Tong Xin's peaceful face immediately showed a hint of joy. She liked the ammonite beast very much, so she nodded immediately. Since Bai Mo said it, she didn't want to be polite.

At this time, a slightly arrogant voice interrupted the originally cheerful atmosphere on Bai Mo's side, "This ammonite beast is not bad, I want it, you can make a price."

Following the source of the voice, Bai Mo and the others saw a boy in a silver suit, about eighteen or nineteen years old, with blond hair, and he was also very handsome. Excessive appearance is definitely the type that fascinates many ignorant girls.

At this time, Bai Mo stepped out and stood opposite the boy, because he saw an "old friend" behind the boy, Miyato Minaki, the guy who wanted to subdue Suicune.

The corners of his mouth were slightly upturned, as if cynically looking at the young man with the potential of a little white face in front of him, Bai Mo said slightly mockingly.

"Why do you buy elves from me?"

It has to be said that Bai Mo looks more handsome, especially after Arceus' power has broken through to the god level, he gives a noble feeling all over his body.

Moreover, Bai Mo looks very strong now, but it does not give people the feeling of exaggeration. Although he is only about twenty years old, he is faintly half a head taller than the young man in front of him.

All of this combined, coupled with the now slightly domineering words, has a powerful lethal force on all the women around.

It seems that this is the first time that the teenager has encountered such a situation where he is questioned and faintly suppressed.

"Boy, I don't know if you have heard of my name, Miyagi Junya, but I advise you to be more acquainted. You can't offend some people, and you can't use some elves."

Hearing this, Bai Mo looked at Miyato Junya with an idiot expression on his face, and always felt that the Miyato family members seemed to have similar lines.

He was too lazy to talk to this idiot, and asked lightly:

"I don't know the name of the Miyato family!"

"What I'm curious about now is that there are people in this world who are asking me Bai Mo to buy and sell."

"Humph, Bai Mo!" Gong Teng Jun also clearly came here knowing Bai Mo's situation. Hearing what he said, he said proudly:

"Others are afraid of you, I, and our Miyato family are not afraid of you, you subdued Suizun, right? This is a declaration of war against our Miyato family!"

"You'd better hand over Suicune and this ammonite beast in front of you obediently!"

Saying that, Gongto Jun also flashed a greedy look in his eyes.

"very good!"

"You don't regret it!"

The place is not right now, and Bai Mo is too lazy to talk to Gongteng Jun, but he has already made a decision in his heart. After the league competition is over, he will take WT directly to the Gongteng family!

"Hmph, who's afraid of who!" I don't know who gave Gongteng Junya confidence, and he didn't want to be outdone and let out ruthless words:

"If you want to keep your WT, you'd better come to my Gongto family to beg for mercy, haha!"

After speaking, Miyato Jun also laughed and left.

"It's interesting!" Gong Teng Jun also behaved here to make Bai Mo realize something, but would he be afraid?

Bai Mo said that he is not afraid of anyone now!

When Gongteng Jun also left, Bai Mo passed the flashing ammonite beast to Xiaoyao.

At this moment, Booy took two young people to Bai Mo, "Bai Mo, it's been a long time, you're finally here!"

"By the way, let me introduce you, Reis from Veil City. This is the trainer I met when I was traveling in Shenao last year. He won the second place in the Hoenn League last year."

"I played him six-on-six and lost too."

"The other is his younger brother, Shinji, who is fifteen years old this year, and will start a rookie trainer trip next year."

"Huh? Reis, Shinji?"

The arrival of Boo Yi has long attracted Bai Mo's attention, and now he heard him introduce the two people around him, and he suddenly realized.

No wonder he felt that the two people around Booy were familiar, it turned out to be Ash's rival Shinji and his older brother Reis in the previous life in the anime when he was traveling in the gods.

Shinji has traveled to various regions in the Pokémon world and participated in the Pokémon League Silver Tournament, Quartz Tournament, Saiyu Tournament, and Lily of the Valley Tournament.

In the top 8 of the Elf Shenao League Suzuran Tournament, they lost to Ash in eight out of four.

Shinji's later character was mostly due to the present Reis, although Reis gave a gentle and mature feeling when he appeared later, but that was because he lost to the leader of the battle zone, that is, the God of the Pyramid. And he woke up after a fiasco.

And it was because of seeing the defeat of the brother he admired with his own eyes that Shinji especially advocated pure power in the travels that he started later.

Xiaozhi will start traveling next year. According to this calculation, Shinji will also be traveling next year, and Reis should also go to challenge the newly established Battle Development Zone after participating in this Chengdu Alliance.

Reis is definitely a potential trainer, including Shinji, and Bai Mo is tempted to recruit.

However, Bai Mo has no plans to issue an invitation right now. One is that he has not yet thought about the specific plan, and the other is that the current Reis character is not suitable to be recruited. After Reis lost to the generation of gods and grew up, he will send it again. Better to invite.

After all, the generation of God is still his subordinate!

Similarly, for Shinji, Bai Mo didn't want to influence him, because that was Xiaozhi's business, and with those experiences, when Shinji grew up, he might be able to become his recruit.

However, in order to recruit more smoothly in the future, Bai Mo naturally wanted to impress the two of them, so he smiled and talked to the two of them.

Although Reis now is a little bit of a stinker, but I heard that Booy lost to Bai Mo twice, but his attitude towards Bai Mo is very good. Now he is a person who only recognizes powerful people.

And Bai Mo's strength is definitely a powerful level recognized by the world.

As for Shinji, after chatting for a while, Bai Mo knew that he had gained another fan, and it was for Xiao Zhi's rival!

Everyone chatted happily, but when they said goodbye at the end, there was still one diametrical confrontation, because the goal of the three was to be the champion.

After the three of them left, Bai Mo was a little excited.

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