"Then use the big character explosion to charge!"


Fire-breathing Dragon X obeyed the order, let out a roar, flapped his wings and rushed forward, while starting to brew flames, he also prepared a giant purple claw in his hand.


The purple giant claw and the purple wave ball collided, eventually canceling each other out.

At this time, Fire-breathing Dragon X opened his mouth and spat out a large character, Explosive Flame!

Although Lucario didn't know what Bai Mo meant by "Blast Flame Charge", he was keenly aware and instinctively felt a hint of threat. He couldn't move in the air, so he chose to gather another wave of missiles to face the large-shaped missile. The flames shot out.

Lucario's plan is very simple. He hopes that his wave missile can break the big character explosion, preventing the opponent's unique move and giving it a chance.

As long as he returns to the ground later, it will be the moment to counterattack!

But this time Lucario's wave missile plan was obviously miscalculated.

Fire-breathing dragon X quickly appeared on his body, and then rushed into the large-character explosion.

In an instant, the fire-breathing dragon X absorbed the power of the large-character explosion, forming a sphere with a diameter of less than three meters and a blue-black flame.

In the sphere, the dark figure of Fire-breathing Dragon X could be faintly seen.

The black flame in this flame accounts for about a quarter of the entire flame.

With terrifying heat, Charizard X directly broke the wave missile and slammed into Lucario.

Faced with this move, Lucario's eyes and pupils shrank suddenly, knowing that even if he faced this move with his own strength, it would be more sinister.

But when it thought of Bai Mo's previous words, and that as long as he defeated Fire-breathing Dragon X, he could learn about that coward, and he felt unwilling in his heart.

In the end, these unwillingness became Lucario's last anger.

It roared loudly, clasped its hands together, and then a beam of light with metallic luster suddenly emitted, colliding with the large-character flame car.


The two skills collided, a violent explosion exploded, and black smoke filled the air.

But at this moment, the large-character flame car broke through the black smoke directly, and hit Lucario with one blow. Lucario suddenly showed a look of extreme pain, and was directly hit the ground.

Fire-breathing Dragon X took a last look at Lucario, the flames all over his body disappeared, and then he returned to Bai Mo.

Seeing this scene, Lucario felt unwilling for a while and struggled to get up again, but he was never able to do so.

At this time, he saw Bai Mo take out a red sphere on the top and white on the bottom and threw it towards him.

Although he didn't know what this thing was, Lucario realized that this thing might have the ability to seal him just like Aaron's scepter, and immediately wanted to avoid it!

But the body was not under the command, and he could only watch the ball hit him.

Chapter 0863 Return to Aldo Mare


There was a soft sound in the Poké Ball, and Lucario was taken back!

"It has withstood the attack of the big-character explosive flame charge and can resist like this. What a strong perseverance."

Looking at the Poké Ball that was still swinging violently and the red light kept flashing, Bai Mo couldn't help but admire it in his heart.


At this moment, the elf ball that was shaking on the ground suddenly opened. Lucario gasped heavily, knelt on the ground halfway, and looked at Bai Mo stubbornly:

"I can still fight, I won't lose."

"No, you can't fight anymore."

Bai Mo shook his head. His ability could easily sense Lucario's state. After thinking about it, he came to Lucario's side and waved his hand.

The next moment, the power of Arceus entered Lucario's body, restoring his injury and part of his physical strength.

After doing all this, seeing Lucario staring at him with puzzled eyes, Bai Mo said again:

"Since you want to know about Aaron so much, I'll take you there first, and after you know the truth of the matter, you can decide whether to follow me."

Lucario listened to what Bai Mo said, stared into Bai Mo's eyes, and then ate the wound medicine in Bai Mo's hand without saying a word. After the injury recovered a little, he stood up again and looked at him with hope. White Street.

"You haven't fully recovered yet, so go with me on the Blood Winged Dragon." Bai Mo could probably guess Lucario's thoughts, and said again.

Although Lucario is a bit stubborn, he also knows that his current physical condition is already reluctant to stand up. As for running, it is definitely impossible. With the help of Bai Mo, he climbed onto the back of the blood-winged dragon and faced towards him. Fly in the direction of the World Tree.

After arriving at the World Tree, Lucario also recovered a lot, at least walking unhindered. Under the leadership of Bai Mo, he passed through the passages and came to a cave.

"Lucario, you should be able to use the Flower of Time, right?"

Bai Mo turned around and asked Lucario. When he saw Lucario nodding, he continued, "Then, you can go in. The truth you need to know is inside."

Hearing this, Lucario's body couldn't help shaking a little, and then it took a difficult step and walked into the grotto step by step.

This was the last time Lucario and Aaron spent together, and Bai Mo didn't bother to disturb him, so he half leaned against the wall and waited quietly.

After a while, Lucario walked out slowly, with tears still in the corners of his eyes.

But a pair of eyes have become very clear, it looked at Bai Mo and said seriously:

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