Seeing that the two were ready, Oo immediately shouted.



"Big needle bee, cross scissors!"

Bai Mo first issued an order, and the big needle bee responded instantly, the double needles crossed, emitting a white light, and quickly rushed towards the big armor on the ground.

"Big Armor, use brute force!"

Dara responded immediately.

"Knock down!"

After hearing the order, Da Jia folded his hands in the middle, and his whole body emitted a red light. Then he stretched out his hands to block the front, and grabbed the double needles of the big needle bee that hit him!


The big needle bee pushed the big armor forward and slid about half a meter and stopped.

Seeing this, Dara shouted immediately.

"Use restraint!"

Dajia grabbed Big Needle Bee's hands and immediately hugged the giant sword mantis by the waist, tightening it hard, and Big Needle Bee's double needles couldn't break free for a while, showing a painful look.

"Agile body, powerful strength!"

"This Dara is not bad, as expected of an aged Heavenly King!"

Bai Mo's eyes lit up in admiration, but his expression remained the same!

"It's over now!"

With the upper hand, Darla gained confidence and gave the order again.

"Dajia, use the destruction to die!"

"Big Needle Bee, Sword Dance!"

Seeing that the other party used the battle, Bai Mo immediately issued an order.

The Big Needle Bee had to move quickly, its wings flapped behind its back, and its body spun in place, and the speed was getting faster and faster. Dajia was driven by this force, and he was almost unable to catch the Big Needle Bee's double needles, and then he might be killed. Throwing it out, I also made a few screams with pain due to excessive dizziness!

"Dajia, hold on!" Dara shouted nervously when he heard Dajia's cry.

Hearing Dara's order, Dajia seemed to be encouraged, and grabbed the big needle bee again, and the destructive death light gathered in his mouth was emitted, and then his hands were released, using the rebound of the destructive death light, he broke away from the sword dance. .


"how is this possible!"

Seeing that Dajia successfully used the Destruction Death Light to leave the sword dance and successfully hit the target, Dara was not only not happy at this time, but full of surprise.

I saw that Dajia's destructive death light attack was completely deflected on the sword dance chosen by the big needle bee.

You must know that this is the destructive death light emitted by the Heavenly King-level elf, and the Big Needle Bee is only the Heavenly King-level!

"Very powerful Giant Stinger, will the next scene of the battle with Cucumber Fragrance take place?" Yahida knew that Giant Stinger would not fail so easily, but now she is also surprised.

In fact, the big needle bee itself is not strong in defense, but his speed is fast enough, and the sword dance is matched with this speed, so that the big needle bee can get a strong defense during the selection period!

"Yan Hui!" Bai Mo is naturally very clear about the ability of the big stinger to block the destruction of the dead light. Not to mention that he already knew about the big stinging bee's defense power. In fact, it also depends on who is using the destruction. Although he is a Heavenly King-level trainer, he was originally a type of elf with strong physical attacks.

The destruction light it uses is much weaker!

In the arena, as soon as Bai Mo's order fell, the big needle bee immediately stopped the sword dance, turned around, and dragged the white light strips all over the body to hit the big armor!


The flying skill Yanhui hit with a single blow, and the effect was outstanding, and the big armor was knocked out with a single blow. The latter suddenly showed a painful look, but he did not lose his combat effectiveness.

Seeing this, Bai Mo ordered again, "Use a poison attack!"

"Da Jia, use the scissors guillotine!"

Dara immediately launched the order, and immediately saw the big armor pinching the big horn above the head of the big needle bee, wanting to give the big needle bee a killing blow.

However, when the big armor came over, the large needle bee moved to the side, flew to the back of the big armor, and launched an attack.

"Big Armor, be careful behind your back!" Dara immediately reminded loudly, but it was obviously too late now.

However, when Dajia defended or attacked, the purple double needles of the big needle bee became more gorgeous, and the perverted purple double needles were inserted straight into the back of Dajia.

At the same time as the toxin was injected, a huge force knocked the big armor out and smashed it to the ground. Then, a purple light appeared on the body of the big armor. It was obvious that he was poisoned and turned his head, and he fainted.

"Dajia loses the battle, and the big stinger wins!"

Xiaowei announced the results immediately!

"Super fast speed, not weak strength, the characteristics of the insect species of the giant horn bee itself and the purple mutation have been perfectly brought into play."

"As expected of a BOSS!"

Dara gave an evaluation after taking back the big armor.

"You're not too bad!" Bai Mo admired the performance of this big armor, and praised it without hesitation: "The characteristics of the big armor itself, stability, speed, and explosion, have been used very well!"

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