"It seems that you have traveled through time and space."

"Travel through time!"

The old woman's words successfully attracted the attention of Xiaozhi and Xiaogang, and the two who were already full immediately joined up.

At this time, Bai Mo opened his mouth and said:

"I've heard before that Diaruga has the ability to control time, and Palkia has the ability to control space."

"And Celebi has the ability to travel through time and space!"

"If Xuecheng has traveled through time and space, it can only be Celebi who brought him here."

"It's fun!"

At this time, Bai Mo obviously deliberately led the topic to Celebi.

The certification of the matter is also the same as he imagined.

The three words Celebi made Damu Xuecheng react immediately, "That's right, Celebi!"

"Where's Celebi, where is Celebi!"

At this time, Damu Xuecheng was obviously really anxious. After turning around in place for a few times, he turned to look at Bai Mo and asked:

"Friend, you saved me, thank you!"

"Excuse me, when you were saving me, did you see an elf with me!"

"If I see it, what else is there to do with you." Bai Mo scolded his heart, and he naturally shook his head and said, "I didn't see it!"

"Saw me and saved them together."

"Then what should I do!" Damu Xuecheng suddenly became anxious, "Celebi was captured by hunters when he was just exhausted through time and space, and now he has overdrawn his body and is still carrying me through time and space, and there are additional injuries. It was a good achievement.”

"What are we going to do now!"

Da Mu Xuecheng was anxious to become an ant on the hot pot, and Bai Mo would finally understand the truth of Celebi's being beaten by Bishas. It turned out that he was physically exhausted and injured.

"You actually saw Celebi."

When the old woman heard what Da Mu Xuecheng said, although she had expected it, she still asked with a shocked expression.

"Celebi is called the god of the forest by us, and it is the biggest belief of those who live in the forest!"

"Celebi is said to have the ability to travel through time and space. Now that it is combined with Xue, you have the ability to see that this ability is true!"

"I didn't expect it!"

"Now is not the time to say that!"

Before the old woman could finish her words, Da Mu Xuecheng stood up abruptly, with a worried expression on his face:

"As I said, Celebi is now seriously injured."

"At the time of crossing, four mysterious bells sounded. Those who know it will know when Celebi appeared, and there are evil spirits in the forest, it may not be safe now!"

"I have to rush to save it!"

After finishing speaking, Da Mu Xuecheng didn't stop at all, shoved the notebook into his backpack, and hurriedly ran out of the house.

Seeing him behave like this, several people present who knew his identity nodded. As expected, he was Dr. Damu, and he really liked and cared for the elf since he was a child.

"Wait a minute." Bai Mo stood up at this time to stop Damu Xuecheng: "Wait first, Xuecheng, you have to know, you don't know where Celebi is!"

"How did you go out so recklessly to find them!?"

"But, what should we do then?"

"Don't leave Celebi alone, it's dangerous!"

Damu Xuecheng obviously couldn't calm down.

At this moment, the old woman looked at the stalemate and suddenly said:

"I'm not accurate, but it's really useless to stay here!"

"If you are looking for Celebi, I can provide some clues, which may be helpful!"

"It is said that Celebi lives in the lake of life deep in the forest, and Xuecheng also said that it was injured, so it is likely to go there, you can go there and see."

Chapter 0841 Feeling murderous, Xuecheng encounters Bijas!

"By the way, this is the map to the Lake of Life, you can take it, ordinary people will get lost there!"

The old woman said that she took out a homemade map and handed it to Dr. Damu!

"Thank you so much!"

"I'll go now!"

Hearing the old woman's words, he bowed to the old woman, turned around, and prepared to set off again.

"I'll go with you too."

Bai Mo finally revealed his purpose. From the beginning to the end, he wanted Dr. Damu to find a way to go to the Lake of Life.

Although there is no such situation in the anime, Bai Mo has asked his subordinates to investigate the Lake of Life, but they have never been able to find it.

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