"Please leave the king, we also come to the earthquake!"

Aze also knew that the shock wave of the explosion could not stop the hippo, and as soon as he noticed the vibration of the ground, he immediately responded.

Due to his high defensive power, the King of Leave was affected very little by the shock wave. After receiving the order, he immediately clenched his fist with his right hand and slammed it on the ground.

Immediately, the ground suddenly burst open with the king asking for leave as the center, and continued to expand to the periphery as the seismic waves passed.

On the other hand, the seismic wave caused by the dumb hippo was much weaker, and it disappeared instantly after encountering the seismic wave of the king who asked for leave. Soon, the dumb hippo also showed a painful look.

Seeing this, Bai Mo waved his arm, "Stay at the hippo, use your mind to float!"

After being reminded by Bai Mo, Duo Hippo's body was covered with brighter light. Under the control of his mind power, he slowly got off the ground and floated into the air, avoiding the continued attack of the earthquake.

"Stay at the hippo, control the stones on the field to attack the king of leave!"

Bai Mo looked at the gravel everywhere on the playing field, and immediately came up with an idea.

The power of the king of leave is amazing, so the king of leave should not be allowed to get close to the hippo, but it will cost the king of leave. These stones are the best tools.

Hearing Bai Mo's order, a strange light appeared in the eyes of the shell behind Duo Hippo, and he began to deploy some superpowers that did not belong to him.

A mind power with much less power appeared, but it still easily controlled the stones on the main ground and smashed them at the king of asking for leave.

The king of asking for leave was also unambiguous, and immediately stopped the earthquake attack, waving his fists and constantly knocking the stones that were smashed into stone powder.

With the continuous attack of the stones, even with the physical strength of the king of leave, he rushed to the soreness of his arms, and suddenly stopped.

It was at this moment that it was hit by several stones at the same time, and it let out a helpless roar.

"It's amazing. I didn't expect that Bai Mo's dumb hippo could do two things with one mind. On the one hand, he controlled his body to leave the ground to avoid the earthquake of the king of leave, and he could also control the stone to interrupt the attack of the king of leave."

The narrator shouted a little excitedly.

Hearing the narrator's words, regardless of the excited audience around him, Bai Mo immediately shouted: "Okay, stay at the hippo, go back to the ground, and Nian Li will lift the king of leave!"

In an instant, Aze understood Bai Mo's intention: "Bai Mo is deliberately draining my physical strength to ask for leave, so that the super powers of Duo Hippo can be controlled smoothly."

"Dr. Bai Mo's rare and wrong time!"

A Ze sneered in his heart, thinking that Bai Mo also made mistakes.

Will the psychic power of controlling so many stones to attack the queen who asked for leave still have its original strength?

Chapter 0887 Stay Hippo, Mega!

A Ze thought very well, but he didn't know that Bai Mo's super power was specially trained by Bai Mo, and both the head of the dumb beast and the head of the big tongue shell can use the power of thought.

The only thing that controls the stone now is the big tongue shell that borrowed some of its superpowers because of the fusion with the dumb beast.

Staying at the hippo, you can still send out a huge power of thought.

In the field, with the release of the dumb hippo's thoughts, a layer of light shrouded the king of leave, and after blocking the action of the king of leave, he slowly lifted it up.

"how is this possible?"

A Ze was shocked in his heart, and then shouted anxiously.

"King of leave, break free!"

The controlled leave king also struggled violently, but how could the leave king with serious power consumption break free from the control of his mind power. Although the colored light curtain was crumbling, it still controlled the leave king to slowly rise at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Damn, how can the mental power of the dumb hippo be so strong?" Aze became anxious and shouted.

"King of leave, use the ultimate shock!"

Hearing Aze's order, the king of asking for leave let out a loud roar, the energy of his whole body was released, and the lavender light curtain quickly revolved around the body of the king of asking for leave.

"True gas bomb!"

Seeing this, Bai Mo also knew that when the ultimate impact was completed, his psychic power would no longer be able to be controlled, so he directly asked Duo Hippo to throw the leave king out, and then began to accumulate strength.

Soon, the hippo was ready to end, and a blue-white beam of light was launched towards the leave king.


As an explosion appeared, the king of leave only heard a loud roar, and a lavender aperture rushed out of the smoke generated by the explosion, hitting the dumb hippo.

"Not enough power?" Bai Mo thought to himself, his expression became solemn, and he raised his arm:

"Sure enough, is it still too reluctant for the quasi-celestial king to stay in the normal state to ask for leave from the perverted king of the heavenly king level?"

"In that case, today, stay at the hippo, and let your light shine!"



Seeing Bai Mo's actions, many people in the audience stood up, including Toshin Uchimiya in the VIP room.

Hippo, it can still be Mega! !

Under the shocked gazes of countless people, Duo Hippo completed super-evolution.

What reappeared in front of everyone was a little elf who no longer needed to stand on his feet and only supported by his tail.

Except for the head, hands, and a small part of the tail, the entire body of this elf is still covered by the shell.

The mouth of the shell has spikes, and there are two holes on both sides; in the third link, there are spikes with a protective effect, it can be said that the defense level has been armed to the teeth!

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