away, and there was an image of the fire-breathing dragon X in the position before the fire-breathing dragon X. The dragon's skill disappears instantly after hitting it.

"Fire-breathing Dragon X, Dragon's Wave."

To deal with the fast dragon, in order to increase the damage, Bai Mo asked the fire-breathing dragon X to use the dragon-type trick.

Fire-breathing Dragon X is a dragon-type plus fire-type, and the degree of mastery of dragon-type rules is not weak, so it is just right to deal with fast dragons!

"Quick Dragon, we also use Dragon Wave." Hearing Bai Mo's voice, Kabu chose to confront him!

As the voices of the two trainers fell, the two elves began to accumulate gas in the arena, and then they shot blue-yellow light at each other. The light exploded in the middle, creating a smoke screen, and they were evenly matched.

At this time, the shock wave generated by the ultimate fight was sent out, and the fast dragon was pushed higher, and it took a while to stabilize and fly high in the sky.

The fire-breathing dragon X on the ground was pressed to the ground, and then it was shrouded in smoke that was brought over, making it difficult to see the figure.

Bai Mo believes that Fire-breathing Dragon X will not lose the fighting ability like this, and at this time Kabu and the fast dragon in the air can't see Fire-breathing Dragon X, and Fire-breathing Dragon X can't see the fast dragon, but Bai Mo can see the fast dragon!

At this time, Kuailong was a living target, and Bai Mo immediately seized the opportunity.

"Fire-breathing dragon X, just above and south, at a 45-degree angle, the dragon fluctuates."

There is no need to use superpowers. Bai Mo has not encountered such a situation once or twice, so he has an arrangement for his elf, then when he is in the smoke screen, don't move the position where he disappeared at the last moment. !

Although the enemy knew where Fire-breathing Dragon X was before, the experienced trainers would not attack it, because the experienced trainers would tell the elf to move away as soon as possible to prevent themselves from being invisible. become a target.

And outside the smoke screen, the trainer will let the elf attack at will, which will put him in a disadvantageous situation, so he usually waits for the smoke screen to clear before attacking.

But Bai Mo, who has super powers, naturally chose to do the opposite, seize this point and use it.

Fire-breathing Dragon X did not disappoint Bai Mo. It did not lose its combat power after the unique trick was met. After listening to Bai Mo's order, it used its unique trick and hit Kuailong before Kuailong and Kabu could react.

Dragon-type trick, the effect is outstanding!

The hit dragon falls from the sky.

"Fire-breathing dragon X, the fury of dragon scales!"

Bai Mo naturally did not miss such a good opportunity, and chose to pursue the victory, and let Fire-breathing Dragon X attack as soon as possible.

At this time, the smoke screen has dissipated a lot, and the shape of the fire-breathing dragon X can be vaguely seen. Kabu immediately said brightly:

"Fast dragon, we also use the fury of dragon scales."

Both sides have been hit by the opponent's powerful tricks, and Kabu is not afraid of the fire-breathing dragon X, so he will come straight to it.

The falling fast dragon immediately reacted and used the fury of dragon scales.


A collision of great power appeared, and the two elves collided again.

The smoke screen reappeared and enveloped the two elves.

This time, Bai Mo and Kabu didn't act rashly either, they were all waiting for the smokescreen to dissipate.

Although Bai Mo could see it with his super powers, the fire-breathing dragon X, who had just used up his inverse scales, was not suitable for an immediate attack.

As the smoke screen dissipated, everyone found that the two elves were panting fiercely, looking at each other, their eyes intertwined, and they were full of inextinguishable fighting intent.

But after taking a serious look at Fire-breathing Dragon X, Bai Mo and Kabu tacitly agreed and didn't speak again.

Just under everyone's attention, the Fire-breathing Dragon X and the Fast Dragon fell at the same time.

The final result ended in a draw.

Bai Mo was not surprised by this scene. When he reached the championship, each step was more difficult than all the previous progress combined.

It has been more than a year since the Charizard X entered the championship level, but it is only now that it has barely touched the threshold of the intermediate level of the championship level.

Although the aptitude of Fire-breathing Dragon X can ignore this threshold, the accumulation of strength and experience will still take a long time without special adventures.

And Kabu's fast dragon can be said to be old, although this age is not long for the life of fast dragon, but the accumulated experience and strength are placed there, it has already reached the championship level.

The fire-breathing dragon X is tied with the champion-level high-level fast dragon at the level of the champion intermediate level, which can already show how powerful he is.

Of course, this also shows that Bai Mo is not weaker than Kabu!


Bai Mo and Kabu tacitly took out the elf and put away the two elf, then walked to the side of the small pile together, stretched out their hand and shook it.

Kabu said with some emotion.

"There are talented people in the country, Young Master Bai Mo, you are really amazing. I believe it won't be long before I'm no match for you at all."

"Mr. Kabu is also old and strong, but it was a lucky draw. At the beginning, you pressed me to fight." Bai Mo smiled humbly. The old housekeeper of Yulong's family is not as simple as it seems. Although he is not arrogant, he If the other party gives face, he will also give corresponding respect.

At this time, Xiao Zhuang couldn't stand it any longer, and said a little unhappy.

"Oh, stop touting each other, know that you are very strong, I am the weakest, really."

"Ha ha!"

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