Miyato Jun was also slightly surprised by King Hippo's break free, showing a confident sneer.

He didn't think Bai Mo's Hippo King would be able to snatch more than Dui Hippo.

The blue rays of light all over the hippo's body burst out, the speed of the cracks spreading on the ice cubes dropped sharply, and the two rays of light and the blue rays collided with each other.

Seeing this, Bai Mo seemed very relaxed.

The biggest difference between the hippo king and the dumb hippo is that the hippo king's brain has been extremely developed, and it has stronger mental power than the dumb hippo!

And Bai Mo, the hippo king, has existed for a long time. Although the time he cultivated in his hands is not as long as the hippo in Gongteng Jun's hands, his strength is stronger.

Of course, the stoppage of the hippo was still useful, at least the speed of the ice cubes was reduced a little.

It didn't stop.

Soon, as the audience in the entire venue watched in silence, an extremely harsh 'Kaka~' cracking sound appeared!

In the end, with a 'bang' sound from Jiangsu and Zhejiang, the condition exploded into large and small ice cubes that were scattered all over the place.

However, the fate of these ice cubes is not good, and they are directly sublimated into a gaseous state by the force of strong mental thoughts and restraints before they fly away.

Afterwards, the power of restraint used by the dumb hippo and the power of mental strength used by King Hippo also collided head-on!

'Snapped! '

A loud bang appeared, and the two forces were finally stalemate and annihilated!

The expression of the dumb hippo became sluggish in an instant.

The Hippo King remained calm.

In the battle of mental power, who is stronger, the result is clear at a glance!

"King Hippo, Shadow Ball!"

"Stay Hippo, Frozen Fist!"

Almost at the same time, Bai Mo and Gong Teng Jun also issued the next order.

Inside the arena, everyone saw that the ruby ​​on King Hippo's forehead quickly gathered strength, forming a black energy ball that quickly grew in size, while the dumb Hippo emitted an ice-blue light from his right fist and hit King Hippo directly. the abdomen.

Faced with this situation, the Hippo King suddenly stretched out his hand and also hit a freezing fist.

The two frozen fists began to disappear at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At this time, the power of the shadow ball on the head of the Hippo King was also gathered, and it was launched towards the dumb hippo who was close at hand!

'boom! '

A violent explosion occurred, and the hippo flew out and fell on the field, losing its combat effectiveness.

The Hippo King wrapped himself with his mind power and let himself fall firmly on the ground.

Seeing this, the referee immediately announced.

"You can't stay at the hippo battle, the one who wins is the hippo king!"

The audience burst into cheers at this moment.

"King Hippo, so strong!"

"Go, Ivory Pig!" In the face of the defeat, Jun Gongtou also took back the hippo with a cold face, and then directly threw the fourth Pokeball, which was a performance of refusing the halftime break!

With the opening of the Poke Ball, an ivory pig with a height of more than 2 meters and brown hair appeared in the field. Two huge teeth flashed with a cold light, and its piercing eyes were full of desire to fight and a sense of oppression. Full.


Seeing this ivory pig, Bai Mo's eyes narrowed.

The pinnacle of the championship level, the perfect qualification.

Ice and ground.

Such an elf should not belong to Miyato Toshiya, or even the elf of the Miyato family.

"and many more!"

Suddenly, Bai Mo remembered the partnership between the Rockets and the Miyato family.

This is Liu Bo's ivory pig! ?

Chapter 0903 Xiaoguang!Frozen Bird is on!

"It's an ivory pig, it looks amazing!"

In Shenao Futaba Town, a girl stared at the ivory pig on TV with her eyes wide open. She thought of her own ivory pig. The same was done by Xiaosong from Shenaoqifeng City and many others who owned ivory pigs. trainer.

The girl who spoke out was a blue-haired girl who was very pretty and lovely.

Her name is Xiaoguang, and she is a rookie coordination trainer who has just traveled alone for a year.

"I don't know what kind of elf Dr. Bai Mo will come up with to fight against such a powerful ivory pig!" Xiaoguang looked at the TV screen expectantly.

"What a good opponent!"

Bai Mo, an elf like the ivory pig, had also fought several times, but he had never seen an ivory pig that gave him such a strong feeling, and his heart was faintly excited. This was definitely Uncle Liu's ivory pig.

The strength of this ivory pig can never be measured by the ordinary champion level.

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