As Bai Mo's order sounded, the giant stinger radiated a metallic sheen from the head to the whole body, and slammed directly into the iron shell.

"Iron armor shell, indent the shell!"

Miyato Jun was also unequivocal, and immediately issued an order.

Inside the arena, the double shells of the armored shells closed instantly, and the surface was covered with a layer of aqua blue light like glass.

With the sound of 'bang', the large needle bee directly hit the iron shell, but it did not cause any damage to the opponent, and it bounced back directly after receiving a considerable reaction force.

The iron armor just slid back slightly for about half a meter and then stabilized, and stared at the giant needle bee coldly while spreading the shell.

"This shell's defense is very strong, and it turns out to be the pinnacle of the king level. It can be compared with that iron-clad babe from Kona!"

"It seems that this iron-clad shell should be an elf that Gongto Jun also brought up since he was a child."

Bai Mo instantly made a judgment on Tiejiabei.

The big needle bee's attack did little damage to Tiejiabei, but it didn't make Bai Mo panic, on the contrary, he was more interested in writing, and said lightly:

"Since this is the case, cut the shells open, Big Needle Bee, and use the split tiles again!!"

Hearing Bai Mo's order, Big Needle Bee also cheered up, and rushed to Tiejiabei again, and the long purple needle emitting white light cut into the seam of the tightly closed shell of Tiejiabei.


Everyone saw a flash of white light, and the top of the tightly closed shell of the Tiejiabei was split, but just when the big needle was going to do everything in one go to cause high damage to the Tiejiabei, its long needle Suddenly stopped moving.

And soon, the white light on its long needles also dissipated.

At this time, through the shell, the giant needle bee saw Tiejiabei's cold smile.

Chapter 0901 Hippo King VS Stay Hippo!


The situation on the field gave Bai Mo an extra surprise. He didn't think that this iron-clad shell has such a strong strength while having an amazing defense, and it even clamped the long needles of the giant stinger, making it move. Must not.


Miyato Shun also knew very well about his iron armored shell, and issued an order almost at the moment when the iron armored shell caught the giant needle bee.

As his voice sounded, a cold blizzard blew out from the mouth of the iron-clad shell, spreading in a fan shape, directly covering the large needle bee.

Seeing this scene, Bai Mo secretly cried out in his heart, and immediately ordered.

"Big Needle Bee, use the sun to shine!"

Hearing the words, Big Needle Bee also radiated light from his body, and at the same time, another idle pliers of the plot pointed towards the sky.

Sunlight began to condense on the surface of the hornbee's body.

At the same time, under the strong snowstorm of Tiejiabei, its body also froze at a speed visible to the naked eye, but because of the sunlight on the body surface, it was not frozen for a moment!

"Tiejia shellfish, use dash!"

Seeing this, Gongto Jun also gave a new order, and the iron armored shell immediately released the large needle bee, and then the whole body emitted a yellow light, and hit it instantly.

With a series of sounds of 'pop bang ~', some ice cubes on the surface of the large needle bee's body shattered.

At this moment, a long needle of the large needle bee suddenly emitted a light beam, and the iron shell was completely unresponsive, and hit the part of its double shell at close range.

At the same time, the Big Needle Bee also used the last strength to use a missile needle.


The sun beam entered the double shell of the iron-clad shell, and the missile needle also followed up and hit the two shells of the iron-clad shell.

The double husks of the armored shell were instantly closed.

The power of the blazing sun is infinitely stimulated in the shells of the iron-clad shells that close their foreheads, making bursts of loud noises.

Afterwards, both the Tiejiabei and the Big Needle Bee fell directly on the field, and when everyone looked at them, they found that the two elves had lost their combat effectiveness.

"Big Needle Bee and Tiejiabei can't fight, it's a draw!" The referee announced after making a judgment, and the audience burst into cheers again.

"Damn!" Gong Teng Jun also flashed a trace of anger in his eyes, obviously dissatisfied with the current situation, but now in the public, he did not lose his temper too much.

He took out the Poké Ball and put away the Tiejiabei, a sneer flashed at the corner of his mouth, and he recognized a Poké Ball!

A white light flashed, and a dumb hippo appeared in the arena.

"Well, stay hippo!"

"Championship level? It seems that the Miyato family has an old guy to protect the body elf for this Miyato Junya. I didn't expect it to be a hippo."

"But that's right. Generally, bodyguards will choose those with super powers, which can help do many things."

"Before I announced the method, the Miyato family definitely didn't know the evolution method of the dumb hippo. From this point of view, someone directly subdued the evolved dumb hippo!"

Bai Mo immediately judged the situation of the stay-at-home hippo, and after thinking about it, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he threw a pokeball:

"King Hippo, this time the competition is up to you!"

As the Bai Mo Poké Ball opened, a leisurely hippo king appeared on the field with his hands on his back. The king's self-confidence was undoubtedly in sharp contrast with the dumb dumb hippo opposite.


Looking at these two elves, the entire venue burst into cheerful laughter.

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