"Big Needle Bee, stop it!"

Seeing that Heracross's big horn emitted a white light and quickly flew towards the large needle bee, Bai Mo finally spoke.

Inside the arena, the Big Needle Bee immediately shot out like lightning, and in the blink of an eye stretched out a long purple needle to block Heracross's big horn, raised his hand slightly, and lifted it flat.

"Oh~ Awesome!" Yahida showed excitement, thinking that Bai Mo is indeed Bai Mo, even the giant stinger is so powerful.

This big stinger in the field can actually suppress Heracross's horn in terms of strength!


Cucumber Xiang's originally excited face changed slightly, and then shouted, "Heracross, leave!"

She felt that Bai Mo's shot would not be so simple.

It's just that Heracross was strong, but he was in mid-air and had no power point, so he couldn't evacuate for a while.

"Sword Dance!"

Well, at this time, Bai Mo's voice sounded in the arena.

, the large needle bee spun quickly, and even Heracross's body seemed to become a large umbrella with a golden handle and a black cover.

"Heracross~" Cucumber Xiang called out worriedly.

Without training, you never know how painful a quick spin in place can be.

At this time, Heracross was fortunate to feel it, and the screams he made gradually became weak.

"Increasing the attack power in one breath, are you going to decide the outcome?!" Yachida entered the game unconsciously.

Bai Mo glanced at the situation in the arena, nodded, and said lightly:

"Okay, Yan Hui!"

Hearing Bai Mo's order, Cucumber Xiang already tried to fight back and shouted:

"Heracross, use your qi and fists to fight back!"

Seeing that, Bai Mo's eyes flashed with admiration.

"Using the opponent's speed to counterattack it back, this is the fighting system!!"

"If this hit does a lot of damage to the hornet bees!"

Bai Mo secretly evaluated Cucumber Fragrance in his heart, and decided that this girl is indeed a plastic talent, but he secretly shook his head again, and said in his heart:

"It's a pity that the experience is still a little worse!"

"...When fighting in the air, never expect to be able to defeat me head-on with the same strength!"

"As for the trainer's judgment, Cucumber Fragrance still needs to be honed!"

Making a final judgment, Bai Mo closed his eyes.

Noticing his situation, Cucumber Xiang had a strong bad premonition in her heart.

The next moment, everyone present saw Heracross's body being thrown out!

In the air, the giant needle bee suddenly stopped, and then dragged the white light strips and rushed towards Heracross. Heracross performed well. Although it turned so fast, it was able to quickly respond to the smell of cucumber. Ordered, the right fist sent out a strong white light and punched the big needle bee.

However, Heracross was in a very bad situation at this time. It was very difficult to hit the opponent after being turned a little dizzy, not to mention the large needle bee that is known for its speed.

In just an instant, the giant stinger flew over sideways and hit Heracross in an instant!


Heracross was hit on the field with a loud 'bang'!


The big needle bee winged the cave and flew back to Bai Mo again. .

"Heracross is out of combat, and the hornet wins!"

The referee announced.

"Nice job, Stingray."

Bai Mo opened his eyes and gave a compliment with a slight smile.


Hearing this, Big Needle Bee calmly waved his long needle.

"Damn, as expected of Dr. Bai Mo, he's really strong!" Cucumber Xiang's expression became more solemn!

"The opponent is very strong, please, Super King!"

After Cucumber Fragrant took out the Poke Ball and retrieved Heracross, he let the Super Power King who was standing beside him walk to the playing field.

"Come back, Big Stinger!"

Bai Mo also took back the big needle bee. He came here to test the cucumber flavor of the school, but he didn't make a careful calculation with the very cucumber flavor.

Retracting the giant stinger, Bai Mo turned to face the lizard king behind him and said, "The lizard king, I'll leave it to you!"

"Just touch!"

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