Almost at the same time, Bai Mo and Reis gave orders again.

The fast-running big-tailed raccoon stomped on the ground under his feet for a while, and a strange wave was transmitted to the electric dragon along the ground.

At this time, the thunder of the electric dragon also accurately hit the big tail raccoon.

The two elves both showed uncomfortable expressions, and stopped their own tricks at the same time.

"Electric Ball!"

"Freeze Light!"

At the moment when the two elves stopped, Bai Mo and Reis gave orders at the same time.

In the field, the electric dragon, who had just adjusted his body, roared, and an electric ball condensed in front of his body and was quickly launched.

The big tailed raccoon hurriedly emitted freezing rays.

The result was obvious, the electric ball bounced off the freezing beam with absolute suppression and hit the big tailed raccoon.

After the smoke cleared, the big-tailed raccoon was revealed, and the referee waved the flag and judged.

"The big-tailed raccoon is out of combat."

"Come back, Big Tail, well done."

The power of the electric ball is determined according to the strength of the electricity system of the elves. Obviously, the strength of the electric dragon is very strong, and Reis has nothing to say about the absolute strength.

"Player Bai Mo has lost one elf, and player Leis has lost two elf..."

While the commentator was explaining, Reis had taken out the Poke Ball again and threw it out:

"Emperor Penguin, please."

The white light flashed, and the proud body of the emperor penguin appeared in the field.

Seeing this, Bai Mo took out two Poke Balls!

"Come back, Dianlong, thank you for your hard work."

"Feng speed dog, come out!"

To deal with the emperor penguin, Bai Mo took back the electric dragon with dominant attributes and took out the wind speed dog.

Against emperor penguins that coexist with steel and water systems, the fire-type wind speed dog does not have an advantage, but it can also cause the same damage.

In the case of taking out the wind speed dog, Reis will not change the elf again, and Bai Mo has a special way to deal with this elf.

Sure enough, Reis didn't change the elf, and directly issued the attack order.

"Emperor penguins, drill and peck!"

In the field, Reis gave an order, and the crown of the emperor penguin's forehead emitted a dazzling white light, and the whole body quickly rotated and hit the wind speed dog.

"Wind-speed dog, Yanya!"

Bai Mo knew that this move could break the face, and the speed was also very fast. If the wind speed dog avoided it, it might give the opponent a chance, and he didn't need a special attack immediately.

Hearing Bai Mo's order, the wind speed dog roared, opened its flaming teeth, and bit down on the emperor penguin that rushed over.

"Quack quack~"

After a series of strange noises, the wind speed dog made a violent force, and stopped the trend of continuous retreat. Then, the emperor penguin was stopped by the wind speed dog biting the crown above its head.

Then, firelights were uploaded from the teeth of the wind speed dog to the body of the emperor penguin showing a painful look.

Chapter 0893 The wind speed dog is fierce!

"how can that be?"

Reis looked at the wind speed dog incredulously, shocked in his heart, and sighed that he still underestimated the flexibility of the wind speed dog.

"Clap! Clap! Clap!!"

At the moment, all the audience were also stunned to see the wind speed dog, and it was only after a while that thunderous applause broke out.

Bai Mo gave a new command at this time:

"Wind speed dog, big characters burst!"

Hearing Bai Mo's order, the wind speed dog in the field spewed out a flame, and the body of the emperor penguin became a "big" flame in the air. Suddenly, the emperor penguin screamed.

"Emperor penguins, cheer up, high pressure water pump!"

It took an instant from the emperor penguin being bitten to the big character explosion. Reis didn't react until the emperor penguin was hit by the big character explosion, and suddenly shouted anxiously.

In the flames, the emperor penguin who heard Reis's order seemed to be inspired, quickly gathered energy, formed a spiral water column and shot it out.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, use the third combo."

Regardless of the situation in the water mist, Bai Mo gave orders directly without releasing his superpowers.

Reis on the other side was at a loss for such an order, and he didn't know how to react, but this was the effect of Bai Moyao. Bai Mo, Fengsugou and several other main players had practiced a lot in the small world. Combination skills and fusion skills.

Each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

This kind of command method is what Bai Mo came up with. It can not only confuse the opponent, but also allow him to give his order quickly.

After receiving the order from Bai Mo, Fengsugou opened his mouth and spewed out a large flame of flame, and then used an explosive electric shock to jump into it, turning into a blue-red fireball with a diameter of about three meters and hitting the water mist.

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