Seeing Wang Yan's technique of avoiding the explosion of big characters, Bai Mo secretly nodded and praised.

However, it's too early for Da Wangyan to defeat Fire-breathing Dragon Y with this move. Fire-breathing Dragon Y's training in the air with Blood Winged Flying Dragon and Fire-breathing Dragon X is no joke.

Sure enough, in the air, at the moment when Da Wangyan was about to hit the fire-breathing dragon Y, the fire-breathing dragon Y turned slightly to one side, and was very deft to dodge it.


But Ah Wu saw this, not only did not worry, but instead shouted loudly, as if he had been prepared for a long time:

"Big Wang Yan!"

Following Ah Wu's voice, he immediately saw Da Wang Yan's wings retracted, the speed of his flight was reduced by one, and he made a peck attack on the fire-breathing dragon Y, who was dodging sideways.


At this time, Bai Mo was also slightly surprised. Ah Wu's ability to adapt to the situation was good. After fighting with Fire-breathing Dragon Y for so many rounds, he thought of such a strategy to change the attack hall!

In contrast, Da Wangyan's speed decreased instantly, but it didn't stop. Therefore, after only a few attacks, it was taken away by the inertia of the flight, turning her back into the fire-breathing dragon Y.

Bai Mo would not miss this opportunity, and immediately let Fire-breathing Dragon Y shoot the flames gathered in his mouth towards Wang Yan.

"Da Wang Yan, use a shadow clone to escape!"

A Wu immediately figured out a way to dodge, and saw a flash of light on Da Wangyan's body, and a row of Da Wangyan appeared, and Fire-breathing Dragon Y's flame attack only hit one of them.

Upon seeing this, A Wu issued an order again.

"Send Yan back!"

Chapter 0876 Intense confrontation!

"That's what makes it interesting!"

The corner of Bai Mo's mouth twitched, and ordered.

"Fire-breathing Dragon Y, Dragon God swoops!"

Fire-breathing dragon Y roared as he heard the order, and a blue light shone from his forehead again, but this time it didn't wrap his body, but formed a light film that spread out.

On the other side, Da Wangyan flipped, dragging a few white rays of light all over his body, and slammed into Fire-breathing Dragon Y at a super-fast speed.


Ah Wu's unbelievable voice came out. He thought that this attack would hit, but at the moment when Da Wangyan was about to hit Fire-breathing Dragon Y, Fire-breathing Dragon Y seemed to be pushed away by Da Wangyan and turned to one side. , happened to avoid Yanhui's attack...

Obviously he underestimated the flying skills of Bai Mo's fire-breathing dragon Y.

At this time, the dragon god that looked like a light film around Fire-breathing Dragon Y swooped together, wrapped its body, and slammed into the still-surprised King Yan!

With a 'boom', he was hit on an icicle and sank deep into it.

"Fire-breathing dragon Y, the big characters burst into flames!"

With one move, Bai Mo took advantage of the victory and pursued it!

The voice of the narrator also sounded at this time:

"The fire-breathing dragon Y used the fire-element's ultimate trick, the big-character explosion, has everything rested for Wang Yan?"

"Da Wang Yan, take out your backbone and stand up, Da Wang Yan!"

Seeing the big character explosion that was getting closer and closer, A Wu immediately shouted anxiously. It seemed that A Wu's intentions were conveyed to Da Wang Yan. Wang Yan, who had been in a state of fear, actually woke up and fanned at the moment when the big character explosion was about to hit. The wings flew up, stopped in the air and shouted at the fire-breathing dragon Y.

"Okay, the attack just now made Da Wangyan ignite the fire of fighting spirit!"

The narrator also complimented.

"Da Wang Yan, do it again, use Yan Hui!"

When Ah Wu saw Da Wang Yan getting up again, he immediately smiled and ordered, and Da Wang Yan also turned around and quickly approached Fire-breathing Dragon Y by dragging several light strips.

Outside the arena, seeing this situation, Shinji asked inexplicably: "It's Yan Hui again, wasn't it avoided by Brother Bai Mo just now?"

"I must have thought of some way. For something like fighting, fighting in person and watching are two completely different states." Reis couldn't figure out what Ah Wu's plan was, so he had to explain it this way.

"Fire-breathing dragon Y, hot wind!"

Bai Mo couldn't figure out Ah Wu's plan for a while, so he had no choice but to face it head-on. At that time, the soldiers came to cover the water and the soil.

After the fire-breathing dragon Y heard Bai Mo's order, its wings glowed red and began to flap, ready to wait until Wang Yan approached, in order to hit the target with maximum power.

Seeing Wang Yan who was getting closer and closer to Fire-breathing Dragon Y, not only Bai Mo and A Wu, but the audience in the entire competition venue became nervous.

Just as Da Wangyan was approaching Fire-breathing Dragon Y and Fire-breathing Dragon Y was about to release his skills, Ah Wu suddenly ordered again.

"Da Wang Yan, lightning bolt!"

"not good!"

Hearing Ah Wu's order, Bai Mo immediately understood his plan and let out a secret cry, but he found out that it was a step too late, Da Wang Yan had already hit the fire-breathing dragon Y.


Fire-breathing dragon Y screamed and was smashed to the ice on the ground.

A pile of ice dust suddenly stirred up on the ground and enveloped the fire-breathing dragon Y, making people unaware of its condition.

"It turned out to be this plan. Although Bai Mo's fire-breathing dragon Y can avoid Yanhui, if it accelerates with the help of lightning, even fire-breathing dragon Y will never have enough time for his body to respond."

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