Xuehua was caught off guard, but she was an elite screened out from the competition, and she recovered in the shortest time, just in time to see the coconut egg tree being blown away and struggling to stand up.

Seeing that the coconut palm tree did not lose its fighting power, Xuehua breathed a sigh of relief, and then after seeing the position of the coconut palm tree and the hot beast at this time, suddenly had an idea and shouted:

"Egg Coconut, use Sunfire."

I had previously seen the speed of Bai Mo's fiery beast.

Snowflake naturally knows that if the egg tree is charged with Sunlight Flame, it will definitely be approached by the opponent and hit as a live target.

But at this moment, due to the effect of the explosion, the coconut egg tree was thrown a considerable distance away, and it was a little far from the landing point of the hot beast, and the time for charging was just right.

"Since the method of consumption is not enough, then use the big move to deal with it. Even if you can't beat it, you will have an advantage in the battle of the elves behind."

Snowflake thought smugly.

"Too natural."

However, at this time, Bai Mo shook his head after seeing Xuehua's next instruction.

Although Xuehua's idea was quite timed, she did not consider the overall situation. Bai Mo planned to teach her a lesson and immediately shouted at the hot beast.

"Fire Beast, move and jump at high speed, we also use Sunshine Flame."

Xuehua didn't understand Bai Mo's order, but when he saw that he asked the flaming beast to use the sunshine flame, there was a smile on his face.

Sunshine Flame is a grass-type trick. Although the hot beast can learn this trick through practice, it is definitely weaker than the drafting-type elves, and the charging time of the hot beast is a little later than that of the coconut tree, so it may not be possible. Fired in time, even firing will be suppressed.

But in the next second, Snowflake's smile froze on his face before it appeared for a long time. The fiery beast that quickly jumped to a high place and then moved towards the bottom turned out to gather power faster than the coconut palm tree and fired the flames of sunlight. The coconut egg tree covered it up before it even made a trick.

Although the Sunshine Flame is a grass-type trick, it is a big move after all, and Coconut Egg Tree also has grass-type attributes. After the attack of the flaming beast ends, Coconut Egg Tree's eyes turned in circles and passed out.

"The Coconut Egg Tree is incapacitated."

In the end, it was the official referee of the league. Although he was shocked and saw the scene in front of him, he immediately made an announcement.

"How is this possible?!"

Hearing the referee's announcement at this time, Xuehua responded and suddenly let out an incredible cry.

"It's amazing, the sunshine flame of Bai Mo's hot beast actually made the first move, and defeated the coconut tree with one blow, what happened? Could it be that the level of Bai Mo's hot beast is too high? Yet?"

Hearing the commentator's words, the audience in the arena were also discussing, if the combo skills of the hot beasts were acceptable, but now this scene is a bit dreamy.

On the sidelines, Shinji's eyes were full of scorching heat, and he asked Reis next to him.

"Brother, do you know what's going on?"

When Reis heard his brother's words, he was a little embarrassed. He didn't know how to explain it when Bai Mo's voice suddenly sounded in the arena, and the image of Bai Mo appeared on the big screen. At this time, the camera was facing Bai Mo.

Chapter 0870 Dr. Bai Mo's Small Classroom

Showing a mesmerizing smile, as if responding to Xuehua's disbelief, and as if explaining to the whole audience, Bai Mo said slowly.

"If the two elves are now facing each other on the field to fight against Sunshine Flame, maybe the Fire Beast will lose a little to the Coconut Egg Tree because of its attributes. That's not wrong."

"But just as attributes are not absolute, the current battle is not a mechanical competition, but a game that integrates the entire field, the trainer's experience, judgment, and the characteristics, attributes, skills, etc. of the elf. ."

"After I let my hot beast take off, it flew down the distance between the sun and the coconut tree, so as to avoid direct sunlight to the coconut tree and effectively prolong the power storage time of the coconut tree, although it can be Getting sunshine around, but definitely not fast."

"In addition, don't forget, there is fire behind my flaming beast. According to my research, this fire can improve the efficiency of absorbing sunlight!"

"In addition to direct sunlight, it gathers energy very quickly."

"Because of this change, the sunlight flame of my flaming beast naturally emits faster. In addition, my flaming beast also has special solar energy characteristics, so although the sun flame is a grass-type trick, its power is also strong."

"And the hot beast is accumulating power while approaching your coconut egg tree. When it is launched, the distance is already very close, and its power is naturally greater!"

"Finally, as the narrator said, my fiery beast level is not low, and it has the level of a quasi-celestial king!"

This is definitely the most bizarre scene in the history of the league competition. The entire venue temporarily stopped fighting, and listened to Bai Mo's narration just like listening to Dr. Damu's speech. However, not only did he not dislike reducing the enthusiasm of the audience, but also a Everyone listened with gusto.

Especially some female viewers, looking at Bai Mo's handsome and confident appearance on the screen, there is a tendency to become a fan girl.

And the girls in the lounge are staring at the stars, and they look cute and proud!

Although what Bai Mo said made sense, Xuehua was very unhappy with his slightly instructive tone, silently put away the coconut egg tree, took out another Poké Ball and threw it out.

Suddenly, a Gotha duck appeared in front of everyone.

"Snowflake's second elf is Gotha Duck, and the game continues."

The referee immediately announced that Snowflake had sent the elves again.

"This time it's replaced with a water system and a super energy system. It's interesting."

With a slightly interested expression, Bai Mo immediately entered a state of battle.

There is nothing to say in the next game. Bai Mo's hot beast unilaterally abused. Even if Goda Duck used a water-based trick, the hot beast directly used a fire-based trick to evaporate it, and then used the cover of water vapor to get close. When I got to Goda Duck, I used the Thunder Fist.

Goda Duck was well trained by Xuehua and did not lose the ability to fight directly, but Bai Mo had already made preparations for the future.

After the end of the attack, let the fire beast use the sun flame.

After hard-attaching the water cannon of Goda Duck, Sunshine Flame successfully launched and directly defeated Goda Duck.

At this time, Xuehua dispatched her third elf fire-breathing dragon, who was a junior in strength.

Bai Mo has no obsessive-compulsive disorder, nor is he that willful. Although he is confident that he can continue to win the game even if he uses the hot beast, this will expose the strength of the hot beast, so Bai Mo changed the elf in the gnashing of Xuehua's teeth. We all know the stay-at-home hippo scene.

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