"Come on! The Holy Fire has successfully entered the venue!"

The narrator shouted, "The legendary elf who quelled the war and brought the earth and forest back to life, the flame of Ho-oh, has now been brought to the holy fire platform of the Silver Tournament Stadium!"

Then, in the spotlight, the torch runners lit the torch of the conference, and all the audience applauded enthusiastically, and the atmosphere suddenly reached a climax.

President Damalangi walked to the microphone in front of the torch:

"Everyone who has been selected, the Holy Fire of Ho-oh is here to watch over you. Please show all your strengths, so that you won't have any regrets in the future, and fight in an upright manner!"

The speech in less than a minute received more than 3 minutes of applause. Bai Mo felt that this was the true meaning of the speech. It not only mobilized the desire to fight in the hearts of all the contestants, but also brought the atmosphere of the venue to a good level. climax.

"Now, I announce that the Silver Conference of the Pokemon City Alliance begins now!" President Damalanqi said with a chorus of words and cheers. Once again, there was a burst of warm applause and cheers from the audience!

On the third day, the day after the opening ceremony of the Silver Conference, the competition was about to start.

Bai Mo woke up early in the morning because he was about to fight. After getting up and washing up, he met with Ram and the others in the hall. After breakfast, he went to the hall to read the group table for the battle.

"It's in Group H."

Soon, Bai Mo found himself on the big screen, and also saw two other opponents in the same group, a boy who looked a little younger than Bai Mo and a beautiful girl who looked quite mature.

By the way, Bai Mo also paid attention to Xiaozhi's battle group, and found that it was exactly the same as the original, and he didn't know if it was a coincidence or fate!

"Brother Bai Mo, you are in Group H, that is, the first game in venue C in the afternoon. It will be counted as four matches every half a day. It will be your turn to play again tomorrow afternoon. After the end, Brother Bai Mo, you will play again. Can get 6 points and enter the top 16."

Xiao Huang on the side took the navigator and told the information he knew.

"Haha, before the game started, you knew I would score six points?"

Bai Mo looked at Xiao Huang Dao with a funny look.

"Of course, I have full confidence in you, Brother Bai Mo!" Xiao Huang Qiao blushed a little, but she still supported Bai Mo without hesitation.

"Yes, yes, your brother Bai Mo is the most powerful!"

Nanamei and the girls on the side saw Xiao Huang said so boldly, and couldn't help but laugh, and Xiao Huang hid directly in Shanaido's arms ashamed.

Seeing this, Bai Mo just smiled when he heard the words, and continued to look at the screen, and saw that several people he knew had not met as expected. Among them, Reis was divided into group A, and Booy was in group D. That Miyato Toshi is also in Group G.

Xiaoyin didn't appear, which made Bai Mo's thoughts more certain.


Chapter 0868 The first game of the hot beast!

Since Reis was in Group A, he was the first game in the A field in the morning, and Booy was the first game in the D field, so the two said goodbye to everyone and went to the competition first.

Glancing at the girls beside her, Bai Mo suggested, "Nanamei, you should just walk around the neighborhood, every time the Alliance Conference is held, there are many things and unique shops nearby that are hard to come across. "

"My game is in the afternoon. It'll be fine when we meet again. Now I'll go back to the Elf Center for some tactical ideas."

The girls didn't have any objection when they saw Bai Mo say this. They originally wanted to go shopping, but now that Bai Mo agreed, they all went shopping in high spirits.

Seeing the expressions on the girls' faces about to fight, Bai Mo smiled and shook his head. No matter which world, girls' enthusiasm for shopping is no different.

When the girls were far away, Bai Mo walked towards the center of the elf.

At this time, a flash of light flashed in Bai Mo's mind. Thinking of the express delivery company he runs and the enthusiasm of many people for shopping, Bai Mo suddenly thought of an idea to make money. If it succeeds, then he will build his own power source in the future. It just kept coming. Although he is very rich now, who still thinks that there is too much money?

But now the most important thing is the league game. Keeping this idea in mind, Bai Mo immediately rushed back to the Elf Center.

"Okay, this is the D field. The first game of the preliminaries league group H will start soon! Who will be the first striker?"

Soon the afternoon came, the narrator shouted over the horn.

By computer sorting, Bai Mo and Ruoye Town's Xuehua were the first match of Group H, then Xuehua played against Yanmo City's Jibu, and the third was Bai Mo's against Jibu.

The three of them fought in turn, three points for a win, one point for a draw, zero points for a loss, and the one with the highest score advances.

At this time, Bai Mo and his first opponent, Xuehua from Ruoye Town, had already stood at both ends of the field.

Since the girls were all Bai Mo's companions, they all sat closely in the trainer's lounge on the field, where they could watch the game of the two up close.

Following the narrator's words, the turntable on the screen quickly spun, and then stopped on top of the red one, and the one representing red was Bai Mo.

"The first player to attack is Snowflake, and the second to attack is Bai Mo."

The narrator shouted.

"Dr. Bai Mo, you have too many powerful elves, but I believe that with your habits, you will definitely not use them in the early stage!"

"The elf you used in the selection meeting was just a dumb hippo, and the registration information is too little, so I really can't make a target."

Xuehua didn't release the elf immediately but started a conversation with Bai Mo, obviously she had studied Bai Mo.

"It's not only attribute restraint that can win the game. If you have the strength, you don't have to be afraid even if you have a weak attribute."

Bai Mo shrugged indifferently.

"If that's the case, let you see my strength, and use it first." Xuehua said while releasing a coconut egg tree.

Bai Mo was surprised to see Snowflake using the coconut palm tree. After all, the coconut egg tree is also a rare elf, and it is not only a grass type, but also a very rare super power type.

If Coconut Egg Tree faced Hippo King, the battle would be hard to say, but Bai Mo was obviously not someone who liked to find difficulty for himself like Xiao Zhi.

Moreover, with the exception of the Lightning Bird and the three elves except the Blood Winged Flying Dragon and the Biting Land Shark, Bai Mo had no intention of sending out the scene as a last resort.

To meet the Coconut Egg Tree, Bai Mo directly dispatched the flaming beasts that had evolved to the best of their ability.

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