"Kaikongzuo, if you want the green orb, I will give it back to you naturally, but I don't know the origin of this orb. You should know, and I hope you can satisfy my curiosity."

Hearing the words, Qiaokongzuo took a deep look at Bai Mo. Bai Mo has a familiar energy in him. He has a deep sense of closeness to this young man, but he does not insist on its domineering and cold style. Bai Mo roared.

"This is when I saw Kyogre and Groudon fight, and the damage to the world was too great. In order to prevent them in time when they appeared, I deliberately left it to those kind-hearted humans."

"Now that Kyogre and Groudon are asleep, the Orb is useless."

"But this orb was sent by me. For some reasons, unless humans return it, we cannot take it back on our own."

Chapter 0835 The benefits and opportunities given by the empty seat!


The answer of the cracking seat is similar to Bai Mo's guess. The super ancient humans made two orbs in order to restrain Kyogre and Groudon, but they underestimated the abilities of these two elves, and they were destroyed instead. I want to come to the cracking seat. It was at that time that it came down to protect the human beings it thought were kinder and innocent.

At the same time, he also understood why Crack Kongza didn't recover the green orb by himself. Although he was curious about the reasons, Crack Kongza didn't talk about Bai Mo and didn't ask any questions.

Satisfied with curiosity, Bai Mo immediately took the green orb out of the altar and called Fire-breathing Dragon X to fly over to the Korakuza.

Bai Mo knew that because of his ability, the general elf would get close to him as long as he didn't do anything hostile.

But with Risakuza's temperament, if he procrastinated and was suspected of coveting the green orb, the consequences would be unknown.


As soon as the cracking seat received the green orb, he swallowed the green orb, and the rune on his body glowed with a green light. After the green light disappeared, he raised his head and planned to leave.

When Bai Mo saw that the cracked empty seat was about to leave, he was in a hurry.

"Korakuza, since we met, it's better to have a fight. If I win, I hope we can travel together."

Kaikongza's body that was about to leave suddenly froze. Although Bai Mo said it euphemistically, it also heard that Bai Mo should have the intention to subdue it.

Although each super beast has its own function, its function of the empty seat is the easiest, that is, high altitude, human beings do not have the ability to destroy the place it manages.

In addition, there is also a part-time job in Rift Seat, which is to manage two guys, Kyogre and Groudon.

However, Korakuza are three sisters, and they are not false in a fight. Two, two, two, three, usually really easy.

If a trainer beats him, Rikuza doesn't mind traveling with him.

However, after glancing at Bai Mo's few elves, Kai Kongzao shook his head. Although he didn't hate Bai Mo, he still had to show his strength to subdue him. The elf, and its gap is still too big.

A few elves in Bai Mo saw the cracking seat shaking his head, thinking that it was the cracking seat that looked down on them, and immediately roared.

"Heh, do you still have tempers?" The Fire-breathing Dragon X let out a few voices, and Kaikongza opened his eyes slightly and glared at them.


In just a moment, all the elves closed their mouths, and at this moment, they felt an unmatched momentum.

In this situation, if Bai Mo directed them, they might still take action, but obviously their strength would be greatly reduced.

Seemingly to make Bai Mo give up, Crack Kongza randomly used a Destruction Death Light against a mountain not far away. The orange-yellow light of the Destruction Death Light was so huge that it smashed the mountain into ashes in one fell swoop.

"I go!"

"I'm still too young."

"It seems that the fight between Dream and Mewtwo is for me to see, so I can restrain my strength."

"If the firepower is full, it is estimated that we have to go to the universe to fight!"

Bai Mo's previous scene, instinctively swallowed his saliva, good guy, he still walked over that mountain. After walking for a whole day, he was suddenly blasted away. It hurts, I guess I can't take it anymore.

Now Bai Mo deeply understands that the depiction of Kaikongza in the animation of the previous life is strong enough, but the depiction ability of human beings is still not enough to describe the true strength of super beasts.

These pixies are stronger in reality.

Seeing that Bai Mo was silent, Crack Kongza roared at him and flew into the clouds. The dark clouds disappeared when Crack Kongza was completely submerged in the clouds, and then a ray of sunlight shone on Bai Mo's face, and he could no longer see it. To the figure of the cracking seat.

But as the sun fell, there was also a greenish-purple light.

Seeing Kaikongza gone, Bai Mo laughed at himself, remembering the first time Groudon and Kyogre appeared in the anime of the previous life, the two elves were fighting. The split seat against two is obviously stronger, after all, Groudon and Kyogre are not as simple as one plus one equals two.

Thinking of the meaning conveyed by the final roar of the cracking seat, a dazzling light flashed in Bai Mo's eyes, which was infinite fighting spirit.

It seems that Rikongzuo recognized him, but he did not recognize his strength, so he gave him a chance.

In the next five years, on this day of each year, the cracking seat will come to the high altitude above the burial tower. As long as he comes to the cracking seat, he can sense that the cracking seat will fight him with all his strength. As long as it can be a draw, the cracking seat will be Admit him, travel with him...

However, in five years, there is only one chance. Whatever year Bai Mo has been in, if he fails or the time is exceeded, the cracking seat will not give Bai Mo another chance. Even if Bai Mo can defeat it in the future, the cracking seat will not listen. Bai Mo's order.

This is a test, but Bai Mo is not afraid. In five years at the most, he will definitely have the ability to fight against the Korakuza head-on. Bai Mo firmly believes that he can become that strong.

In addition, the last ray of light made Bai Mo feel that it was an unexpected joy, because it was the blessing of the cracking seat.

With this kind of power, Bai Mo can help him in the battle between the flying type or the dragon type elves, increasing their strength by [-]%.

Of course, the most useful thing for Bai Mo is that he feels that with this power, he can completely fool the Meteor Remnant Clan into his lineup.

Cracking the empty seat really gave a big gift!

Bai Mo and the elves trained even more hard after experiencing the Cracked Seat. Originally, Bai Mo planned to return to Zhanlan City as soon as possible, because of the appearance of the Burial Tower, although it was in the depths of the no-man’s land, Bai Mo was still in the dark. I don't want an accident to happen and be detected by others, so I want my subordinates to come and do me a favor.

It's just that after Bai Mo left the Burial Tower, the mountain around the tower collapsed suddenly and buried the Burial Tower again. Bai Mo secretly felt that this should be the work of Kaikongza.

After remembering the newly buried location of the Burial Tower, Bai Mo started special training in the no-man's land because he didn't have to worry about the Burial Tower being discovered.

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