Soon, after the rockslide attack stopped, the huge amount of rocks suppressed the body of the Kirby beast, and the Kirby beast could not break free no matter how hard it was to break free.

"Nonsense tree, sacrifice yourself to attack!"

Aze waved his hand and said loudly.

The nonsense tree glowed with yellow light, and rushed towards the position of the Kirby beast.

"Using the Rock Collapsing skill, not only can the additional effect make the opponent fall into fear and can't avoid it, but also can block the opponent's actions and create a second attack opportunity for himself. The plan is good." Bai Mo commented lightly on Aze's way of fighting.

"Hehe, Dr. Bai Mo, now that you know it, what can you do now?" A Ze's expression was calm, but after seeing Bai Mo's calm face, he still felt slightly uneasy, and shouted to the nonsense tree.

"Nonsense tree, do your best!"

Hearing Aze's order, Hu Shushu's body was full of yellow light, and he rammed towards the Kirby beast at a faster speed. Just as he was about to collide, Bai Mo said:

"Kapimon, use the roll to avoid, and then the Chi Bomb!"

Get Bai Mo's order.

The Kirby beast King, who was attacked but never changed his face, turned and turned into a tumbling sphere, easily shattering the rocks around him and jumping out of the pile, and then came into the air!

"Not good, nonsense tree, stop!"

A Ze shouted anxiously, but with all his strength, the nonsense tree could stop if he wanted to. He rushed out and slammed into the rock pile with a "bang", smashing the rock pile into pieces.

At this time, the Kirby beast in mid-air had stopped rolling, and at the same time used the unique trick of infuriating bombs.

The blue force flew over and directly hit the nonsense tree who couldn't escape due to hitting the rock and was unable to stabilize his body.

"What a nimble Kirby Beast, the infuriating bullet hit, the Kirby Beast's infuriating bullet is a fighting-type trick, and it is very effective for the rock-type nonsense tree!"

The narrator said excitedly.

"Bullshit tree~"

Aziz shouted nervously.

With the end of the earthquake trick, Hu Shushu barely stabilized his body and gasped violently. Seeing this scene, A's eyes flashed with a look of annoyance, "Damn, Bai Mo deliberately lured me to attack me, so He can use the burrow to escape, and then make the gas bomb trick hit accurately."

As he spoke, he called out to the talking tree:

"Bullshit tree, use dying!"

"Azer's nonsense tree is struggling to the death. The feature of this move is that the lower the physical strength, the greater the power~"

The narrator gives an explanation in a timely manner.

Seeing the nonsense tree rushing towards the Kabi beast, Bai Mo's expression was still calm:

"Kapimon, give it back double!"


A Ze immediately showed a look of surprise when he heard the words, and then saw that the Kirby beast, after enduring the dying struggle of the nonsense tree, bounced the nonsense tree into the air with greater power, and after crashing to the ground, it had lost its combat effectiveness.

The referee raised the red flag in his hand.

"The nonsense tree loses its fighting power, and the Kirby beast wins!"

Chapter 0882 Powerful Kabi Beast King

"The nonsense tree can't afford to fall to the ground!"

"Player Bai Mo's Crown Kabi has won!"

The narrator will inform the audience about the situation:

"This Kirby beast has never been seen before. It is definitely not Bai Mo's strongest main force. It should be the second or third echelon. I didn't expect it to be used so powerfully by him."

In the auditorium, Booy looked at the elves in the field and analyzed it.

Everyone knows that Bai Mo has a divine beast, that is the existence of the sect master, and that is the main force.

There are also some champion-level existences, and they are also very powerful. That is Bai Mo's first echelon.

In that case, Bai Mo used the second echelon to be Heavenly King, and he could almost dominate the league competition.

"That's right, after watching Dumb Hippo, Fire-breathing Dragon Y, and Electric Dragon, you can tell that this Kirby beast is obviously stronger and should be the second echelon, but the three elves and Dr. Bai Mo cooperated better, obviously this Kirby The training time for beasts is not long."

"However, Brother Bai Mo quickly solved the opponent's elf. How can I explain this?" Shinji, who was beside him, asked suspiciously.

Hearing this, Reis smiled slightly and said:

"One, the strength of the Kabi beast is stronger than that of the electric dragon, which can make up for some of the lack of command!"

"Also, it's because Dr. Bai Mo's tactics are good."

"That Aze has also been a trainer who has been traveling for four years. Judging by his level, the nonsense tree has also reached the heavenly king level, and his strength is very good."

"After using the infuriating bomb in Kirbymon before, that nonsense tree has almost reached the minimum physical strength, and made a very strong dying struggle."

"However, Dr. Bai Mo has used this rare fighting skill to return twice as long. As long as he withstands an attack, he can counterattack twice, while the nonsense tree is a rock type, and being restrained twice by the fighting type is four times the counterattack."

"So, the nonsense tree will lose!"

"Go, sly tengu!"

At this time, in the field, Azer took back the nonsense tree and released the second elf.

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