Lei Si was also a little happy to easily defeat an elf in Bai Mo, but he was also a little unhappy that Bai Mo was obviously useless as his main force.

"It turned out to be the method I learned from Xia Bo, no wonder."

"By the way, this guy doesn't know if he has completed the task I gave him!"

Bai Mo touched his chin, and when he heard Lei Si's words behind him, he also nodded, and then threw a pokeball, "As you wish, go, stay at the hippo."

At this time, the dumb hippo has successfully broken through to the king level after this period of competition.

And the water system has an advantage over the fire system.

Bai Mo is obviously serious!

0891 Temporary tie


within the playing field.

With a flash of white light, the purple-skinned dumb hippo appeared on the field.

"Come back, Kyuubi!"

Lei Si also knew that Bai Mo's Dumb Hippo was very strong, and he could also make a mega tactical adjustment and threw a Pokeball again.

"Go, Lotte Kappa!"


As soon as he appeared on the stage, Lotte Kappa jumped happily. He was really a natural optimist. Even in the face of the intimidation of the dumb hippo, he just paused for a while, and then continued to jump. His lively appearance was very good to mobilize the atmosphere of the audience. .

"Stay hippo, blizzard!"

Bai Mo first issued an attack order.


Originally, the majestic Duo Hippo, who was constantly provoked by Lotte Kappa, was very angry. At this moment, after receiving the order from Bai Mo, where would he keep his hands, blue light appeared in his eyes, and he unleashed a powerful blizzard.

"Hold on!"

Lotte Kappa has grass attribute, so if he is hit by ice attribute skills, it will not be as simple as being slightly injured.

In the field, facing the swept snowstorm, Lotte Kappa also felt the dignified momentum, stopped beating, and opened a blue protective film around the body, which is the defense skill.

"Dual purpose, one more water fluctuation, the water and ice will combine for me to freeze it."

Holding skills can hold any type of skills, but the power will be reduced as the number of uses increases, but now Lotte Kappa is using it for the first time. Combination skills.

Hearing Bai Mo's temporary change of orders, unlike Majula, the hippo didn't hesitate at all. The big tongue shell on its tail blinked, and a water polo appeared out of thin air and flew towards Lotte Kappa.

The power of the blizzard was thus slightly reduced.

The water polo generated by the water fluctuations quickly caught up with the blizzard and met before the protective film formed by Lotte Kappa's holding skills, and immediately formed a strong ice curtain that enveloped Lotte Kappa.

Facing Bai Mo's combo, Reis didn't look overwhelmed, but smiled.

"Lotte Kappa, Flaming Fist, and Parasitic Seed."

In the ice curtain, an orange-red flame suddenly appeared under the frozen protective film, and then there was a gap in the frozen protective film.

Seeing that the frozen protective film was not completely shattered, Bai Mo raised his brows, intending to let Duo Hippo use the blizzard to do additional damage.

But at this moment, a seed suddenly shot out of the gap in the frozen protective film, and when Bai Mo and Dui Hippo were completely unprepared, it accurately shot Dui Hippo's crown, and then quickly multiplied a bunch of vines Surrounded by the dumb hippo.

The wildly growing vines began to absorb the stamina of the dumb hippo, and the effect was outstanding.

Taking this opportunity, Lotte Kappa finally ran out of the ice curtain.

"Brother is awesome!"

In the auditorium, Shinji watched the game on the field and clenched his fists excitedly. Seeing Bai Mo's dumb hippo, he was a little helpless to resist, as if he had seen Lei Si defeat Bai Mo and then Miyato Shuya. The scene of lifting the trophy on the podium.

In the field, although Bai Mo was a little surprised because the dumb hippo was completely entangled by the parasitic seeds, his heart was still extremely calm, his eyes swept away, and he began to find a breakthrough.

Suddenly, Bai Mo noticed that Lotte Kappa, who originally liked to jump around, seemed to be acting a little weird, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Stay hippo, big characters burst into flames!"

In the arena, upon hearing Bai Mo's order, Duo Hippo endured being absorbed once more, and then his eyes lit up with red light... He opened his mouth and spat out a powerful flame.

The vines produced by the parasitic seeds were also instantly destroyed by this power, and the huge characters were like Lotte Kappa shot at it.

"Hold on!"

Lei Si didn't expect that Bai Mo's dumb hippo would also learn the skills of the flame element. It was too late for Lotte Kappa to escape. Facing this move, he decisively issued an order to defend.

In the field, upon hearing Lei Si's order, Lotte Kappa just wanted to make a unique move, but his body suddenly stiffened.

"No, it's frozen!"

Lei Si's expression suddenly changed. He found some ice cubes on Lotte Kappa's feet. Obviously, Bai Mo's previous attack was not ineffective...

At this time, the big character explosion has come to the Lotte Kappa. After hitting the Lotte Kappa, the huge power took it forward, and with a "bang", it knocked a big hole into the wall of the arena before it stopped. down.

Fortunately, the auditorium is still some distance away from the wall, otherwise, the trick of staying with the hippo will hurt people.

"Lotte Kappa is out of combat."

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