And Frozen Bird seemed to know Bai Mo's plan, so it would issue such a wave-like ice attack.

At this time, with the arrival of Bai Mo's second shift order, the frozen bird quickly gathered its strength and went out!


An unusually concentrated blizzard blew straight towards the ivory pig, and even the falling hailstones were not close due to their energy, forming a vacuum zone without hailstones in the air!

Then, the blizzard hit the ivory pig directly and began to freeze at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And the ivory pig ran slower and slower. When it ran not far from the frozen bird, it was completely frozen into an ice sculpture.

"Ivory Pig, Rock Blockade!"

However, even though the ivory pig had been frozen, but it had not lost its combat effectiveness, Miyato Shun quickly made a change.

The whole body of the frozen ivory pig gradually emitted a khaki light, and then the thick ice seal on the surface of its body exploded and shot out in all directions.

"Steel Wings!!"

Such an attack could not trouble the Frozen Bird at all. I saw that the Frozen Bird's body was looming, and it had already appeared in front of the Ivory Pig, and its shiny metallic wings hit the Ivory Pig's head!


The ivory pig was hit by the steel-type skill that doubled his restraint, and the hit was the key point. He was unable to resist for a while, and began to hit his eyeballs and fell, and finally hit the ground and fainted.

"The ivory pig can't fight, and the frozen bird wins!"

Seeing this, the referee waved the flag and announced, and the venue also burst into enthusiastic cheers.

"The powerful ivory pig fell, and Bai Mo's Frozen Bird won. What a powerful Frozen Bird!" The commentator also exclaimed at this time.


"Ivory Pig~"

The frozen bird was graceful without losing its strength, and the ivory pig was brutal without losing its skill, which won the warm cheers of the audience.

Of course, more people shouted the name of the frozen bird.


Gong Teng Jun also looked very bad. He had already lost four elves, one of them was an old elephant tusk pig from the second echelon temporarily borrowed by Liu Bo, the head-level trainer, and the other was a hippo that the family had cultivated for more than ten years. .

I didn't expect Bai Mo to win so easily.

And only one elf has been lost so far.

This game is not good.

With a gloomy face, Miyato Jun also released his own trump card!

"Go, Mighty Crocodile!"

Chapter 0906 Absolute zero, the black flame of the fire-breathing dragon X!

"Hey, the first-level champion crocodile? Not bad!"

Bai Mo looked at the powerful crocodile that appeared on the field, and a glimmer of approval flashed in his eyes. This powerful crocodile seemed to have just broken through to the championship level not long ago.

If Bai Mo's expectations are good, this is likely to be Miyato Junya's initial elf, and it is also the only elf he has personally trained to the championship level.

Of course, it must have cost a lot of family resources.

Could it be that seeing the other party take out his elf, Bai Mo has lost the idea of ​​playing with him.

Slowly releasing his mental power, Bai Mo's mouth curled into a radian, "Sure enough, it's here, is this going to hit me hard in front of the people of the world?"

"If I guess correctly, the Rockets may not have a short time to plan this time."

"Interesting... However, who decides who eats who? It may be!"

A cold light flashed in his eyes, Bai Mo raised his head and shouted, "Frozen bird, absolute zero!"


Frozen Bird's beautiful eyes flashed a cold color, and the temperature of the entire venue began to drop rapidly.

The venue at this time was already hail weather, and the temperature cooled faster.

After Bai Mo's order was given, Frozen Birds arrived, and the entire field began to freeze at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

This kind of speed, ordinary people can't react at all.


Almost in an instant, the powerful crocodile who had just appeared was frozen by the extreme cold and turned into an ice sculpture.

Then, the ice sculpture shattered, and the effect of absolute zero started. The strength of the crocodile, whose level was lower than that of the frozen bird, was taken away by the extreme cold, and it was instantly cleared.


The strong crocodile fell heavily on the ground, making a silent sound.

And this sound, like some kind of thunder, surprised everyone in shock.

"Oh my God, kill it in seconds~"

"This level can kill in seconds!!?"

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