This is also Bai Mo's request for himself!

After getting the egg of Bictini, Bai Mo was in a good mood. He quickly came to the last piece of the puzzle and completed the expected Fengwang puzzle!

Afterwards, Bai Mo rushed in to see if there was anything good.

But this time, Bai Mo was disappointed because the space behind Shimen was empty.

But just when he was disappointed, the power of Arceus in his mind suddenly became active, and there was a familiar feeling of meeting relatives!

Chapter 0832 Arceus, a promise with King Ho!


When Bai Mo was curious, a strange force appeared, and the fire-breathing dragon Y and Hippo King beside him passively returned to the Poké Ball.

Then the entire wall above his head shone with a strong light.

But Bai Mo didn't feel that these rays of light were dazzling, but felt unusually soft.

Then, a group of unknown totems suddenly appeared and surrounded him, as if they were dancing around him. After that, Bai Mo felt that his whole body was surrounded by light.

In this case, Bai Mo is not good at interrupting the unknown totems, let alone subduing them.

Soon, with the end of a dance, the light gradually disappeared, and the environment around Bai Mo also changed. It was no longer the dark cave at the bottom, but the shore before he went down to the lake.

And above the unknown totems, there is a colorful light hole like a dimensional intersection. Those unknown totems entered the hole at a very fast speed, and then the light flashed, and the surrounding environment returned to calm.


If it weren't for the egg of Bictini in his hand, Bai Mo would have thought that the previous experience was just a dream.

"How did that happen!"

Bai Mo began to think about it. According to his knowledge, the unknown totem created the words of this world and was also the construction of order, so it was normal to be close to his power.

It's not bad for him to suddenly come back here this time. It saves him the time to go back the same way. Anyway, the Alufu and the others below have been investigated, and it's fine to let the people under him take over.

It's just that Bai Mo didn't know that after those unknown totems left, in a solemn temple at the height of this world, Arceus, who had been sleeping for a long time, briefly opened his eyes, but after that, he seemed to think that he was wrong, and he again He closed his eyes that seemed to see through everything.

And at this time, Ho-oh, who was dozing off somewhere in this world, rarely looked relieved.

She telepathically said to Sui Jun who was right next to her.

"Fortunately this time, the guy you selected appeared in the ruins I left. Although he led out the totems, I helped hide it!"

"Otherwise, when Arceus finds out that this human boy has the same power as it, I don't know what to think, whether to destroy or support."

"But for the time being, let this guy Bai Mo grow up for a while. It won't even be the case that he won't even have the ability to defend himself."

"Yes, my lord."

Suicune just roared at Ho-oh and thanked him.

On the other side, Bai Mo, who didn't know whether he avoided the crisis or missed an opportunity, released the blood-winged dragon and moved towards his next destination.

On the way, Bai Mo saw a fighting gym called Yuanzangliu in a mountain. Although this gym could not obtain a badge, Bai Mo did not need it. His main purpose was to go there and find someone to ask for a rare one. the elf.

After arriving at the Taoist temple, Bai Mo looked for an old man nearby who specialized in selling Chinese herbal medicine. The old man used a pot as a container for fermenting various herbs. The herbs he made had many uses, such as enhancing a certain elves. The power of various skills or improve the muscle strength of the elf.

The old man was a little famous, and it only took Bai Mo a little time to find him.

After verifying that the old man's herbal medicine is indeed effective, Bai Mo bought a lot of potions to improve the power of the elf. This kind of herbal medicine, which is completely made from various tree fruits, will not have a bad effect on the elf's body. It is a pure natural potion. Let Bai Mo feel more at ease.

As for the high-roller old man like Bai Mo, he was naturally very enthusiastic. Bai Mo finally wanted to take over one pot, and he naturally did not reject the old man with nearly a hundred pots.

It was also until this time that Bai Moxiang sent an invitation to the old man, hoping that he could join WT.

After Bai Mo's explanation, the old man finally agreed to join WT.

After successfully winning over the talents in the development of traditional Chinese medicine, and getting the pot, Bai Mo decided to go to the final destination, the no-man's land in the west of Zhanlan Taoist Hall.

Five days later, after recovering for a day in the small world, holding a map around Zhanlan City, Bai Mo started off alone.

The no-man’s-land is still a huge tropical rainforest area, and the west of Zhanlan City and the back of the glorious grassland in the north are his scope…

According to memory, Bai Mo took a few elves to the no-man's land in the west.

The west side of Zhanlan City is a rugged cliff. At this time, the west side has not yet been developed, so there are no special caves that have been penetrated, but Bai Mo doesn't care. He knows the destination of this trip to the no-man's land, which should be In a hole in a cliff near the sea to the south.

After releasing the blood-winged dragon, it flew directly onto the cliff, and Bai Mo walked south through the jungle.

After walking for a day under such circumstances, Bai Mo came to a seat by the sea, and it happened to be night, so he camped first.

Release all the elves, because of the power of Arceus, Bai Mo can know what the elves are saying by feeling.

And now, his power has long been very skilled. Although the elf only makes his own voice, and he also speaks, he can see that he has a good conversation with his elf, so although the girls are in a small world, Bai Mo is not alone.

So I didn't hurry on the next road, I walked along the beach in the jungle, and by the way sent a few of my own main elves and wild elves for special training on combat rights.

Although the elves in the no-man's land are more aggressive, they are still not afraid of Bai Mo's combat power, but it's just giving experience.

When they weren't fighting, Bai Mo let them fight. Now, the training method is almost fixed.

And the weight device on the body of the fierce bite land shark is also constantly increasing.

The electric dragon trained with the lightning bird, and the lightning bird also trained. This may be the pride of the beast. Seeing that several other elves of Bai Mo are almost as strong as it, they are still training desperately, and it is also infected by Bai Mo. The method is to find those rocks and fight against the ground elves every day.

King Hippo has also been exercising his mental strength, and now he has more physical strength. After all, King Hippo has more potential than that. Physical strength is very important for an elves who can use multi-special tricks.

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