"I'll help you vent your anger." He gave Xiaoxue a look, Bai Mo stepped forward, his eyes locked on King Poklantis, who was leaning over from the Age of Gods.

He had never made a move before, that was because he was curious about why King Poclantis had attracted so many people through the media before he had completely leaned over to the Age of Gods.

Now he understands that the other party obviously wants to occupy a better body, so he is not in a hurry to seize the body.

At the same time, attracting so many trainers, it must be this King Poklantis who is confident that he can control all elves with his black ability.

Having figured this out, this King Poklantis no longer needs to exist.

Suddenly, Bai Mo's figure disappeared in a flash, and then he appeared again quickly, and then there was an extra thing in his hand.

This thing is the stone ball that originally belonged to King Poclantis.

"Huh?" Seeing Bai Mo dodging the stone ball, Poklantis' expression suddenly changed. He had experienced previous encounters, and he knew that without the help of the stone ball, he would not be Bai Mo's opponent at all.

Unexpectedly, the other party would move instantly, and he snatched the stone ball before he could react at all.

At this moment, Bai Mo turned his head and grinned from Zi Ling, who was beside him:

"Zi Ling, haven't you always wondered why I brought you?"

"The answer is this, wait for me to destroy the consciousness of this king, and you will absorb the clean soul power in it."

"I believe that you will be able to become a spiritual body at that time."

"By the way, this is also to give Xiaoxue a breath!"

Chapter 0848 The transformed Ziling, go to

"Spiritual body!?"

Hearing Bai Mo's words, Xiaoxue and Ziling were startled at first, and then they all understood why Bai Mo wanted to take them.

Bringing Ziling is to give Ziling a chance, so that she can make a breakthrough and become a spiritual body.

With Xiaoxue, it was because after Ziling became a spirit body, although she was not quite like a normal person, she also possessed her own body. If she became stronger, she would fall into a short-term coma and various unknown situations.

In this case, Xiaoxue, the top elf breeder and doctor, has a very good use.


After Zi Ling reacted, her eyes were filled with emotion.

You must know that although she can survive by relying on Bai Mo's small world, it is only a state of soul.

Now to finally have a body again, this is really her dream thing.

On the side, Xiaoxue was also very happy for Ziling.

During the time in the small world, Ziling and Xiaoxue had the most contact, and the latter even learned various methods of cultivating elves that were useful thousands of years ago on the former's side.

So the relationship between the two is really good.

"Hey, you must be too outspoken!"

On the opposite side, King Poklantis, who occupied the body of the Age of Gods, was suddenly unhappy when he heard Bai Mo's words.

You are so naked that you want to draw my attention, okay?

I am an emperor, not food! !

But will Bai Mo pay attention to King Poklantis?

of course not.

Seeing that Zi Ling had understood what she meant, Bai Mo did not say a word, and waved casually, and a blue-purple power emerged from his body to wrap the sundae.

Then, a black shadow was wrapped in blue-purple power, compressed continuously, and then brought out.

"how can that be!?"

"The power of this king has been sealed!?"

"Damn, who are you, what kind of power is this!!?"

Surrounded by Bai Mo's power, King Poklantis' soul immediately wanted to resist, but he was powerless to discover that after losing the help of the stone ball, his power was really weak in front of Bai Mo. Poor, totally irresistible.

The difference is really too big!


"I do not!"

"I want to unify the existence of the world, I..."

In the end, under the suppression of Bai Mo's power, the meaning of King Poklantis' soul was completely wiped out, and the power of desire was also clearly cleaned up.

In the end, only a mass of white energy light remains.

"Zi Ling, absorb this!"

Controlling the power of King Pokratis' soul and moving it into Zi Ling's hands, Bai Mo smiled.

The strength of King Poklantis is actually pretty good. If he is in front of him, he should have top-level strength, even Nazi and Cattleya may not be his opponents.

But now King Poklantis is just a soul body, and his ability is greatly reduced, and whether he can survive without the help of the stone ball's ability is a problem.

Bai Mo is a god-level existence. The strength that can be increased after being absorbed by the soul body is too little and too little, and he is completely uninterested.

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