Beside the cage, Latias Bai and Latias Ka were stomping anxiously there.

"That can't be done!"

Seeing this scene, Bai Mo knew that the matter could not be delayed any longer, and immediately shouted to Latias Bai:

"Latias Bai destroys this machine first, rescues Latias, and the rest will be discussed later!"

On the side, although Ben Gray was a little reluctant to give up this device, he did not speak. He knew that saving Latios was more important!

At this moment, Latios seemed to have been treated by Bai Mo, and suddenly opened his eyes slightly, looked at Bai Mo and shouted loudly:

"(Master, get out of here quickly!)"


Hearing this, Bai Mo couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, but before he could ask why, a sudden change occurred.


With a loud bang, the water droplets of the heart that had turned black suddenly burst out.

Afterwards, the black power in it seemed to break free from the cage, turning into a mass of black liquid and rushing straight towards Bai Mo.

"What is this!"

Feeling the evil of the black liquid, Bai Mo frowned and subconsciously wanted to avoid it.

But the speed of these black liquids is too fast, and it only entered his body in the blink of an eye.


Just as the black liquid entered Bai Mo's body, the out-of-control device finally stopped.

And the cage where Latios was trapped also stopped functioning. It immediately cooperated with Lattias Baili, broke the cage and escaped.

"That's great, brother!!"

Seeing Latios getting out of trouble, the two Lattias came forward and danced around him, very happy.

Ben Gray next to him saw this scene and showed a relieved smile.

But at this time, Latios, who was rescued, was not happy at all, but looked at Bai Mo with a solemn expression.

"(Master, are you alright!)"

Latias was taken aback by the sight of Bai Mo absorbing the black liquid before, and flew to Bai Mo for the first time, looking at him worriedly.

But when he heard its question, Bai Mo didn't answer. He just lowered his head, and in his eyes, a basket of black and two energies were constantly competing.

At the same time, Bai Mo's temperament is constantly changing.

Sometimes kind, sometimes cold!

"I am fine."

After a while, Bai Mo slowly raised his head, then reached out to J, who stood up, and said coldly:

"It's her who's in trouble!"

As Bai Mo's voice just fell, a black breath shot out from his body and instantly merged into J's body.

Afterwards, Bai Mo waved his arm, blue energy appeared, and J was wiped out in an instant, and even the black energy disappeared.


Seeing Bai Mo waving to kill, both Ben Grey and Cannon were dumbfounded, and Latios asked nervously:

"(This, Master, is your heart corrupted and polluted by the droplets of the heart?)"

"Damn, what should I do?"

"(Contaminated? Brother, what the hell is going on?")

Latias on the side hurriedly asked.

Hearing the words, Latios quickly explained: "(The water droplet of the heart is the purest power of the sea, it will resonate with some strange abilities, the power in the master's body is the power of Arceus, and will absorb this power to improve myself, but now the water droplets of the heart are infected with negative energy, and it is likely that the owner is also affected.)”

Latios' answer surprised everyone, and Ben Gray said with a dull expression:

"It is said that those with wicked hearts will lose the water droplets after using the water droplets of the heart. At that time, they will lose the water droplets together with the island. Could this legend be about to happen?"

Hearing Ben Gray's words, everyone looked at Bai Mo with even more concern, but the latter showed a bright smile at this moment:

"Don't think blindly, I'm doing fine now, how could any filthy power affect me!"

Chapter 0858 The arrival of Lugia!

"I'm fine now!"

Bai Mo looked at everyone with a relaxed expression:

"The level of evil thoughts is not at the level of a king."

"And I am a god-level, and what I have is the power of Arceus, which is even more qualitative."

"The evil thoughts in that power have been compressed and entered J's body just now.

Destroyed with her. "

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