Under the blessing of the hot wind with the big flame characters, it slammed into the leave king like a giant flame ball, covering it.

Under that scorching temperature, the king who was languidly asking for leave also showed an uncomfortable look.

"King on leave, use Destruction Death Light!" Aze knew very well that the special defense ability of the king on leave was very weak, and immediately shouted out anxiously.

Under the continuous attack of the hot wind and explosive flames, the king of asking for leave inevitably showed a look of pain on his face, and his hair was scorched by the temperature cuffs.

However, due to its lazy nature, it was still lying on the ground, but to Bai Mo's surprise, it opened its mouth and began to slowly gather the energy to destroy the death light.

Chapter 0885 The opponent's powerful leave king!


"It doesn't seem like this king of leave has been lazy for a long time, or is it because the laziness characteristic is activated, but the effect on the king of leave is not so serious?"

Seeing that the opponent's king of asking for leave actually ignored his lazy characteristics and started to accumulate the energy needed to destroy the death light, Bai Mo's eyes showed a hint of surprise.

This kind of surprise is rarely seen in Bai Mo now.

At this time, in the arena, the king of leave, after accumulating his energy, launched the destructive death light, which not only resisted the fusion attack of the hot wind and the large-character explosion, but also easily destroyed the fire-breathing dragon Y.

However, the destruction of the death light did not hit the fire-breathing dragon Y.

Asking the Leave King to accumulate energy for such a long time is enough for Fire-breathing Dragon Y to avoid it.


At this time, something that made Bai Mo even more surprised happened, the king who asked for leave actually stood up.

"Very good, this leave king usually cherishes his own hair the most, and he will naturally get angry as soon as the laziness ends!"

On the other hand, looking at the angry king who asked for leave after the lazy feature ended, A Ze showed a smile on his face, "This time the lazy feature will take effect for a shorter time!"

If Bai Mo knew the reason why the leave king ignored the lazy characteristic, I wonder if he would die silently.

"Fire-breathing dragon, another hot blast attack!" Bai Mo gave an order again.

"Please leave the king, destroy the death light!" A Ze also chose to face it head-on!

In the venue, the fire-breathing dragon Y slammed his wings fiercely, and the fiery red hot wind swept away towards the king of asking for leave, wrapped in a large-character flame that spewed out of the air.

At this moment, the king of asking for leave also gathered the energy to destroy the death light, and a huge orange-yellow beam of light spewed out.

The hot wind explosion was once again hit by the destruction and death light, and it quickly dissipated.

Destroying the death light is like heading towards the source of the hot wind and flames, the fire-breathing dragon Y.

The fire-breathing dragon realized that the hot wind and the flames could not stop the dead words, and immediately stopped using the hot wind. With a flap of wings, the figure immediately rose.

Dangerously and dangerously avoided the attack of the king of leave.

"It's so strong, this guy." Bai Mo looked at the king of leave with some surprise. Aze, the king of leave, was not ordinary. Although he couldn't compare with his main force, he was definitely the strongest among the heavenly kings.

Another civilian with good potential.

"Fire-breathing dragon Y, infuriating fist!"

Shocked and shocked, Bai Mo did not forget to instruct Fire-breathing Dragon Y to seize the opportunity to attack.

Restraining the general system of asking for leave is only the skills of the fighting department.

Fire-breathing Dragon Y will be one of the strongest fighting skills, and the current leave king has fallen into a state of rigidity. Although I don't know if the laziness feature will make the leave king's rigid state longer, but such a good attack timing, Bai Mo Of course I won't let it go!

Hearing Bai Mo's order, the fire-breathing dragon immediately used a unique move, showing super high speed, leaving fiery red afterimages in the air, and constantly attacking the king of leave with his true qi fist.

The king of asking for leave soon showed signs of exhaustion.

Even a thick-blooded elf like the King of Leave can't bear the double hits of Fire-breathing Dragon Y's fighting-type ultimate move.

"Fire-breathing dragon, stop attacking and rise quickly!"

Bai Mo, who always pays attention to the state of asking for leave, moved his body after seeing that it was hit by a fire-breathing dragon three times, and immediately reminded him loudly.

Fire-breathing Dragon Y immediately carried out Bai Mo's order, stopped splitting tiles as soon as it spread its wings, and flew towards the sky immediately.

"Please leave the king, strange force!"

Upon hearing Aze's order, the king of asking for leave stopped roaring, kicked his legs, and the ground collapsed suddenly, and the king of asking for leave also chased after the fire-breathing dragon like an arrow from Xuan Xuan.


Seeing that such a clumsy king of asking for leave actually jumped so high, even Bai Mo's state of mind showed a look of extreme shock, and he hurriedly shouted.

"Fire-breathing dragon Y, fly fast!"

Unfortunately, before the fire-breathing dragon Y could avoid it, he was grabbed by the king of leave and smashed to the ground after landing quickly.


With a loud noise, the fire-breathing dragon Y fell heavily on the ground, smashing a pothole!

"Please leave the king, end it, electromagnetic gun!" Seeing that the fire-breathing dragon Y has not lost its combat effectiveness, Aze continued to give orders.

"There's no way, in the hands of such a powerful elf, the fire-breathing dragon can't break free at all." Seeing the fire-breathing dragon being held in the hands of the leave king and struggling in vain, Bai Mo gritted his teeth, and now he Just hope the slack time of the king of leave is enough, shouts.

"Fire-breathing dragon, true qi fist!!"

After hearing the order, Fire-breathing Dragon Y also stopped struggling, and then continued to use the unique trick of True Qi Fist on the King of Leave. At the same time, a circle of lavender revolving light curtains slowly appeared around the King of Leave.

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