Bai Mo looked at Banmu calmly. Beside him, Geng Ghost kept appearing and came to him.

Bai Mo is still looking forward to meeting Sakagi face to face.

But at this time, the terrifying Dama Lanqi with a gloomy complexion finally made his move:

"Sakagi, what do you want to do!?"

"Dama Lanqi, isn't this obvious?" It was Liu Bo who answered Dama Lanqi. He walked to the front a few steps, holding the Poke Ball, and stretched out his hand and said plainly:

"Dama Lanqi, you and I can't tell the difference between the winner and the loser. I advise you not to shoot, or you will accidentally hurt the people around you, I don't care!"

"You~~~" An angry look appeared on Damalanqi's face, Liu Bo actually took the surrounding crowd as hostages!

But this is what he, the president of the alliance, values ​​most.

Damalanqi knew that he and Liu Bo were at most six or four. He could win, but he couldn't win the opponent, and he couldn't have the energy to be distracted to protect irrelevant people.

Liu Bolai was holding him back, but he could only passively accept it.

"You made a very clear choice!" Liu Bo saw that Dama Lanqi didn't understand, and knew that he had made a wise plan, but he did not act with his arms folded over his chest.

The reason why they came to attack the league venue today was just a high-profile move by the Rockets to change from darkness to light.

Now Team Rocket is taking the initiative, cooperating with some aristocratic families and some secretly acting members.

The Chengdu area is nothing but a search.

"Bai Mo, do you want to capture it or do it once?" Sakagi looked at Bai Mo.

"Are you stupid?" Bai Mo looked at Sakagi like an idiot. If he didn't fight back, then why would he fight against Sakagi?

Could it be that Sakagi thought that his previous speech was a heroic speech before the provisional?

Well, Sakagi, who thought he had settled on Bai Mo, really thought so.

"I said, you two, let's go, I'm very tired!"

Bai Mo shook his head and looked at Sakagi's side.

Noticing his actions, and hearing his words again, Sakagi looked at his side vigilantly and took a vague step back.

"Ah, I still want to find an opportunity to help you sneak attack!" Lihua stretched her waist, showing her proud side, a smile appeared on her beautiful face, and her eyes slowly shifted to Kazuki:

"You don't move, I don't move, everything is fine, how!?"

"Zhiba, let's not do a pointless fight!" A Jue came to Zhiba, folded his arms, and at some point a Poké Ball appeared in his hands.

at the same time.

Four people appeared in front of the four Apollo.

"Your opponent is me, please give me more advice." Qingzhi came to Apollo and stood in front of him, the strongest elf that he had trained for a year, the electric shock beast!

"Please advise!" Feng Xue came to Athena, and he took out the giant pliers mantis that had been reborn.

"Next, your opponent is me!" Chida came to the opposite side of Apollo, the Lizard King he used, its trump card!

There is a Mega evolution stone hanging around the neck of the Lizard King. Obviously, this Lizard King can evolve Mega.

"I'm sorry for your words, I'm your opponent!" Qingquan brought Emperor Naboo to Lambda.

There were opponents in front of the four generals.

These four were exactly the four that Bai Mo recruited when he was in the Fangyuan area.

After these four people joined WT, they got sufficient resources and channels for promotion, and they, who had already stood out from the common people, began to rapidly become stronger.

Two years, although they were not strong enough to become champion trainers.

But it's not a problem to use their strongest elves and the semi-champion-level trainers used by the semi-champion-level trainers of the four generals of the Rockets.

If in a few years, they use the pixie they got from WT, it may not be unwinnable.

At this time, in various cities in the Chengdu area, there are members of the Rockets who are looking at them. They cooperate with some of the cities that are at least the top of the line, and some are even the strongest families in the city.

Attempt to wrest control of the city from the Alliance.

But after they took the alliance and the police station by surprise, some trainers wearing WT uniforms intervened in the battle, helping Junsha and the police to start telling the Rockets to clear up.

"Hello, sorry, we want to play with you!" In front of Chakra, Shui Hanqi, Bai Yu, and Yi Tian, ​​the three good friends who were traveling together, gathered together, and at the same time took out their strongest elf.

Yitian used a Lucario, which he liberated from a ruin, and the latter swore to follow the former in order to repay his life-saving grace.

This Lucario has a Mega Evolution Stone on its neck, which it comes with.

Apparently, the two can do a Mega evolution.

Chapter 0913 The dead Sakagi targeted by Bai Mo

"I said, you are handsome, Lu Kalio!" Shui Hanqi came to Yitian's side, winking for a while.

"It's okay." Yitian is not proud, although Lucario is very strong and has the strength of the peak of the king, he and Lucario can also be Mega.

But since Lucario was already strong when he conquered it, Yitian felt that he still needed a running-in period.

And for this sudden combat power, he will not have the emotion of dependence.

Of course, in this battle against Team Rocket's three beastmen, he would definitely still have to use his strongest combat power.

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