Bai Mo said that this league competition is over, and many things will be put on the agenda.

After negotiating with Sanna and Li'an, Bai Mo's attention naturally turned to Latias.

"Hello, I heard my brother said about you." Latias' voice appeared in Bai Mo's heart, it was telepathy.

"That's good, let me explain." Bai Mo said with a light smile, "Then take me to see Latios."

"Okay." Latias Ka nodded and didn't refuse, but said a condition, "But before I take you, you have to play with me."

"You have been playing with your sister for several years, and you are also playing with me."

Latias Kakou's sister is naturally Latias Bai.

"Okay." After all, his relationship with Latias Bai was unusual, and Bai Mo did not refuse Latias Ka's request.

But Bai Mo didn't play with her alone, but brought the girls along.

But what made Bai Mo speechless was that Latias didn't go to those playgrounds to really play, but took Bai Mo and others around in the streets.

Bai Mo mentioned it, but Latias Ka still thought it was very interesting.

In the end, there was no other way, Bai Mo and the others could only helplessly follow her around.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for them to finally come to a somewhat interesting place, a huge museum.

"Hey, Latias Bai, isn't your sister a little stupid?" White asked curiously after wandering around the pointless place for so long.

"Uh, my sister is just relatively simple." Latias Bai was a little embarrassed. Latias Ka was notoriously childish, and she couldn't say anything. It was obvious that the two were one year apart. .

(Latias Bai is Baimo's Latias, with his surname, and Latias Ka is his sister, with the surname of Cannon!)

Seeing that Latias Bai was so helpless, Shanaido kindly changed the subject and asked, "By the way, is that you and your brother or your sister and your brother?"

Saying that, Shanaido stretched out his hand and pointed in one direction.

In between, on the square of the museum, there are two huge stone pillars erected.

On these two huge stone pillars are the stone sculptures of Latias and Latios, respectively.

These two were carved so vividly that they seemed to be alive, and they were exactly the stone statues that Minas used to tease Latias Bai a few days ago.

"No, that's my ancestor." Latias Bai replied aloud.

Pixies like Latios and Lattias are not rare among divine beasts.

Of course, that's only relative.

Compared with ordinary elves, Latias is a rare sight.

Some people never see one in their entire life.

However, although there are not many elves like Latias, they can occasionally be seen in the hands of trainers.

Although this little elf was named the patron saint in Aldo Mare, in fact, the so-called patron saint of the water capital is just what humans call them.

Unlike Ho-oh and other super-divine beasts, it is a divine role bestowed by nature. In this respect, the Latias group cannot even compare to the three sacred birds.

However, Latias and Latias are both dragon-type and super-power-type existences, and they can also evolve Mega, and their combat power is still more prominent.

"(Okay, just play with me here, I'll call everyone in here now.)"

"(My brother is here too.)"

At this time, Latias Ka's voice appeared in everyone's heart.

Afterwards, Latias Ka took Bai Mo's hand without saying a word and walked into the museum with the girls.

The decoration in this museum looks ancient and sacred. If you look closely, you can find that there are some elf fossils inlaid on the floor.

This is definitely more luxurious.

But Bai Mo knew that these fossils could not be taken away, otherwise they might be attacked by the museum's own defense system.

Inside the museum, on the second floor, the girl saw a familiar figure.

Why do you say it's familiar, because that girl is exactly the same as Latias now.

"Sister!" Latias Bai touched Latias Ka with his elbow and pointed to the second floor, "Is that someone you know?"

"I think the image of you turning into a human is to refer to her appearance."

"(Well! Her name is Kanon, and my brother and I live here thanks to her care. She is a very good person!)"

Latias Ka nodded and looked very happy.

It can be seen that the girl named Cannon has a good relationship with Latias.

Hearing what his sister said, Latias Bai became interested and asked, "Would you like to say hello to her then?"

Chapter 0854 Emerging Elf Hunter J

Hearing what his sister said, Latias Bai became interested and asked, "Would you like to say hello to her then?"

"(No! I don't want it!)"

When Latias Ka heard his sister's words, he categorically refused:

"(Canon is a good person, but he is too long-winded, just like your sister. If she sees me running out to play in her appearance, she will definitely teach me a long time!)"

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