Noticing the change in Cattleya, Nazi, who was beside him, quickly asked, "What? Did you find someone?"

"No." Cattleya shook her head hesitantly, "I didn't find the Bishas and Xiaozhi that Mokou described."

"You should have it too. After my super powers broke through to the top level, I can already distinguish the breath of some acquaintances!"

"I just found an old acquaintance here, but it's a bit strange!"

"Well, strange!?" Nazi suddenly became interested and released her superpower in the direction of Cattleya, and then she also frowned with a strange look on her face.

"Could it be that we just broke through and our strength is unstable?" Nazi asked suspiciously.

"Maybe." Cattleya nodded uncertainly.

"Maybe it's a big-headed ghost, you are right!" At this time, Bai Mo opened his mouth and said speechlessly: "That person is Dr. Damu, but he was just Dr. Damu when he was a child!"

"Dr. Damu when I was young!?" All the girls were shocked, and then Cattleya wondered, "Did we travel through time and space."

"Stupid!" Bai Mo put his hand on her forehead, and said angrily, "It was the young Dr. Damu who traveled through time and space!"

Saying that, Bai Mo explained the situation a little.

"Oh, so that's the case, no wonder you said that you can meet Celebi!" Cattleya nodded suddenly, and finally understood the specific situation, and then she asked with some interest:

"Mo, then why don't you ask Sister Nanamei to come out, hehe, this is her chance to see her grandfather when she was younger than herself!"

"Uh..." Bai Mo's expression suddenly became strange.

This is a good idea.

In her mind, she simulated how Nanami looked when she saw Dr. Ogi when she was a child, and wanted to laugh inexplicably.

But in the end, Bai Mo didn't do that. He was really afraid that Nanamei's appearance would cause some problems with the timeline.

It's better not to explore things like time.

"Blood-winged dragon, fly towards that!"

With a chuckle, Bai Mo didn't answer Cattleya's words, and Bai Mo immediately patted the blood-wing flying dragon and let him fly in the direction of Dr. Damu.

Just kidding, finding Dr. Oki is more useful than finding Bishas and Ash.

Afterwards, under the command of Bai Mo, the blood-winged flying dragon flew all the way in one direction.

Soon, the group came to a mountain temple and found that there was a person lying there.

Seeing the temple, Bai Mo secretly scolded himself for being stupid, how could he forget such an important thing.

But now is not the time to think about it, Bai Mo brought the girls to the front of the young Dr. Damu.

At this time, Dr. Damu looked like a teenager. He looked about the same age as him. He should have just come out to travel at the age of sixteen or seventeen.

In front of the young Dr. Damu who came a few steps, Bai Mo reached out and patted the other's face lightly, shouting:

"Hey, wake up."

While patting, Bai Mo thought unscrupulously:

"I'm the first person in the world to beat Dr. Damu, it feels good."

However, I don't know if it's because I'm too tired to travel through time and space, or because I'm not used to it.

Although the young Dr. Damu was still breathing, no matter how Bai Mo took pictures, he seemed to be unable to wake up for a while.

"Dream, please release your super powers to find out what villages are nearby?"

Seeing that he couldn't wake up Dr. Damu for a while, Bai Mo thought that Dr. Damu appeared here, and the small village in the original book should be nearby, so he asked the strongest dream here for help.

"Okay!" Just looking for a village, Dream will naturally not refuse.

"There is a small village in that direction." As soon as he released his superpower, Dream found the location of the village.

"Let's go then."

Bai Mo didn't write any ink, and immediately used his superpower to control the young Dr. Damu to fly to the back of the blood-winged flying dragon, and then the group flew directly in the direction of the small village pointed by the dream.

Just as Bai Mo thought, the village was not far from them, and they arrived there in half an hour.

Walking to the entrance of the village, looking from a distance, there are towering trees everywhere in this mysterious little village, almost integrated with the entire forest.

Ordinary people really don't think there will be a group of people living here.

If it wasn't for Bai Mo and others with special abilities, they could use their superpowers to find their way. Otherwise, if no one led the way, they wouldn't really find this place!

Soon, walking into this village, if you look carefully, you can find that many houses here are built on big trees.

Although these houses look a bit shabby, there is something unique in them.

But now is not the time to observe these, Bai Mo's group and the little elves like Bloodwing Flying Dragon appeared, which quickly attracted the attention of the villagers who lived here.

One of the green-haired women stood on the treehouse outside the village and shouted to Bai Mo and the others condescendingly:

"Who are you guys? Are you lost here, or are you in trouble?"

Hearing the girl's words, Bai Mo immediately shouted:

"Someone is injured here, can you help us?"

Saying that, Bai Mo stretched out his finger and touched the big wooden Xuecheng on the back of the blood-winged flying dragon.

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